Friday, December 30, 2022

Red-pills bring up the "wall," standard because they can't stand the fact,

that men also have to deal with unfaIr standards - what's fair??  That was in mid-October, weather was perfect, turnout was great :)  Anyway, we all know that men prefer younger, and slimmer, women, who haven't been around the block ... uh, well, too many times.  Red-pills take that option, and run fast.  Too fast, because they're quick to forget, exercising that option (getting the pretty girl) comes with a price - Work.  Oh, and also hitting the gym.  Those hot young doubleDs aren't so into spare tires - well, wait a sec, if mr.mitchellin is a big enough wheel...

Red-pills can't stand being ordinary, can't stand having to get up and go work an ordinary job - and having to put up with taking orders...ya know, the boss is a complete jerk... has this 8-not-a-minute-late obsession - who the eff does he (or she) think he is!  And, if all that's not enough, red-pills can't stand that their dating options are...well, usually the plainer-janers.  Date last night, didn't pan out so well, eh?   Took her to burger-planet, even paid for her meal - WITH fries - and then princess-B-cup said something about 6am coming early.  In short, she didn't put out - that was $15 wasted, bruh!

Well, dude, weren't you just up most the night, on the pill-forums, going on about wanting to date nice girls?  Uhm, that's what nice girls do - they're in bed ... alone, by 10 on weeknights.  

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Gleefull gloom n doom, from the red-pill. Ya know, when the power goes out. Meanwhile the juice is

is on-line, just fine.  And you'd think that peewee could take a few minutes to atleast look at the leaky faucet, and maybe, fix it...ya know, the one, which wifey had politely asked - actually about frakking begged - him to fix it ... last AUGUST!!   It's almost January.  By the way, wifey works full time at her job, and then full time at home.  Sometimes, but not often, she is able to get a wholloping six hours of sleep - wow we ;/

Anyway, with the electric and water working fine, why do things like leaky faucets, low air in the left rear tire, the laundry-room shelf that needs put right (it leans)...why do these simple projects go ignored, for months - if not years?  Do you think these same peewees would suddenly wax mad max (whadda hunk, whadda hero :):) when the power goes permanently out?  If "road warrior" becomes reality, oh yeah, women will be in for a world of hurt - and so will about 90% of men.  

Oh, and by the way, back in canaanite times, when war-lords ruled, guess what defeated soldiers were known to endure, before being killed - or just left to the buzzards?  Defeated soldiers were flipped over and gRaped by the victors.  King Saul, defeated in battle,  took his life, because he KNEW the philistines would "abuse" him.

Be careful what ya wish for, red-pills/pencil-necked basement boys.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Back when the internet was new, was reading books. One of the books dealt with neanderthal man.

Life being rough, the men hunted mostly horse and deer.  Those big aurochs...ugh, the men's hro wasn't, evidently, the greatest - guess bringing down one of those was a special occasion impressing some honey's dad.  Anyway, the scientist who had written the book - and some other scientist - had noted, while there were children's graves, and those of men, there was a notable shortage of women's graves.  These scientists hypothesized that women weren't cared much about - because how folks treat their dead, is a reflection on how those dead people were regarded, while alive.

In addition, there was speculation that the two genders basically lived apart.  That could explain the lack of women's graves.  The gender and approximate age of the children wasn't given - i'd of honed in on that.  Anyway, the women and children - as in some primitive tribes, the boys go to learn manhood stuff, at around eight or nine - left to fend for themselves...uhm, probably many of them and their daughters and small boys, probably became some lion's or wolf-pack's lunch - so, nothing left to bury.  And even if a head or foot was found in the brush, the other women were probably too starved, and just plain too dog-tired, to bother.  Uhm, when yer longtime despised, and told over and over and ... rinse and frakking repeat, that you are good for nothing, ugly, stupid, worthless ... can ya spell brainwashing?

A few years later, in a science mag (i shoulda swiped it off the dentist office waiting room table) was an article about a population of pre-indians who lived in central america.  The men were noticeably bigger, healthier, and lived about twice as long as the women.  The women's remains showed signs of malnutrition and abuse.  These indians lived anout five thousand years ago.

The Flood, per Genesis, happened about 4.5 thousand years ago.

