Thursday, July 18, 2024

a MAN could have had the answer, in like two minutes.

The business, had a woman on duty.  That's when i knew:  uh-o, am shoot out of luck - will have to resolve this one on my own.  While a man would have had either a yes, or a no.  She likely didn't know much more than still-in-the-1970s me.  Is what it is, (more than) some jobs men do much better, are way more competent, than are women.  DEI strikes again.  

Frankly, i don't think she wanted to be bothered - especially with a probable commonplace question; one she either couldn't address, or even know the ordinary follow-up questions.  Or maybe, simply too embarrassed to let on, of not knowing the job very well.  By the way, there was nobody else in the place, and neither did she appear to be otherwise busy with another customer.  So, it wasn't that. And, no, am not going to complain to management - i.e., deal with the "your call is very important to us..." recording of yet another DEI voice. 

Neither do i know the woman's situation.  Likely, just one out of millions upon millions of women, who'd much, MUCH rather be at home with her children, and or grandchildren...but alas, like so many women, forced from home and hearth, and pimped out into the workplace.

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