Thursday, December 19, 2024

Wedding's cancelled - she wouldn't sign the pre-nup.

Yeah, the same pre-nup peewee basically threw at her, hardly three weeks prior to the wedding.  Uhm, even 6 weeks notice is not enough time for the bride-to-be to find a good lawyer to help her go over the document, (she's a computer programmer, not a lawyer) and sufficient time for her to decide if she also wants to take out a pre-dIvorce insurance policy.  Call it what you will, but a pre-nup is just a white-washed "I-don't-effing-trust-you...kunt!"  Any gal with half a brain, would either tell peewee to beg off, or she'd get herself a rock solid pre-nup (at least that would stay hard ;/ ... for more than two minutes). 

There's also finding the means to come up with the 2 or 3k needed to pay the attorney for his or her time and effort, pouring over tomes which would make the rest of us - out of sheer frustration and boredom - want to bang our heads upon rough concrete pillars.

Laying all remarkies aside, i seriously wonder, if men are prone to flash last-minute pre-nups - in hopes their (latest) victim is preoccupied with getting the invites out, deciding which caterer, and whether or not a cash bar is tacky (our heroine hates booze - you go girl :):):).  And about family has one...who likes to start needless (post-election) drama, but if you invite one, and not the other ... ugh!

Anyway, the wedding called off, and peewee is braying all over red-pill land, how he dodged a bullet.

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