Have heard well-educated men claim, that when the flood hit, some 4,500 years ago, the population was

likely in the billions - about like today.  While i have about no education beyond high school, do have cause to question the billions hypothesis.  When you look at both the decline of both greek and roman civilizations, you see a population decline.  War, famine, sickness, poverty are the causes.  Yeah, and we know what causes that - people would rather play rough, than do the adult thing (i.e., bring up Godly children, help poor people to help themselves).  Romans 1 reminds us, that you'll know when things are turning nasty - when even the women...

Well here we are, on the brink of 2023, and the stats are reading, MANY nations are below the 2.2 replacement level.  Yes, there are a few that are at 3.0 and above - places where war, disease and poverty are rampant.   Why the pop decline?  Because women are fed up with men's two-faced tyranny.  The Lord told Eve "...and he shall rule over you."   

A modern day peasants' revolt :)

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Sharon is 23, she stands about 5'5" and weighd about 130. Not fat, not skinny.

Per a stat from about 30 years ago, the average weight gain of a married woman is about 10 pounds - as a wife, she cooks - even if she's not hungry.  Okay, so she loses the weight. Two years later 5 pounds creeps back.  Sharon is now 25 and weighs 135.  She continues to battle against the other five pounds - loses two, gains back one, loses 3, gains two...ugh.   Another two years pass, her weight is 133.  

The strip reads a positive.  A few months after the baby is born, she is able to work off 10 of the 20 pounds she had gained.  She is 27 and weighs 145.  Three years later, a few months after the birth of the couple's second child, she's able to get back to the gym, and is being successful at keeping off 15 of the 25 pounds she had gained.  Sharon is 30 and weighs 155 pounds; she is still battling. 

Years pass.  Sharon is 40.  Still battling, and cooking, even when not hungry.  But boy-howdy, it's like she can't cook enough ... where do kids put it all?  She managed to get back into her favorite jeans, and is quite happy.  She weighs 150, and hopes to atleast lose ten more.  An even more intense battle, like rolling a rock up an incline.  But she wages on.

Sharon is 60.  While the heat flashes were few, and the mood swings even fewer, boy did the change of life affect her metabolism.  Still hitting the gym, Sharon weighs 160.  Those favorite jeans have long been deposited into the goodwill box.

She started out at 130, and is now at 160.  This happens to women.  We gals are prone to weight gain.   It's called life in the real world.  Even to women who put in the work to keep their weight under control.  Please note, she gained 30 pounds over the last 35ish years.  Not 80.  

Friday, December 23, 2022

Biological imperatives - why is the man's(?) bio lust to screw around more important than the woman's bio need for security.

cHads sweettalk side chicks, who become baby-moms - just what we all need: more fatherLESS children.  Meanwhile, women's compelling need for a man's provisioning/problem solving (i.e., fix the roof!) is very legit; women have babies, and babies are very dependent.  In fact, the very workplace has had to make changes in order to accommodate the legions of women (farmed out or thrown out, by their ... huh! "men").  Of course, the childfree gals are beefing, because they're supposedly getting stuck working overtime - well, welcome to the village; hillary clinton was right about that one.  

Women's biological imperative for security isn't the fancy stuff.  Security is just plain old adult responsibility...ya know, the trees trimmed... uhm, so high winds don't become a stress-drama.  Oh yeah, and the spouting be secure...uhm, so the basement stays dry - because, boy-howdy, they're calling for one sloppy wintry mix.  And decent windows - ones that keep the sub-freezing outside.  By the way, the mailbox is standing wonky ... for the last three years - when's that going to be put right.  We've already discussed the slow drain/s.  THIS is the kind of stuff, women "NAG" about - stuff that should have been fixed from the get-go.

Why doesn't wifey fix it?  Well, between her two full-time jobs, she neither has the time to learn the skills in doing MAN'S job, nor has she the energy to do those things.  Uh, okay, let's be real here - wifey is too much of a scardy-cat to climb ladders, with tools in tow.  And forget about her fixing that one - no wait, two - electrical outlets, that are ... well, loose or something; either way, would save alot of hassle, for everyone, if they could be trusted.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Older women and poverty? Another financial analyst had some stats about gender, and being unprepared

for retIrement.  Forty seven percent of men have no savings/would be hard pressed to come up with 1k to handle an unexpected expense.  For women, the stat is fifty three percent.  Needful to say, the longer you live into old age ...  Could men's shorter lifespans have anything to do with not getting med checkups?  Could old women's money issues have anything to do with medical bills?  (Dad told me, back in the 90s - when he staffed the phone for a collection agency - the number one reason for late bills, was medical expenses.  i thought it was shopping or vacas.)

