Monday, October 7, 2024

WAAAY more disturbing than any misogynist's blather. Way more disturbing.

A certain evangelist was putting a ballpark number of people whom God saves.  Basically, throughout all church history, maybe ten million.  Tops.  Of course, he, his wife (doing the cooking and laundry off-grid) and child will make it heaven.  As for the 99.9999999999 rest of us (who are not willing to unplug our electric heat in the winter and our AC in the summer) ... we're eternally cooked.

Oh nothing new, back in the day, (1960s) you were about marked as a reprobate, for taking your kid to see a cowboy movie / your wife to a dinner dance.  Even while i was most definitely LOST - like a golf ball in high weeds - couldn't help but notice the harsh hearted smugness among "Christians."  So perfect, and oh, not even a thought to buy a secular record (music media).   The old, if it's enjoyable / attractive, it's sinful - i.e., if the dress doesn't look like a potato sack, then wearing it is a sin.  Where's the "joy" in that!

And you wonder why people, who can add 2+2, figure, why even bother striving, and go on for the remainder of their lives, ignoring sermons, and letting dust accumulate upon their Bible. Such "sermons" are BIGTIME hope killers.  Most of us are not even anywhere near perfect; we know that, deep in our sin-ridden hearts.  Most of us - even who set Godly boundaries - are not into using (if not plain WRESTING) the Bible to spiritually high-hat people.  Uhm, how's that passage go again?  Oh yes, "if possible, live peaceably with all men."

This post is not on the side of drum-set, dark-stage easy-believism; where you're in, because you said the sinner's prayer sometime around easter of  '97 - then two days after, went back to living like a party-animal, and have been jaming to the dead ever since.  No, if there's no change, there's no rebirth - period.  And for real, the Bible talks about the crowded wide road that leads to hell, and less populated narrow road that leads to heaven. There's also a Scripture where pharisee types crowd around the narrow gate, and won't let people pass though, and neither go in themselves.

Starting time for work, more of this later.

"Which say, Stand by thyself, come not near to me; for I am holier than thou.  These are a smoke in my nose, a fire that burneth all the day."  Isaiah 65:5

"But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in."  Matthew 23:13

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