Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Pre-fall: Is this what happened?

Somehow, i doubt that Adam was putting in 14-hour days tending that garden.  He probably made some tools, cleared this here, took a break, cleared over there, took a three hour lunch, came back and worked for about an hour, and then called it a day and went swimming.  Along comes wally gator, and he's about the length of a city bus - and about the bulk of a Volkswagen Beatle.  So Adam hops aboard, but the cruise doesn't last.  Wally spots wanda gator - she's so fine.  Wally speeds up/submerges, ditching his passenger.  Adam swims back to shore, coughs the water out from his nose, dries himself off with tuffs of grass, and wonders, What just happened here?  Perhaps, he was also thinking that a beach towel would come in handy.  

Next day, Adam trims a few trees, uses the branches to make the frame of a folding chaise lounge - then gathers leaves and grasses to fill in the gaps - thinking, the get up could stand a cushion, but oh well.  Later on, he calls it a day, and decides to go for a hike.  He happens upon a stallion, and thinks to himself, if i hop aboard, i get the scenic route.  The tour lasts not much longer than a ride on a merry go round, for mr.ed spots miss.edna - wahoo, what a babe! 

Adam gets left in the dust.  He brushes himself off, and half-limps home, thinking, Am I missing something here?

Day three.  Adam wakes up, but feels a tad sore - falling off that ...?  He grabs an orange for breakfast and trims a few hedges.  By mid-morning, he happens to spot an area of tall soft grasses, and feeling a tad sleepy, (quite a spill he had taken the day prior) he decides to take a nap.

"And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it." Genesis 2:15

"And the LORD God said. It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him." Genesis 2:18

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