The broadcast would likely bust some peewee-o'sphere bubbles.  Over there, the pron-soaked wankers, in a loud shrill tone, are getting off, at the idea of homeless post "wall" women.  Oh, by the way, on the cover of a recent veteran's magazine, is pictured a homeless female veteran.  Now, we know that manly men come back from battle, with alot of issues.  Well...duh?  She had served in battle, came back with, evidently, a whole lot of things she didn't want to recall; she then had been smacked around by this or that boyfriend - or two.  Have to wonder, how close to battle did BOYfriend/s get?  "Call of Duty" video game, anyone?

Anyway, as for post "wall" poverty, talk to the woman who is working some 60 hours per week - her full-time being physically demanding.  She is working all those hours - at the sacrifice of a for-real home-life - in order to fund her son's college education.  Uh, as for the young man's dad?  Yep, you guessed it: not. a. dime.

Oh, so want to call more bs - oh, so want to go for the juggler, babah.  So past time to get offa blog-land, and read some Scripture.  Really need to, yikes.

Monday, December 19, 2022

Back in bad old days, when the wedding vow included that scary, scary four-letter word

yikes, for the bride, beginning with an "O."  Well guess what else was in the vow?  Didn't know this, until having listened to two separate Dave Ramsey broadcasts.  But anyway, the husband vows to share/bestow all his worldly goods.   In other words, while the bride promises to obey the groom; he promises to provide for her - and not hold back for his ba$$ boat, fi$hing rod, football season pass (for one) ... while wifey gets stuck wearing second-hand clothing.  Nope, that vow means, buy the gal some decent duds, and give her enough household money; and if he can't afford two tickets to vaca wherever, then he also stays home. Hear the red-pills spew, the very first thing on their minds is hording their marble$.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Well, that was almost funny - some divorced dude giving out marital advice. Per an earlier video, he (?) was going on about half his income going

for child support.  Half, because the normal third goes to support a father's children by one mother; evidently, if a guy goes out horndogging, and gets another gal pregnant...  In these misog videos, there is one theme; these punks want free nookie - that's all there is to it.  They want their wife/ girlfriend to work full-time, do most - if not all - the housework and childcare, the grocery shopping, child chauffeur service, and cook a nice hot dinner.  Oh, and after all that, she is supposed be more than eager to get out the knee-pads (i.e., a slow hummer).  Okay, i just love to scorn and mock weirdo s3x - that really isn't; s3x is about the potential of making little people - otherwise, it's...ew. gross! 

The second...well, actually directly related to the first is:  these guys(?) are way more concerned about their precious money.  Cheapskates.  The lot of 'em!  Just plain stingy...over a $25 dinner at the local diner...says all that's needed about a person.  Saw a sensible post, on another video, presented by a real man; he said that if a man isn't willing to provide/protect a gal he is dating, he will likely not care to do the same for his future wife.

And no, it is so NOT alright for a gal to run through a guy's money... bad sign.  Dude, drop that... like hot metal.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Wanted to read the article that came in the feed, but ya have to pay.

Uhm, no!  But can guess.  Title read, that the government of Thailand is fixing to make fornication illegal.  Don't know how that's going to pan out, but i think they're concerned about the growing number of s3x-tourism.  Think they're attempting to protect their young women from luzers, coming over from the us, and probably other "1st world" nations.  Sounds like a good move, because if guys can't make it WORK with their own women, why should they regard the women of another nation, any better?  Developing nations have enough of their own troubles; they don't need gangs of fatherless kids roaming their streets, defacing their buildings.

Workshy gangs.  This is not a scowl on single moms.  Fact is: raising children is tough enough on two parents, let alone one.  While single dads are known to score free babysitting, single moms don't have that option.  Mom, already stressed, financially, has to pay, and will pay more if she's 10-minutes late getting off work.  From there, to her housework second-shift, she's just plain dog-tired - and feels exactly that.

What?  Through all that, you expect her to wax June Cleaver?

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The misog community goes on about men over 50 having no problem scoring.

Really?  Will have google that one.  Though, think i read, things start slowing down around in the 40s.  And so yeah, there's going to be problems.  Becky is 23, and she's gorgeous, and energetic.  And yeah, i get it: it's only Wednesday, and you have work tomorrow.  Uhm, so does she.  But, it's an age thing - being out till half past eleven, is one thing, for a 20-something.  And another, for a 50-something.  And besides that, why shouldn't the girl be able to have some fun on the disco-floor?  It's not like there's a ring on her finger.  And it's not like she has forever, either.  

