Thursday, October 3, 2024

Don't have any documentation for this, just something i heard a few years ago. Migraine

headaches are stress related.  It's only my guess, that when people (women) get shat on, time and time again, and don't call the creep(s) on their b.s. - because, ya know, that's not Christlike, we're supposed to suffer.  And smile :/.  Bull dinky!  Health issues, especially, of that sort, play heck, come old age - when women are STILL expected to take care of others - without ... even so much as taking an hour, here and there, to go enjoy a quiet meal, at the local diner.  Bruh!  And, oh horrors, take a $50, (of the money YOU worked for) and spend it on one meal, dessert, and the nice tip for the guy or gal who brings it to the booth.

A nice quiet meal.  No kids to bother you (and everyone else, and no man-baby to gripe and complain, about the weather, taxes, roads, the President ... pick one, or more :/  Is an occasional hour or so, to yourself, too much to expect?  

As for following the Lord Jesus.  Here's a tip:  the Lord Jesus is big on honesty - uhm, truth includes being on the level with yourself.  If you're being gaslit, and repressing it, that's lying.  The preeechers, don't expound on that...hmm; they just want you to shaddup, fill the plate with $20s - even though your car insurance is coming due.  There's a mission trip (to Vegas) coming up, don't you know.  Just folk it over, you old HAG, then get your butt home and make a big sunday dinner, (for the ungrateful creeps, a.k.a., family) then do up the dishes and pans - never mind, you have to be at the big-box by five pm.  

And women are leaving marriage, motherhood.  and church in droves???

"Yet ye say, Wherefore? Because the LORD hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet she is thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant."  Malachi 2:14


  1. Somehow I never thought about Jesus being offended if I'm not honest with myself, but it makes complete sense. I will have to think on how to act on that. Thank you.

  2. Heard a preacher say that lying to one's self is lying. Have to work this one out as well - learn to say no to things i don't want to get stuck with.
