Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Was sometime around the BC or AD division, some (likely cheap) seats,

in an arena, somewhere, in the roman empire had collapsed.  Anyway, recall reading, that funds had been sent from about all over the empire to help out the victims of this disaster.  Well, came as a surprise, because i didn't think they had charities back in those days.  So, that just further evidences, that even lost people will help out total strangers, when they can.

Here's where greed - and plain ripping off everyday people - is really vexing.  We all know of people who are in a jam - and will likely not get free, at least anytime soon.  Meanwhile, for the rest of us, there's only limited help we can offer - after all, we've our own issues, and it's too easy to end up in similar circumstances. Besides the people we actually know, who doesn't, at least every other day, also receive mailings from veterans' outreach, soup kitchens, children's hospitals, animal shelters...  And yeah, you want to contribute, but the question arises: does the money help the people, or does it help line some boss-beech's trouser pockets?  Ya even have to be careful with - so called - missions; not all missionaries are for real (or teach from the for-real Bible - a.k.a., King James).

On a similar note, saw a catchy title, while looking over the YouTube newsfeed.  "You're Not Poor, You're Being Robbed."  Amen.  If the post comes up again, am going to give it a click.  Probably a rant about taxes.  But taxes are only the surface - speaking of roads, they won't get paved, nor will the police keep them reasonably safe from drunk drivers - or worse - if there's no tax revenue.

Theft goes way deeper.  Try finding basic housecleaning implements, that you don't have to replace, about every time you turn around.  Those, so-called mop refills aren't cheap, and about all they're good for is, adding to the already overflowing landfill, or further mucking up the ocean - along with countless other items, which are intentionally made for exceedingly limited use.  

And yeah, made my own mop refills - an easy fix, for an old lady, who lives alone.  An old broad, who isn't schlepping from one service job to another, while ever chauffeuring two kids to different sporting events - at the very least, every sunday and wednesday (that's another rotten SCAM, for another post).  So yeah, i have the means to control what goes in my wastebasket; but alot of people don't have that option - i.e., when you're being economically gaslight, day and night, it's difficult to think straight, to plan.  So, to any smugs out there:  grow. a. heart.  Thankyou.

Yep, that's what unsaved people do: rob the stuffing out from people - even from their unredeemed brethren.  And then, turn around and scoff.  But hey, who said anything about "honor among thieves."

"Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Corinthians 6:10

"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake of fire which burneth with fire and brimstone : which is the second death." Revelation 21:8

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