Yeah, funny how things like rings, and a date (to get with the preacher) are known to settle things down.  But nnnoooohoho, you're not into, that "piece of paper" - but ya shure were, when ya bought that snow-blower last fall.  And we're not even going to talk about the sports car.

Anyway, the telltale flinging back of blond tresses and the half-stomp of stilettos toward a neighboring room, is hardly a half-subtle message, nor one undelivered to your ear.  And yeah, she's pouting.  Of course she's being childish.  She's 23, you idiot.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Being the Christmas season, had decided to turn on the radio, thinking i might be able to listen

to some glorious Christmas music.  Silly me.  Was nothing was the usual worldling rubbish.  Want REAL music on the radio?  Godda pay for that.  Something like $10, maybe $20 a month.  Just another bill, and they want the payments made via credit card - of ccouussse they do :/  thi$ and that...shiola adds up real quick.  Uhm, know a woman who's into all that - about my age, don't know how she is going to figure retirement.  Suffice to say, a history there - of going shopping, va-ca'ing and such.  

Which causes me to ponder, per a stat.  More than once, have heard the gleeful thrills, coming from the so-called, nanosphere (HA! anything but, but anyway...) They were going on about post-"wall" women being broke (and boy, are they getting their pebbles off, anticipating the coming economic winter, anyway...) while buying some 70% of things.  Uhm, yeah!  Been to a store lately?  It's usually women shopping for groceries, kid's clothing, printer ink ... oh yeah, and hefting two bags of rocksalt, before heading home ... to start her second-shift.  And she's overweight, grouchy - and is, habitually, less than excited over being a mere oral one-sided.  Uhm, nothing like, "And Adam knew Eve his wife;" (Genesis 4:1a) not even close.

Anyway, as for music, i'll wait.  Bible indicates, that the music in Heaven is really, really beautiful - talkabout "surround sound."

Shift about to start.  Bye.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

She had to be about the 4th or 5th post "wall" "female", who had briefed of her past

experience, at the hands of an abusive boyfriend or husband.  Ya know, hitting, cheating, isolation, ongoing theft (financial abuse)... Anyway, the woman, being now 50-something, gets off work, and comes home to a neat peaceful space, and enjoys the company of her cat/s.   Am i seeing a trend here?  

Well, one thing i am definitely seeing is: the clock.  Yikes, i godda put down this phone, and get ready for church.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Think the light finally switched on :) Last i checked, miss-red-pill-brownnoser is still single. And yeah, she isn't stupid. Anyway,

she has a gloom-n-doom you-tube out, concerning the coming price hikes, and subsequent layoffs - as a result.  And of course, the red-pill pukes are all a glee; because these about-to-vanish jobs will - supposedly - affect single women.  Perhaps, this red-pill toady is fixing to score, even more points ... in hopes that one of them, out there in you-tube land will wife her up.  She's still young, attractive enough and motivated.  But red-pills are ... well, about everything they accuse "females" of being.  So dearie, wouldn't bet on any rescue coming through - not from any of them wankers.  They use. Then simply walk away. Best any woman, with any brain cells can do is: RUN!

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Quiver-full. A preacher had described a warrior's supply of arrows; he needs, not only top notch ones, but

a good supply, in order to get the job done.  However, not too many, because wally-warrior must climb rocky hills - and be ready, on a dime, to veer this or that way/dive behind a rock.  In addition, our mighty man, also must carry other supplies - like food, water, tools, medical...  

But when the quiver cultists go if wives should, more like be baby factories, produce like a baker's dozen...isn't it odd, how these pulpiteers forget a certain Biblical fact.  Go through the Bible, and count the number of children the moms had.  You'll see, mom over here in this chapter had three; mom over there in that chapter had two.  One lady holds the record: Samuel's mom had six.  Yep, going through the Bible, moms had about the same number of kids, as the typical mom of the 1960s - about three, maybe four, many less, and some had more.  But NO mom, in the Scriptures, had ten or twelve.  Uhm, the Lord knows us humans are real dummies.  If 10+ kids was the fem-factory quota, wouldn't the Lord have spelled that out?  In one-syllabled words - just to make sure us clay morons got it?  Come on, the Lord is specific about plenty of other things - don't sleep with anyone other than your spouse, pay your taxes, be upfront with your customers...

