Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Five years, and how many air miles?

The preeeacher who got caught keeping company with a woman not his wife, evidently had plenty of free time on his hands.  He was evidently racking up air miles, by himself (???)  While his wife-appliance remained home. 

Not surprised.

Oh, did he get to tour Greece, Rome, Scotland and England?  Ya know, places his wife-appliance would love to see, but probably never will.  Happens.    Talk to secular Kay, her secular husband went abroad to various places, on business; while trad-wife she was stuck in the kitchen and in the laundry - with the other appliances.

The wife-appliance of another preacher was left at home, with yet another newly made arrow to the quiver.  What a time for daDUH to go jaunting off - the newborn was like one, then there was a two or three year old, and a five or six year old; that is, multiple young children.  Kids don't sit still for one minute - bet wife-appliance is usually down to her last wire.  

Had to about laugh at the invalidating response he had made to a woman, who called him on his holy-jetsetting b.s.  He told the woman, she  didn't have her heart right.  Puhleeze :/

Now, here's the skinny on my pastor.  He travels - to a conference, here and there, some 50 miles down the road.  Just for a day, or maybe overnight, at a motel 6.  About thrice a year, he and his wife go out of town for about a weekend.  Every church has a joe-th'janitor who tithes his 10% off the top.  Poor Joe's hard-earned money is going for things like equipping missionaries, enabling a certain saint who risks his neck to get Bibles to people who are not able to buy them at the local bookseller - in some countries, they throw you in a nasty jail for merely printing and distributing Bibles. 

Yep, there's guys in the pulpit who are there for vanity.  And then, there's the for-real Pastors.

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