Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Minimalism? Looking more like white-washed poverty.

Saw a video the other day, of a couple living in, either an rv - or maybe it was one of those tiny houses.  All's i know is, first thing i noticed were some dishes drying upon a tea towel, which was lain on the stove - because there's virtually no counter space.  Not safe.  Her cupboards were tiny, and few in number, so the best she was able to do was cram whatever she was able.  

If one wanted to evil-surmise, one could accuse the woman of not being a good housekeeper.  But major no way.  Just having basic things, like a coffee pot, a toaster, a collander, a few mixing bowls, some cooking utensils, a few plates, cups, cutlery, drinking glasses, tea towels, dish cloths, cleaning solvents - just these, to store neatly is going to require more than two or three postage-stamp sized cupboards and two or three dinky drawers.  

Forget about hanging on to even a few family heirlooms - oh wait, such a patriarchal construct is going the way of ... modest clothing - won't be much room for that either.  BINGO! But what about hobbies?  Some take up more space than others, but even a telescope, a few astronomy books and maps are going to take up space.  And forget about laying out a length of fabric to make a (full length) skirt, and sewing the pieces together.  Bingo!

The whole minimalist/tiny house scene just comes off as a piglet in a poke :/  On some other videos, the content creators were talking about municipal codes, fonancing, and depreciation of these 100k plus-sized coffins. (Are we sliding towards that godless nation, where people actually pay out the ying-yang, for the privilege of living in an area not much bigger than a coffin?)  Within a few years, when the thin walls start closing in, what of the resale?

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