well okay, "early" is stretching things a bit - and creating a new blog is hassle city.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Oh brother, another marriage gone down the tubes.
Older women are debt ridden - red pill dude's stats
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
"Worthless degrees?" Oh really!
If that be the case, then i guess, the people who have studied early music, and the instruments used some 800 years back, should have majored in corporate accounting, or some other (yawn) $ubject; honing their skills on even nastier ways to hike up (postage-stamp) lot rents, displacing trailer park residents - who will likely end up living in their (not too reliable) cars.
Perhaps, the twenty (give or take) members of Jordi Savall's orchestra, or the Clemencic Consort's fifteen-some members, and the two men who started Sequentia, or the six-some members of Capilla Antiqua de Chinchilla...
What of the twenty-some students of the Gonville & Gaius Choir? Uhm, one has to study diligently the language to sing those songs. Perhaps, some of the students are majoring in biology or engineering. Oh we definitely need more people to design six-ounce boxes of chocolates to trick consumers into thinking they are buying close to a pound - and besides, we all need MORE plastic. Not enough sea creatures are suffocating :/ But anyway...
How many other people - who may or may not play instruments or sing the songs in the languages of the period - ya know, people who majored in the arts? Eight hundred years is a long time. Alot of documents had been lost. So, in composing the music takes serious brain-work - unlike certain other recent forms of what-passes-for "music." (But won't go there, it's Christmas).
The people who rant the most about the "worthless degrees" are ... yep, you guessed it! Red-pills. i guess they haven't noticed how devolved classical music, and art has become. But what to expect from dudes who sit in their jimmy-jams for days on end...:/ And no. Am no expert either. All's i know is, there's a big, BIG difference between for-real classical and pop culture. Same, so goes with the hymns in the church - though yeah, there's a few modern ones which sing well. The classical music (ya know, Bach, Wagner, and the rest) is better, in every way. As for hymns, Hill Song can pound sand.
Is what it is.
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Wedding's cancelled - she wouldn't sign the pre-nup.
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Think there's an agenda with this work-from-home,
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
"He don't like you." Somehow i doubt peewee was the first reviler.
The day before yesterday, was thinking, is there something wrong
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Pre-fall: Is this what happened?
At the end of the day...
It comes down to rules being bent, (uhm, ya think, grace?) for the sake of a certain half of the population, of which the Lord, in His perfect wisdom, did not design to be slogging it out five (or six) days a week. Oh, as if that certain other half of the population don't get a pass from time to time...yeah, right :/ From what i understand, the Monday following superbowl Sunday is the same day, when most unplanned absences are called. Technically, i guess, hung over constitutes a sick-day.
Without going into detail, per my duties, i know first hand that, while one half may be absent more hours than the other - the difference is not staggering. Didn't crunch the numbers, because that's outside my lane. Did read, however, from someone, who did the research, the hours each half takes up, are about equal. Most times, for both halves, it's about family - which may include grandparents, and elderly siblings. Once again, the two-income trap, triggers; because, the one half, who would rather be at home, is STUCK in the trap - and the only way free of its constraints is ... going fundie delulu-land. Can ya spell, pipeline to intergenerational poverty!
Uhm, poverty messes with the mind. Talk to the MAN who's daddy grew up dirt poor. Oh, the old guy somehow escaped it; he worked hard and long. He then married, and supported his family on his earnings, over the years was able to build a healthy bank balance - this was back in the day. Btw, his widow didn't have to bite her nails when the electric bill came, or the old car needed tires. Anyway, my co-worker said his father worked, long after he had the funds to retire - and go fishing, take his grandson camping, or something. But he kept on working, even though age was doing a number on him. Why? Because he FEARED poverty. Poverty yet dogged that old man, long after he had escaped it.
Get so fed up with some of these preeechers.
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Oh, and not only overworked, and underappreciated... there's more.
Somebody on the internet made the statement, "Babies are expensive."
