Friday, September 20, 2024

Why do they keep changing this techno stuff, when the older

version working better, more manageable?  Yet, with each new upgrade, users' instructions become a shorter, a sicker joke - like the designers never heard of doing a few captioned screen-shots?  (Why shoot, even i can manage that.) As for the "Help" Line?  The absolute worst music is aired, along with repeated lies that "your call is very important..."  All the while, being baited to hit #, or whatever, to get put on the call-back list... yeah, get put on alright!  

It's part of the program.  Keep people, who have real WORK!!!! to get done, scrambling to keep up, confused, and dern frustrated. Regular (real) people know it's nothing but fluff -  parading itself as "innovation", "new and improved," and whatever other horse-patty laden slogans, principalities choose to orally shat forth. Agenda?  Doesn't take a math genius to factor that one.  The agenda is simply one to keep people's minds in a constant state of confusion, and far, FAR away from even considering - oh, let alone focusing upon, for even two uninterrupted minutes, a certain, and vastly more important, matter.  Where shall one spend eternity?

By the way, if there be any scoffers about, kindly sit on a dart, and spin.  Have a nice day 😀

A secondary thought - though related to the first.  Could these needless, confounding, and exceedingly time WASTING changes also be a "make work" matter?  Ya know, the same broad-brush red-pills use to paint women's career positions - that our desk jobs are mostly fluff.  Thing is, the field of software design remains male dominated.

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