Friday, July 12, 2024

Office environment - what took her 45 minutes, a man would have done in 15, if even that.

That is, a real man - not one of these "drizzle, drizzle" clowns.  Yep, have to spell this stuff out.  Anyway, the woman wasn't even sure the transaction had gone through - software, sounds like the one we have at work.  But anyway, in the (traditionally) conservative place, only a decade ago, they'd of not hired anyone with large visible tattoos - but that's everywhere in these post-Christian days; is what it is.

Purpose for this post is not to question the woman's competence.  Frankly, i couldn't help but to suspect she'd a more pressing concern - one that overrode any customer's need.  As it should be: the needs of her child - the one she is likely raising by herself; the one with whom she'd rather be home.  But hey, these are "soft guy" days... "drizzle, drizzle."  The same softies who blame feminism for their own personal drama, and that of their absent - or otherwise, worthless - fathers.  

Being inconvenienced didn't stop that last Tuesday.  Have to check back in; don't care to discuss personal business on the phone (or the internet - too many reprobates...)  This means, taking extra leave from my job, burning an extra gallon of gas (and extra wear and tear on the car) paying an extra parking fee.  And yea, stopping at home first, because i only carry what's absolutely necessary in my purse (again, too many reprobates ...)

i don't blame her - not for one second.  She, like most mothers, is stuck in a place, where the Lord had never intended women, doing work of which the Lord had not designed women to be stuck doing.  Soft guy era??  Let's call it it for what it really is:  just plain shiftless (lazy).

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