Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Sir, do you have to make that "narrow way" even narrower?

Per last post, hearing him preach, did i just hear the snapping in half of a bruised reed?   And did i hear the turning around, and shuffling away of someone who had been approaching that strait gate?  Can't help but to wonder, if there are actually  preachers out there, who only want a certain very, very, very, very few people to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ - while the rest of us, can go ... roast forever.  

Evidently that happens (not because susie got her toes crunched), because, a few verses prior to Matthew 23:13 - where a clique of spiritual snobs are keeping joe-th'-janitor from entering - Matthew 23:4 describes people being weighted down with heavy burdens, and not getting one iota of help.   

More than once, he - and some others - have about mocked at the most of us (saved or lost) who don't want to suffer in this life - like what!! are we supposed to be into ... some sort of spiritual masochism???  Ew.  It's like these guys forget, there's no point in giving away one's savings to missions, (more like, preeecher-creature's va-ca fund) if the giving, or whaever other work, is done in the flesh.  

Many of us (saved or lost) regular schmos are thankful for the temporal blessings of a decent home, a car that runs, a job that pays enough to maintain, not only health insurance, but even a modest savings account.  In another sermon, he was going on about homeowner's and life insurance being barriers to faith and prayer.  Came off as guilt-tripping (weaker) brethren  into "denying oneself," but in REALITY doing so in the mere flesh; what?  God's too clueless to know who's brownnosing, and who's for real?

And, by the way, isn't the Bible big on personal accountability?  These financial products are things which responsible people fund, in order to help safeguard their families from falling into debt.  Are there not already more than enough impoverished people?  Shelters are full, winter is coming; why carelessly add to the waiting list. 

And no, i am not accusing this preacher of being a wolf - simply because: hireling types are very very unlikely to remind their listeners (about every other sermon) to "go get your King James Bible..."  This preacher is a human being, and we humans are known to be in error - hence his reminder: "Put me on pause, and read for yourself."  

"A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth."  Isaiah 42:3

"Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."  Matthew 7:14

"For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers."  Matthew 23:4

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