Just a short while ago, some red-piller was going on about how the s3x dries up, not long after the wedding ceremony. Well, aside of the usual 2nd shift, after working all day, wifey is just flagged out... It just occurred to pea-brain me, that prior to 1960, the birth control pill didn't exist. That meant, over the past six-some thousand years of human existence, s3x meant ... oh brother, here we go again, another hungry mouth to feed, another growing body to clothe (a mere 200 years ago, fabric was $$$), another bed to find room for in this dinky shack.
Could it be, there is an "evolutionary" (for lack of a better word) reason why the s3x slows, not long after a man "puts a ring on it?" Of course, there are other reasons - one being: grog tends to put men in the "soft guy era," In short, (yes, a pun) just an added chore for wifey.
For those of us, born prior to 1960, one could wonder how many among our age group - and older - had been conceived in a situation, where our mothers said they'd a headache - or just plain "NO!" But that response had gone ignored, by our fathers - whose upper body strength averages 2 to 3 times greater than that of our (at the time, nonconsenting and just plain overworked) mothers.
Back then, rage and violence, of about any sort, was barely even shrugged at. Hhmmm...
Interesting take - listened to one of Public Offender's" podcasts.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
DNA set-up. These red-pills sound like a bunch
Monday, November 18, 2024
Oh wait, it gets even more ridiculous.
Jasper wasn't done with slamming his ex-wife's body. He pummeled her intellect. This man - who brays on about men's natural clear, rational thought-processes, as compared to women's emotional-driven muddle - didn't he at least have some idea, while dating this woman, that her interest in (high faluting) literature was either lacking, or non-existant. He went on to claim, that women don't read - none of them. His statement is probably quite accurate - women aren't reading his (choice of) books.
He's a writer. But hey, on the internet, we can possess any talent we choose. He wasn't done. He went on to claim, he was of at least two standard deviations, (something like 30 points) on the iq chart, above her score. Oh, if that wasn't a red flag (if not a heathen lie), he went on to comparing her - along with most, if not all, other women - as retarded. He defined the term - a score of 70 (or less).
Here's where it gets laughable. He ended his post, inviting women interested in possibly corresponding with, and maybe, dating him, to get in touch.
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Women are expensive? More like, the same old story:
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Earlier today, in real life.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Punished for not generating mountains of trash.
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Quiet censorship. Was browsing for a book. A well known one, written by John Knox.
Friday, November 1, 2024
She needs to offload that jasper. What she doesn't need,
are busy bodies (usually women) telling her how to handle a situation not their own - namely, dealing with the ongoing drama of a 40 year old tottler who refuses to man up and get a job. And keep at it. These smug little ... witches neither take into consideration, family nor societal background. It's common enough knowledge that, number one, there are way too many parents who simply can't be bothered to teach their kids - their daughters, especially - to set and maintain boundaries. In other words, if jasper won't trouble himself to come to the door, but instead remains on his duff honking his horn - bad sign. Seventeen year old girls are clueless, and need things expounded, slowly, in simple language.
By the way, that marriage ended back in the mid '70s; the jasper - whose claim to fame was a muscle car and his glory days playing high school football - was more focused on boozing than on working. All's i know is, jasper's wife didn't earn enough money, as a secretary, to maintain the trailer payments, lot rent (which, half a century ago, was like $60 a month) heating fuel, groceries... Think the last straw was jasper's tantrum - but anyway, wasn't there.
Could have been worse, she could have ended up baby-TRAPPED by ... that. But instead, several years later, she married up. That is, she married smart. Oh, and she kept on working, going to bed at respectable hours, and getting the promotions - because she did the research and checked the figures.
And yeah, there's the judgies (more busy bodies) ranting against birth control pills - which do, in fact, cause abortion; life does, in fact, begin at conception. That all said, what doesn't get said enough is: will those same busy bodies open their wallets - instead of their smug little yaps? Diapers aren't cheap.
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Five years, and how many air miles?
Sir, do you have to make that "narrow way" even narrower?
Per last post, hearing him preach, did i just hear the snapping in half of a bruised reed? And did i hear the turning around, and shuffling away of someone who had been approaching that strait gate? Can't help but to wonder, if there are actually preachers out there, who only want a certain very, very, very, very few people to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ - while the rest of us, can go ... roast forever.
