Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Off-the-grid geezers - countryfied red-pills; they want...

These guys want a family - yeah sure, until they don't.  Cannot help but to suspect, it being all about their wants, their needs...these guys have been fickle, from the start.  Ever notice, the first thing out the these guys' yaps is: they don't want the "marriage" on paper - but i'll bet ya they want, ON PAPER that $6,540 used pickup truck; ya know, the one with the dented side, and ... ugh, seems to be leaking oil.  (There's cardboard for that, ask kevin.)

Just red pill SHRILL, ever negging on (and on...) how and why they do not want to get (legally - i.e., legitimately) married, because they'll lose half their stuff, in the event of a divorce - as if women who work for a paycheck don't lose half theirs in a divorce settlement?  Once in a blue moon, you might hear one of these guys mention (virtue-signal)  their children, but the next statement blows that ruse - comes the same old pout; child support obligations ... well, make it difficult to keep up the payments on that new motorcycle - and the early20s seat-cover/s.

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