Sure, in (quik) passing, the pulpiteers will throw that "prayer n fasting" crumb - the one which allows couples to abstain for a limited time.  But oh, they NEGLECT to mention that a struggling couple, who separates for ... uhm, three days, may be both praying, fervently, that the car repair won't cost ... eh, too much.  Yikes, and of course, the rent is due on Friday; the next pay week doesn't come until the week after.  Oh, and the two kids they already have, both need winter coats.

Doesn't the Bible say to pray always?  And doesn't the Bible also say, to leave an inheritance for your grandbabies?  Certainly something better than a broken down old trailer, dented from the daily, nagging struggles of a family of eight.  Well, building up savings takes alot of years, and very careful (prayerful) planning.  

Godda get back to work.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Per a video i saw last night, a man was talking about ancient canaan.

He showed photos of archaeological sites, where skeletons of little children had been scattered here and there - because...well, when you pray to demons...  Anyway, he was saying the caananites were considered as dogs by the hebrews for ... evidently valid reasons.  Evidently, the Lord had reason to want them wiped out, because they ... did a whole lot more wicked stuff, than merely getting drunk, starting fistfights, chasing hotties...

The man said, canaanites were the sort of people who'd sooner throw slimey mud at you, than simply say "Good Morning."  Will have to visit the library; want to check on this.  And better yet - by a few light years, pay closer attention to the Scriptures.  For one thing, Bible says they had 400 years to repent.  But evidently, they had gone from just bad to way worse.  Per an OT Law, the hebrew dads were forbidden to sleep with their daughters, nephews were forbidden to sleep with their aunts.  Ew! that's gross.  But evidently, that wasn't even the half of it. Another OT law forbade the Lord's people from boinking animals.  Well, shoot!  Who'd even think of doing such a thing?  Triple  bluuck!  We know the old saying: if there is a Law against it, it's being done.

Don't think it's too much a stretch to conclude, that we western moderns - even the well educated among us - see the ancient world through rosey specks.  All of us, grew up in a christian-influenced culture.  Even people who HATE!!! the Bible, are known to help strangers in need.  It's called "common grace," the Law written in men's hearts.  Bible also says that after Jesus comes in the clouds, and takes His church out of here, things are going to wax real ugly.  

Conditions will revert back to the old time ra-lid-jun of might-makes-right - Nietzsche, check yer inbox.  Oh yeah, the anti-christ will don some pretty hat and pontificate on and on about "peace and safety," but he, and his inner circle (and fringe toadies) won't give a royal rip about poor folks and mistreated animals - and neither will overwhelmingly $tressed, most everyone else.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Red-pill shrills, are going on about older women and poverty. Got to pondering, why? Why are older women, supposedly, poorer than men? Could this have something to do with,

30-something junior, who continually farts up yet another "reason" why he didn't get the job, or lost the (yet another) job.  Meanwhile, he continues to eat the food, use the shampoo - and wads of bathroom tissue - she buys with her paycheck.  Mom isn't getting any younger, and her job doesn't pay that great - and, at 62, has been drawing on her back for some time.

And yeah, if she'd lose thirty pounds...but she'd be alot better off, if she skipped the thirty, and instead offloaded the 165 pounds of punk she's been carrying, for too long.  Once that weight is gone, she then will begin noticing how electric bills and gas aren't so stressful...hmm, strange, how the thirty excess pounds would begin to disappear - she probably wouldn't notice at first.  Then would come one particular morning, while getting ready for work, those carmal pants are fitting somewhat loose.

Boomerang-boys...meh, they're everywhere.

His girlfriend had kicked him out, back in august (2020)...maybe if he hadn't made the dui, he had gotten, out to be her problem...anyway gf didn't appreciate his backhand.  Nevermind, he isn't one bit thankful that she didn't bother herself to call the police - nope, she got an icepak, then simply told him to be gone when she returned from WORK.  Yep, she's an uppidity bi*ch.

Needful to say, boomerang's father had been about the same...some 165 pounds of similar excuses/drama.  A real drain on her spirit - and upon her finances.

Why are older single women statistically poorer than men of similar age?  Rocket science, anyone?

Saturday, November 26, 2022

"Nothing cheap about him." That was mom's description of her uncle gordon. Her aunt bernice, of course, was a full-time housewife.