Evidently that happens (not because susie got her toes crunched), because, a few verses prior to Matthew 23:13 - where a clique of spiritual snobs are keeping joe-th'-janitor from entering - Matthew 23:4 describes people being weighted down with heavy burdens, and not getting one iota of help.
More than once, he - and some others - have about mocked at the most of us (saved or lost) who don't want to suffer in this life - like what!! are we supposed to be into ... some sort of spiritual masochism??? Ew. It's like these guys forget, there's no point in giving away one's savings to missions, (more like, preeecher-creature's va-ca fund) if the giving, or whaever other work, is done in the flesh.
Many of us (saved or lost) regular schmos are thankful for the temporal blessings of a decent home, a car that runs, a job that pays enough to maintain, not only health insurance, but even a modest savings account. In another sermon, he was going on about homeowner's and life insurance being barriers to faith and prayer. Came off as guilt-tripping (weaker) brethren into "denying oneself," but in REALITY doing so in the mere flesh; what? God's too clueless to know who's brownnosing, and who's for real?
And, by the way, isn't the Bible big on personal accountability? These financial products are things which responsible people fund, in order to help safeguard their families from falling into debt. Are there not already more than enough impoverished people? Shelters are full, winter is coming; why carelessly add to the waiting list.
And no, i am not accusing this preacher of being a wolf - simply because: hireling types are very very unlikely to remind their listeners (about every other sermon) to "go get your King James Bible..." This preacher is a human being, and we humans are known to be in error - hence his reminder: "Put me on pause, and read for yourself."
"A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth." Isaiah 42:3
"Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Matthew 7:14
"For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers." Matthew 23:4
Monday, October 7, 2024
WAAAY more disturbing than any misogynist's blather. Way more disturbing.
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Don't have any documentation for this, just something i heard a few years ago. Migraine
Friday, September 20, 2024
Red pill perspective, sounds Ayn Randian - not overly surprised.
The man who had studied, and had worked as, if i am not mistaken a financial analyst, was going on about the spending practices of 20 and 30-something liberal women. Many of whom are still wrestling with college debt - the unpaid principles averaging some tens of thousand$.
Having listened to his other podcasts, he owns property, has income streams, a goodly savings, and is living debt free. In his late 40s or early 50s, he is basically semi-retired - and is aware of other men's jealousy. In all fairness, here's the deal: he didn't have much fun, while in his 20s; at times, swam in his jeans and slept in his car. With no one either able, or willing, to give him a hand, he was on his own. So he worked his butt off, steered clear of dives, saved his money.
His economic podcasts are well worth a listen. However, his anti-marriage stance is best thrown in the circular file. Silly me, had to learn, through having resorted to a secular study or two (instead of just believing what Paul the Apostle had spoken on the matter) that it's not just women, whose minds and bodies end up (permanently) corrupted from fornication.
Here and there, the podcaster will make a statement about wanting to "bang" so-n-so. (Oh, such an endearing description of intimacy between a man and a woman :/) Likely, just idle chatter - he has a live-in girlfriend. Hopefully, she has a fat savings, because...let's face it: as women age, we tend to chunk somewhat. Is what it is. He has stated, on more than a few occasions, he considers fat women as quite unattractive. In all fairness, he also tells men to get off their wide duffs, and "hit the gym."
That all said, what he's observed is: these women - many of whom are in debt - include within their budgets, a significant portion of their income to charities. Per the pocaster, these gals view this budgety category as about as necessary as their hair/nails/net subscriptions/christmas-club apportions. Had him scratching his head, in somewhat bewilderment.
Had me scratching mine. But in more like amazement, and respect, toward these Camel-voting democrats. These women want all the social programs (which will send everyone's tax rates all the way to mars) but, evidently, are putting up their own money - tens and tens of monthly dollars, which would better serve their own needs to pay off that abominable loan, buy a house, and pay that the heck off.
Hmm, sort of a secular tithe?? Waay more important than money, evidence of soft hearts; some of these "leftists" might eventually come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ - and spend eternity with Him, in heaven.
"Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body." 1 Corinthians 6:18
"And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard us: whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul." Acts 16:14
Why do they keep changing this techno stuff, when the older
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Wickeds wicked, and cap alot.
Creeps are creeping, and in the process, draggingvthe Bible through the muck.
Those cheap-skates, per last post, must be using...yeah,
they do that. Maybe, using one of those newFANGled bibles. So many of them out there, these days - new revisions every few years. Heard the NIV, and others are condensed, that's not good. Then again, it's easy enough to skip over King James passages which don't fit your agenda.
Meanwhile, some red-pill (who'd "crept in unawares??") had recommended fathers to not sign their newborn's birth certificate. Two questions: does his unwillingness to acknowledge his son or daughter, render the child as being...fatherless? If something happens to the kid's father, will the man's life insurance be available to help provide for his dependant youngster? Oh, and what about inheritance - land, bonds, cds..? (Or am i simply wandering about in patrician la-la land?)
As for daDUH not signing, sounds like just another red-pill strategy to weasel out of child support / or to make the process more difficult - when jasper decides to ditch his trad wife. It's guys like this, who are the reason, (smart) women hang onto their jobs. Sadly, the kid ends up parked in daykare; later subjected to public school anti-education programs - and the nasty influence of reprobate's kids.
"For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. Render therefore to all their dues : tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor." Romans 13:6-7
"Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work," Titus 3:1
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Oh my goodness, how many hours - and atleast a $100 per -
Friday, September 13, 2024
I said, I said, I said ... just rattles my cage.
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Bible bashers love to point out,
that men in the Old Testament had multiple wives and concubines. Perhaps a mercy because back then, if a Hebrew man slept with a woman who was not his wife, that was bad sin. Bad enough, that God might take away the Holy Spirit from a man who stepped out. King David was greatly worried about that. In short, eternal consequences, for an indiscretion - one which more men than women are prone.
These days, if you cheat on your spouse (of the opposite sex) the Lord will forgive the adultery, if the adulterer/ess is for-real, in asking for pardon, and wants to turn away from repeating the sin. Of course, if the wife finds out, files for divorce, and takes half the house, the 401k, too bad so sad. While the sin is under the blood, the lawyer fees, the years of alimony, and child support payments are on you, bud. (Oh, and have a happy retIrement ;/ )
Back then, if you sinned, and had enough sense to be worried about your soul, you took your best lamb to the priest, and had it sacrificed. But the sin of adultery? People ended up getting stoned for that - with stones, not weed. David, being King, was able to keep the scandal under wraps, but that year had been a tough one. But it surfaced, and became the song of drunkards.
"Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me." Psalm 51:11
"And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbor's wife, the adultery and the adulteress shall surely be put to death." Leviticus 20:10
Sunday, September 8, 2024
A drawing of a group of pilgrims.
From the early 1600s. First impression, these men, women and children left magnificent Europe - with it's grand cathedrals, it's comfortable inns, and convenient roads and shops, for what? A harsh land of nothing but massive trees, savage winters, and neighbors who lived in the stone age. The pilgrims left behind their rich European heritage, to permanently live in a land with no history. Bet they felt disconnected. Couldn't help but feel sorry for them.
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Some fool was going about the best countries
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Off-the-grid geezers - countryfied red-pills; they want...
Marriage with no state involvement?
Sunday, August 11, 2024
Why is it never preached that to "sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor" is a process?
One which cannot be done in a day's time. Not even by a debt free, lower middle class person, in the internet age. If i was to sell all my stuff, it would not only mean finding the right buyers, but also, in giving to the poor, means the process of finding out which charitable organizations are legit, and which aren't. Why is it never preached that a rich man, with his three villas and town home - oh, and the rental properties - probably knows very little about what it's like to be poor, and so, the rich man has his work cut out for him, in learning what poor people actually need, to be able to get free from that ever nagging, grinding bondage.
