Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Nope, the electronics provider does not

send itemized bills.  Why, that would entail, an extra sheet of paper.  Oh horrors, that could mean having to...to (clutching imaginary pearls) hire a few extra workers, and oh (someone please fetch my smelling salts) maybe even have to provide at least some health benefits.  But here's the real scary part, customers might actually READ over the statement, and...oh (where are those ^¤÷%# salts!!!) might even think, and consider, is this or that option, worth the extra cost.

Surely, it's not just old people who are careful with their resources.   Yeah, cardinal sin these days.  No joke!  Have seen the...well, borderline hate cross people's faces; one time, over simply  requesting to look over the machine's instruction booket - because not all sewing machines thread the same.  Yep, am one of those annoying people who keeps things neat and in order, and so assumed...

Or are people simply too brainwashed to call bs?  No, this is not a dint, people are being sold a dirty pig, in a sealed plastic poke.  Sometimes paper is better than a screen.  Paper, you can lay on your desk, and compare this month with the last (few).  Meanwhile, e-bills are prone to get lost amid the advertisements (for more overpriced crap), and worse forgotten.  People, old and young, are being pulled in about every direction - and a bill ends up late??   Each month, the way too abbreviated page appeals to ecology, to get the customer to put their financial data on-line.  Uhm, a resounding NO!  That shiola opens you up to the reprobates, out there looking to steal - instead of ... horrors, getting a real job, and following the boss's rules to keep it (coming in on time, doing the work, not using the equipment for personal drama).  Is this test hard?  Evidently...

Go to another provider?  Nope, this one is the best around.  While there are others, tell me, those others don't play the same, if not even more annoying, games with their billings.  And excuse me, but $25 for a wall unit??  Of which, come 2030 (if this old boomer hasn't yet gotten "off th' effing planet" by then) both the wall unit, and the cable won't work with the new device - while the old one was well taken care of (not abused with voluntary garbage downloads) and so, by that time, needed accessories will run close to $100.  The 3-foot cable was $20 - for a...a  wire,  HELLO!!!   The protective case was $30.  All three, made by abused workers (barricaded windows, anyone??) and all three made with materials, that might cost $3.50, if even that :/

In short, wanted to hang on to the old one, but it no longer can hold up to the unnecessary junk being fed into it - of which we have about no control. Programmed obsolescence...just waxing worse.   Meanwhile, the Bible has verse after verse, after verse, explaining why and how the Lord draws a hard line against thieves.  


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