Aunt bernice was fully dependent upon uncle gordon's provisioning.  i don't know if my great aunt had ever held a job.  But i know, she cooked, cleaned, and took care of she and her husband's two children - and then a grandchild, who had come to live with them...long story.  Anyway, still recall another sentence, mom had used, concerning her very manly uncle - he was big, handsome, and tough.

"What do you need?"  

My great uncle would ask my great aunt.  By the way, she didn't have a driver's license either - that was not uncommon for wives  back then; and besides, they lived in the city - so, if she needed something during the day, she either walked a few blocks, or took the bus.  That is, if she had time, to go anywhere.  

So, uncle took her shopping.  "What do you need?"  In short, if her sweater was starting to look ragged...oh no, THAT was a need.  He not only took her to a clothing shop, but to one that sold nice sweaters.  And if she needed something else, uncle saw to it.  Uncle was not a rich man, just careful with his money,

and considerate of his wife and children.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Forty-some years ago, reputable landlords were hesitant to rent their properties to unmarried couples.

This, of course, was back in the day, when even a half-blind person could tell which one of the two was male, and which one was female, but anyway...   This was a time when rents were reasonable - when a young married couple - both starting out, still in rather low paying jobs - could afford the rent, the car payment, groceries, and some walking-around/rainy day money.  Because the rents were reasonable, landlords had to think, before renting to just any old body; landlords have maintenance expenses to consider.  

Tenant turnover only adds to the overhead - even when neat-as-a-pin aunt martha moves out, her former landlord still has to hire people to come in and shampoo the carpet, clean (the already clean) countertops, wash the walls, inspect the electric and vents; this is why most landlords want tenants to sign a year's contract.  Not versed in the laws, but even back then, there were things which had to be done before re/renting out a unit.  

Anyway, been thinking about the ridiculous rents these days.  Four years ago, when my husband passed, had briefly considered moving, and getting a nice apartment.  Briefly.  When having browsed two or three communities, even the one-bedroom units were going for $900.  That was four years ago.  And a one-bedroom, is too small - need a room for sewing.  Needless to say, am staying put.  By the way, there was a place that really looked good - oh, the amenities - but they wanted $1,500 for that lovely hardwood floored unit.  But i digress.

One probable reason for the ridiculous rents, is likely that time-tested rule of landlords, back in the day.  When you sign a contract, you commit - well, the holder of the asset hopes the monthly payments will be made on time, and won't go buh-booiiinggg.  What i am getting at is: commitment.

About half of adults are not married.  When you live single, you have expenses, which marrieds can share.  Heating, is a big one.  Oh wait, sis and her husband are paying some serious ac bills - they live where it's hot for about half the year.  But, thank You, Lord, they're doing just fine - no stressing on mere electric statements.  Another expense singles have, more so than marrieds is gas.  Marrieds generally take one car when they go out for the evening; marrieds are more likely to bring a covered dish when visiting family and friends, while singles tend toward night$pots.  Marrieds generally spend less on repair costs - two can diy better than one.  Food is another item, marrieds generally eat healthier, while singles stop more often for takeout.

May not seem alot, but things add up before you know it.  And the next month is, but a week away.  Wow.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Ew, that was disgusting. Just had listened to a video, where a "passport bro" came out and spewed their real agenda.

Basically, with their info-age wealth (yeah, that can fly away, on a dime...but anyway) they board a plane, land in a foreign country, love-bomb one or more of the young lovely locals, set her up (yeah...) in an apartment, stay awhile, then fly back.  In a few months, make a return trip.  Maybe, to visit her again.  Maybe.  Then again, maybe not. He said right out, why marry!

So, what happens if the girl, now 23-something, goes the natural way of the proverbial broken typewriter...ya know, misses periods?   And then - on top of having not heard from lover-boy for awhile - gets a notice from her landlord, that last month's rent payment hadn't been wired over. Brother bob, she's in a pickle now!  Here in America, a gal gets pregnant out of wedlock, nobody cares; over there, that brings shame upon the girl AND her family.

Tell me, this doesn't happen.  Fly-punk just said marriage wasn't his thing.  He, and others of his scaley ilk, are exporting their venom.  In ten or fifteen years, could have seriouse repercussions upon Americans in general.  Ya know a few diseased apples... veneral disease, that's yet another critical  issue (vd; that stuff's bad news, and getting worse).  Seriously, don't other countries dislike Americans enough as it is?

i cannot help but to suspect, it's the girls from poorer families who are being poisioned by these flying serpents.  