It's one thing to pass out meals, and even $20s to homeless people - standing near intersections during rush hour. It's also one thing to provide rent free, or low rent, spaces to poor people. And while temporary relief is better than none, there's an old saying about the difference between doling out a fish to someone, and teaching someone to fish. Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Bible, (Matthew 25:27) a man's servant gets rebuked for burying his master's money, instead of investing it.
Had the rich young ruler heeded Jesus's words, helping the poor would have been a process. There are three men interested in buying one of the young ruler's villas - the one that is located way out in the sticks. Problem is: Buyer #1 is a known human trafficker; #2 is a drug lord, and #3? Well his credit isn't so good. The other problem is: the fifty-some servants, who keep up the house and acreage. Sell the place, to a sketchy buyer? Then where will the servants go to obtain work? Back to LaGree's factory-farm? Big history there, not good.
For sure, the rich young ruler, will need to get with his lawyers, and with brokers. Some of the latter he knows - others, not so. In short, selling his stuff is going to take time, careful thought, and alot of research. Oh, and the ruler inherited alot of paintings and statues - he isn't too knowledgeable about the art world, so he needs to get with brokers who are. More time needed to make the right investment decisions. Perhaps, one of those decisions might entail buying LaGrees' - from the proceeds from villa #2 - and turning that nasty place into a farm, where the chickens and the cows aren't stuck in squallid cages - into a place, where the animals are well tended, where the food that comes out of there, is wholesome. And where the workers are able to get themselves out of poverty, because the new owner - the young ruler - pays decent wages. Livable wages, the beginnings of intergenerational wealth - talk about helping poor folks!
In short, why isn't it preached, that Jesus wasn't expecting the young ruler, to have everything sold, and doled out to every bum standing on the street corner - or outside of the local bars - and, by the following Tuesday, be joyfully living under a bridge (gimmee a break!) Oh wait, why isn't it preached, that the rich young ruler was the type of person who had never been one to blow his money on vice? Hhmmm, anyone notice, Jesus wasn't giving this specific expectation to some guy, or gal, who'd no ability to, or means, of possessing wealth - wasn't like Jesus was lecturing at some poor schmo, who'd just came out of domestic relations court (and late on his truck payment).
A few verses up from the passage, he told Jesus, he'd kept the commandments from youth. In other words, we all know - from Proverbs (and even from Dave Ramsey) vice is nothing but a gigando pipeline to poverty (Proverbs 23:21) had the motivated young man, gone through the process of selling and giving away of his wealth, he'd likely of ended up in a new line of business, and perhaps would have become even wealthier. Rich people are generally like that - not being into bling, but into investing, into work; that's why they're rich (while the rest of us are stuipdly watching netflunks, or whatever :/). Btw, Dave Ramsey had, some decades back, experienced a real rough patch - bankruptcy; no easy feat to climb out of that.
Hear too many of these preeechers tell, we're simply supposed to just up and sell ALL our stuff, and so render our selves, our kids - and grampa - joyfully, faithfully living in some corner of an abandoned warehouse, in a sketchy neighborhood.
"Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and saith unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come take up the cross, and follow me." Mark 10:21
"Thou oughest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with ursury." Matthew 25:27
"For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags." Proverbs 23:21
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Call it a delusion, but i like to believe,
that back in medieval times, here and there, were priests, friars, monks and nuns who read and understood, their latin Bibles, and knew in their hearts that salvation was by faith in the Lord - and not through one's own steam (kneeling on gravel for six hours daily, reading thirty chapters daily, giving up cookies - for twenty entire years ...). i like to believe, these individuals imparted this ultimate message unto the people - many of whom didn't know latin, atleast not enough to understand more than a few phrases here and there. i like to believe there were a few members of the clergy who actually taught the Scriptures, who went beyond the mere parroting, over and over again, the (gimmee-gimmee focused) top ten - like three pages worth, out of the 1,200 some Holy pages. Clergymen who were actively concerned about, who had a burden for lost souls.
