Thursday, September 19, 2024

Creeps are creeping, and in the process, draggingvthe Bible through the muck.

Anybody can get a YouTube channel, walk into a church supply house, buy a pulpit, a bible - (even a King James) and preeech - even a woman can garner a following.  And it's easy enough to accuse 501c3 church pastors of being corporate toadies.  Trouble yet remains, (after the cap :) in order to get a preaching job at one of those brick-and-mortar buildings, one needs to write a resume, and document proof of qualifications for the position.  

But aside of building, or no building, one sure way to determine if the preacher is a shepherd, or just a hiring is:  does he expound Scripture?  Or does he merely constrain one or two (often repeated) bible quotes, within his ever running yap.  Yep, the habitual spouting off the holy top-40 - sign for sure, preeecher isn't much for Bible study.

Some scaley named, Jesse was sure tickling serpent ears.  Yep, ya know 'em - both preacher and congregation - by their fruits.  These men's (for lack of a better term) seething mean-girlish misogyny...borderline astounding. Per the comments, would about make any taliban leader want to sit in, and take notes.  Needful to say, ol' jess didn't include much, if any, Scripture in his 30-ish minute bash-fest.  Of course not, he was having waay too much fun baiting a non-feminist feminist woman.  A real man of God, would have told her, flat out, of her need to shut up and get saved - just like any other lost man or woman.

Of course the gal argued.  This happens to people who've been, for decades, messed around by wicked people - starting out from parents, who evidently couldn't be bothered, to actually raise their kids.  Fruits again, too many parents are just flipping worthless, or next to it.  One for-real preacher (who pastors a church in the midwest) said, if that's your parents, thank the Lord - because it's waay easier to separate, and remain separate, from scoffers like that.  

By the way, there was another you tube preacher, who said the Bible proves, that Jesus doesn't keep his word - that a born again Christian can become unborn, and broadroad, straight for eternal hellfire.  

Anyway, more later.

"For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ." Jude 1:4

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