Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Call it a delusion, but i like to believe,

that back in medieval times, here and there, were priests, friars, monks and nuns who read and understood, their latin Bibles, and knew in their hearts that salvation was by faith in the Lord - and not through one's own steam (kneeling on gravel for six hours daily, reading thirty chapters daily, giving up cookies - for twenty entire years ...).  i like to believe, these individuals imparted this ultimate message unto the people - many of whom didn't know latin, atleast not enough to understand more than a few phrases here and there.  i like to believe there were a few members of the clergy who actually taught the Scriptures,  who went beyond the mere parroting, over and over again, the (gimmee-gimmee focused) top ten - like three pages worth, out of the 1,200 some Holy pages.  Clergymen who were actively concerned about, who had a burden for lost souls.

Speaking of latin, on the medieval music videos, is artwork of the time.  Lots of detailed illustrations, and lots of words - on the same parchment; and writing materials weren't cheap, so artists/scribes wanted to sketch/write things right, the first time - no Staples just down the road, open seven days a week.  Early and middle English, German, French and Spanish; from what i understand, the European languages written and spoken during the time, was Latin based.  Surely, everyday people were able to recognize atleast a few of the written, and a few more of the spoken words.  Call me delusional, but i believe the common people of medieval times knew far more than we - who've read lots of books - care to give them credit.

In addition, the Scriptures state that, in the latter times, men "will wax worse and worse."  Well, common logic leads me to believe that, over the centuries, people have been devolving towards ... ugh, means people's comprehension is headed likewise.

And NO, the average peasant couldn't read.  But come on, were these men and women total dullards?  Doubt it!  Over the past several decades, our educational system's focus has become more about about class and race envy, a way less than simply teaching johnny and suzie to read and calculate (how much gas will be needed to make a 237.28 mile trip).   Funny - not - how this disregard for, even everyday learning, had become quite evident, not even a decade after the Bible had been pushed off the teacher's desk, and into the wastecan.  Meanwhile, fifty years later, school officials and staff, still go around wondering why students are acting like mentally unstable animals. 

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."  Ephesians 2:8-9

"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse, deceiving, and being deceived."  2 Timothy 3:13

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