Speaking of latin, on the medieval music videos, is artwork of the time. Lots of detailed illustrations, and lots of words - on the same parchment; and writing materials weren't cheap, so artists/scribes wanted to sketch/write things right, the first time - no Staples just down the road, open seven days a week. Early and middle English, German, French and Spanish; from what i understand, the European languages written and spoken during the time, was Latin based. Surely, everyday people were able to recognize atleast a few of the written, and a few more of the spoken words. Call me delusional, but i believe the common people of medieval times knew far more than we - who've read lots of books - care to give them credit.
In addition, the Scriptures state that, in the latter times, men "will wax worse and worse." Well, common logic leads me to believe that, over the centuries, people have been devolving towards ... ugh, means people's comprehension is headed likewise.
And NO, the average peasant couldn't read. But come on, were these men and women total dullards? Doubt it! Over the past several decades, our educational system's focus has become more about about class and race envy, a way less than simply teaching johnny and suzie to read and calculate (how much gas will be needed to make a 237.28 mile trip). Funny - not - how this disregard for, even everyday learning, had become quite evident, not even a decade after the Bible had been pushed off the teacher's desk, and into the wastecan. Meanwhile, fifty years later, school officials and staff, still go around wondering why students are acting like mentally unstable animals.
"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Ephesians 2:8-9
"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse, deceiving, and being deceived." 2 Timothy 3:13
Thursday, August 1, 2024
Red pills are crying (surprised?) "Guard your wallets"
And with good reason - September is "Save the Gray Moths" month. :)
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Minimalism? Looking more like white-washed poverty.
Monday, July 22, 2024
Continuation from last post.
There's some details about those wicked cities, that the nastiness wasn't limited to using another human being for s3x.
Ezekiel 16:49-50
"Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.
And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good."
An important website needs donations, they provide
beautiful historic music for free. The gentleman who runs the site says that he, and other musicians are struggling. i'll bet there's more than a few listeners, who'd love to contribute, but many are struggling to keep their lights on, and put food on their tables. Oh, just another reason to despise price gougers and other thieves - because the funds they steal, could, instead, go to things like supporting the for-real arts.
On a related note, a certain (and very wicked) group of malcontents are going on, bashing arts degrees, calling them worthless - as if pig-capalitism degrees are the only ones worth achieving. These are the same people who lay about on their (aunt betty's basement) couch playing video games and viewing pr0n for most the day. Yeah, those people :/
Part of majoring in art is, learning about the time period, and what sort of things were used to create the art. The musical instruments of old don't sound the same as more recent ones. (The old ones sound way better, sound way more real.) Meanwhile, there's a shove toward stem - i.e., how to make bu-ku bucks, building s3x robots, and, in general, coming up with more ways to confuse the ish out of people, while ripping them off - those "agumented intelligence " (AI) voices sound creepy.
Not saying all stem is rotten, but alot of it, only produces the ashy fruit of that certain group cities, which God destroyed with fire and brimstone from heaven. (Genesis 19:28). But am saying, one has to more and more (hoop) skirt around identifying the obvious. And by the way, in those cities, the gross sin wasn't just 5exua1; they were ripping people off, left and right - heaven help you if you were from another country.
Thursday, July 18, 2024
a MAN could have had the answer, in like two minutes.
Friday, July 12, 2024
BEAUTIFUL Music Alert: Musica Medievale on the sidebar.
Office environment - what took her 45 minutes, a man would have done in 15, if even that.
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
Nope, the electronics provider does not
send itemized bills. Why, that would entail, an extra sheet of paper. Oh horrors, that could mean having to...to (clutching imaginary pearls) hire a few extra workers, and oh (someone please fetch my smelling salts) maybe even have to provide at least some health benefits. But here's the real scary part, customers might actually READ over the statement, and...oh (where are those ^¤÷%# salts!!!) might even think, and consider, is this or that option, worth the extra cost.
Surely, it's not just old people who are careful with their resources. Yeah, cardinal sin these days. No joke! Have seen the...well, borderline hate cross people's faces; one time, over simply requesting to look over the machine's instruction booket - because not all sewing machines thread the same. Yep, am one of those annoying people who keeps things neat and in order, and so assumed...