Disgusting, but not at all surprising.

Passport peewees. Some questions. First off: how does someone, from a different culture, just waltz on in,

to a very different culture, expecting to score with one or more daughters from respectable families?  Over there, middle and upper-class parents are choosy with whom their daughters spend time.  In many cultures, daughter-dear may have a good education, and a job which enables her to live in a nice apartment - with money left over for savings, and clothes shopping.  But still, what her parents think, matters to her.

Over there, are independent, successful women, who haven't found husbands; these early-thirties women are getting guff from their moms and dads.  In other words, right or wrong, over there, parents matter; right or wrong, over there, sons and daughters still respect their parents - even if they are difficult.

There is a british man who decided to go live in china.  He does videos about the culture.  Eventually, he had met and married a chinese lady.  He said, his courtship with her didn't happen right away, nor was it brief.  He said chinese people are very family oriented - if the girl's (especially) Dad doesn't like whom his daughter is dating, that relationship will likely end.  Chinese parents want their kids to marry Chinese (from respectable families).  

Which only stands to reason, that cHad/Tyrone-wannabee are going to be in for a rude awakening (in a strange land) where the father of the latest pretty young girl, they're wanting to ...poke, is gonna say NO - simply because Dad knows nothing about the guy's family...oh, wait, cHad/tyrone grew up fatherless.  That's not a good sign - google Daniel Amneus, he did alot of research, back in the 1980s and 90s.

i realize that China isn't the only target peewees set their short-sights upon, there's Korea, the Ukraine, Central and South America - which i understand are more popular ... which is understandable.  Chinese is among the most difficult language to understand; Spanish is easier, since many of our own words are latin-based.  But even so, you can speak another language fluently, but learning the cultural ropes takes time, and careful attention...have to get outside of oneself ... that's a really tall order for passport peewees.

This is not to say that an american man living abroad, won't find a wife in the nation in which he is residing.  One of the deacons, over at the church, was in Korea, where he married a young Korean lady.  Thing is: you have to have your stuff together to, successfully, make it happen.  In short, if you're a self-centered flop here in the US, 12k miles isn't going to change that, anytime soon.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Two-step - that's what our vietnam combat veterans called a certain small snake; if it bit were a goner in about two seconds. Anyway,

two-step is about that ahead of the domestic relations, as he boards a plane to play his usual in a foreign land.  Give it about ten years, folks - this isn't going to play out well.  As if foreign nations don't already despise Americans enough, and now - instead of us dealing with our own trash, we're exporting even more of it.  Other cultures are different than ours.  Here in the states, if you're born out of wedlock, to a dad of one ethnicity (who rarely bothers to come around) and a (super stressed out) mom of another, people will basically shrug their shoulders, but that's about it.  Not necessarily so, in other countries.   In other countries, if a woman is divorced/abandoned, it's her fault - here in America, it's more like yeah-whatever, it-happens, and we go about our business. Other countries don't have the resources to help single moms and their children; they have enough of their own infrastructure issues, and certainly don't need plane loads of ours.  

Here's the time-tested reality:  if passport-peewee, cHad/tyrone-wannabee ran through and (as a predictable matter of course) and out on the women of his own country, why should he treat the women of another nation any different?

Oh, but foriegn women are more submissive (bingo!) and feminine.  That's probably very true.  Btw, wolves - with bad head colds, still - can smell that 30 miles away.  Anyway, for the unsuspecting quiet little lady, there's a catch - that rusty trap will eventually spring.  Goes like this:  Even submissive, feminine, thin women become 30...or, yikes 35.  And then what?  Children/early teens waking up one morning to find out that daDuh boarded a plane, leaving them in the dust - in nations where the culture is ... well, prejudice.  That's what!

Here, in - especially the fly-over areas of - our own nation, you know dern well, good ole boys are (carefully) talking amongst themselves...that whole January 6th scene was just a reminder of their existence, their numbers.  And yeah, most of them don't even so much as browse - let alone study -  the Bible, so getting carried away, looking for an excuse - one or more, which have been brewing over the last 50, 60 years or so...uh, could happen.  Not good.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Well, once again, was heading toward a bad place, and then Scripture called, and turned me around. Yaay!

