but this time, at a new low. They're giddy-festing at women, over 30-something, who are finding themselves suddenly out of work, and struggling to find other sustainable employment. At least, (unlike a certain demographic of seven million) women are actually putting in the work, to find jobs. Payback time? These guys are high-fiving each other (if not engaging in other...greetings) all over YouTube land. Evidently, the formerly young hotties - now some twenty years older (and twenty pounds heavier - stress pounds anyone?) can't get a first date, and if that's not enough, can't get a first job interview.
A red-pill cope. These jaspers couldn't score a hottie twenty years ago, and now, twenty years later, the "fine wine" has aged to vinegar. Ask any winemaker; in order to make wine that won't turn bitter, you must grow the right grapes, in the right soil, harvest at the right time, put into clean bottles, and store at the right temperature. For most of human history, these exacting conditions weren't typically possible.
So much for red-pills, and their (mocking) whine. Meanwhile, milk - that sours quickly, is made into butter, yogurt, cheese. For virtually all of human history, people had to preserve extra milk; they could not afford to waste it - or any other resource.
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