Or are people simply too brainwashed to call bs? No, this is not a dint, people are being sold a dirty pig, in a sealed plastic poke. Sometimes paper is better than a screen. Paper, you can lay on your desk, and compare this month with the last (few). Meanwhile, e-bills are prone to get lost amid the advertisements (for more overpriced crap), and worse forgotten. People, old and young, are being pulled in about every direction - and a bill ends up late?? Each month, the way too abbreviated page appeals to ecology, to get the customer to put their financial data on-line. Uhm, a resounding NO! That shiola opens you up to the reprobates, out there looking to steal - instead of ... horrors, getting a real job, and following the boss's rules to keep it (coming in on time, doing the work, not using the equipment for personal drama). Is this test hard? Evidently...
Go to another provider? Nope, this one is the best around. While there are others, tell me, those others don't play the same, if not even more annoying, games with their billings. And excuse me, but $25 for a wall unit?? Of which, come 2030 (if this old boomer hasn't yet gotten "off th' effing planet" by then) both the wall unit, and the cable won't work with the new device - while the old one was well taken care of (not abused with voluntary garbage downloads) and so, by that time, needed accessories will run close to $100. The 3-foot cable was $20 - for a...a wire, HELLO!!! The protective case was $30. All three, made by abused workers (barricaded windows, anyone??) and all three made with materials, that might cost $3.50, if even that :/
In short, wanted to hang on to the old one, but it no longer can hold up to the unnecessary junk being fed into it - of which we have about no control. Programmed obsolescence...just waxing worse. Meanwhile, the Bible has verse after verse, after verse, explaining why and how the Lord draws a hard line against thieves.
Those red pills were sure gleefull at ms.bluecollar's video.
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Learned a tidbit while in town. It's not unusual
Monday, June 24, 2024
Bank's pushing cash-back credit cards - sure, buried in that nano-font print,
there's a catch. Whatever the reason, am not interested in forming a charge-everything habit; that can lead to serious problems. Why expose yourself to temptations/toxins! And i seriously doubt that $600 dollars received back, is worth the extra 6,000 spent on junk, which usually ends up cluttering cabinets, corners, and waistlines. Am sure the woman, pushing the (666) program, is only doing so, because she needs her job, in order to provide for her child - the one that jasper helped to create, and now he's miffed :/ ... typical. Bet she received training, bet part of that was to regard cash transactions as behind the times, and to convey that to customers
Well whatever. Think the less activity on the radar, the better. Cash transactions leave more a margin for privacy. If i want to buy a package of oreo cookies, (yeah, they're all sugar and chemicals) that's business. (Bet i'll see oreo adds blow up my phone, within the hour - sort of curious.)
Less radar activity. Haven't yet forgotten, and won't for another 80 years, how my office purchasing card got scammed - used it on the computer at work to charge for office supplies. Anyway, had to close out the account, and wait for another card to be reissued. Meanwhile, we were getting mighty low on copier paper - and no, didn't wait till the last minute to reorder.
Sunday, June 16, 2024
Just mean, nasty, and hemotional - these red pills at it again,
but this time, at a new low. They're giddy-festing at women, over 30-something, who are finding themselves suddenly out of work, and struggling to find other sustainable employment. At least, (unlike a certain demographic of seven million) women are actually putting in the work, to find jobs. Payback time? These guys are high-fiving each other (if not engaging in other...greetings) all over YouTube land. Evidently, the formerly young hotties - now some twenty years older (and twenty pounds heavier - stress pounds anyone?) can't get a first date, and if that's not enough, can't get a first job interview.
A red-pill cope. These jaspers couldn't score a hottie twenty years ago, and now, twenty years later, the "fine wine" has aged to vinegar. Ask any winemaker; in order to make wine that won't turn bitter, you must grow the right grapes, in the right soil, harvest at the right time, put into clean bottles, and store at the right temperature. For most of human history, these exacting conditions weren't typically possible.
So much for red-pills, and their (mocking) whine. Meanwhile, milk - that sours quickly, is made into butter, yogurt, cheese. For virtually all of human history, people had to preserve extra milk; they could not afford to waste it - or any other resource.