Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Oh my goodness, how many hours - and atleast a $100 per -

was the poor woman hornswaggled out of!  With what's going on in her life, it's no wonder, this or that spreadsheet formula didn't add up - one cell over, or missed entirely, is bound to happen, from lack of peaceful space in which to concentrate.  Good news is: (after all this time - how many years? too dern many) she came to a safe place (waay too few of them) and spilled facts; namely, jasper needs to get a job, because she (isn't getting any younger and) can no longer finance his "soft" era excuses.  (Yeah i'll bet that's soft too :(

Boyfriend or son?  Well that depends on which office one is referring to...down the hall, another woman is about fed up with jasper - at late thirty-something, one would think he'd have his life together, maintain his own credit card - and not be so covetously cheap-skate.  The disappointment in the woman's voice, spoke volumes, as she spoke into her phone.  The episode concerned something along the lines of a mere hoagy or boli.  She's not getting any younger, either.

Talking out of school here?  Ah, the advantage of keeping an blog address - one located along a cyber sidestreet, of a sidestreet :)  Anyway, needs to be said.  Per the second half of the needless drama.  One especially - maybe two or three of the other women; in short, judgy attitudes.  The sheer lack of empathy.  Sickening.

i'm nobody's dietician, but you cannot tell me, for one second, the woman's pouchy, extended middle is all about carbs, and neglecting to hit the gym. (Like there's time - and gas - for that?  Maybe in some judgy's la-la land :/)  Meanwhile, in the REAL world, bodies are known to react to stress in ways that aren't attractive. I.e., years of working full time, while the ongoing (and fruitless) effort of keeping a postage-stamp place, in atleast some semblance of order ... while livingroom-lizard sits on his tail... Bruh...

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