Had listened to a video, and read the comments.  Basically, the video was about people who've had enough of mind games - and they're very upset, and not too shy to vent some rather terse phrases.  Well duh.  Oh wait, there's another Scripture - somewhere in Proverbs, i think.  Goes something like, "Don't go with an angry man, lest you be like him."  Sounds like the Lord telling people to, as much as possible, stay AWAY!!! from narcs.  Why don't we hear this from the pulpit?  Yeah i know, another silly question from this blogger :)

Anyway, listening to the post, and thumb-upping the comments...whew, some of the people were really pist - including me.  Can't blame 'em, considering...  But i don't want to remain pist, just don't want to stay there, any longer than two minutes - if that.  i know, somewhere in the Scriptures, the Lord tells us, "be angry, but sin not."  Well, my anger was sinful - crossing into hate.  Yikes.

There's a Scripture that gives, even SAVED people alot of trouble abiding.  We often hear preached - and, of course, glossed over...ya know, preacherman is so okay with things, never EVER is tempted to just up and tell ol'toxic-ted (or tina) to go eff himself.  (Hhmm, maybe that's why ted, or tina, are so annoying - nobody stands up, for fear of being called low class, or whatever.) But anyway...

The Scripture is Matthew 5:44, where Jesus Christ is preaching, to alot of people; this was early in his three-year ministry.  "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you;"

In other Scriptures, we're told, that if our enemy is hungry, we are to feed him - in short, help him if he's in a bad way.  What gets glossed over (r u surprised:/ )  is:  where does Jesus say to just keep on allowing our enemy access to our checkbook, our personal space?   Now granted, have only read the Bible two or three times through, but i didn't see any verses telling us to remain as door mats/punching bags and such.

Oh, and by the way - this is REALLY important - a for real preacher (yeah, there are a few real ones out there ... can ya spell, voices in the wilderness?).  A real preacher will tell ya, point blank, have read such n such chapter n verse dozens of times, over the years, but the other day, i noticed, for the first time, such n such word in the passage... 

Wolves love to quote that wives are to obey their husbands, but they sure leave out the "as in the Lord" part - yeah, how "bout that - eh?   If a husband is constantly railing on his wife, and she constantly taking it - and (cravenly) acknowledging, that he's right...that she is, and always will be, ugly, stupid, worthless, bla, bla, bla... Uhh, that's not obedience.  That is supporting someone in their sin (false accusations).  Since we're clearly not to high five the drunk, fornicator or gambler, see Roman's 1 (which. by the way, goes waay beyond reading the riot act to ... three-dollar-bills) why should giving quarter to liars and cheats be any different?  

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Someone on a video was recounting an incident while waiting at the grocery checkout. A single mom(?) was getting her groceries rang up, and had pulled out

her food-assistance card.  Meanwhile, two or three people behind her, someone launched into a hissy fit.  The woman-on-assistance had put upon the conveyer, a luxury food item - likely one, which the irate customer, standing one or two people behind, could not afford with his or her salary.  El-judgy had, of course, become quite loud; meh, don't they all ;/

Anyway, the speaker in the video, had grown up in a poor family and had briefly described a typical incident which had incited the (cough, cough) "adult/s" to explode into needless drama.  An incident which non-poor don't even think twice about - a child's legitimate use of about 3 to 5 gallons of water...hello, this is america - not some ... ugh place (with creepy statues every bleeping where ... funny, how that correlates with gpn ;/  but i digress...)  Very needful to say, the person doing the video had expressed compassion - yaay!

What the judges don't get (or flat out, lack common kindness) is: poverty NAGS ... all the flipping time.  And here's the deal, when a poor mom, or elderly person, somehow manages to stash a few $20, you can about bet your raggedy boots, some nocount is watching, and will just up and TAKE it...ya know, for booze or drugs.  When you're poor, you're stuck with living around two-legged turds.

So, yeah...after about the 17th time you get ripped off by dung-druggie, it only makes sense to go out and buy a fancy steak, or go have your nails done.

Oh, it's the same old story. Peepull could blame her for her husband's "monkey branching" because...

well, for one thing, she could stand to lose a good 40 pounds.  The other thing?  The woman's house is cluttery - ya know, can barely see table/counter surfaces.   People are so judgy.

First off, she has kids, and works full-time at a job - thankfully, decent paying, but there are physical aspects to the job; in short, she doesn't merely park her butt in front of a 'puter from 8 to 4, m thru f, only to get up for coffee - and to get rid of the coffee.   

As for hitting the gym?  Uh, when?  And with what?  In the REAL world, where growing children need things ... like a roof that doesn't leak, funds will also be needed for college.  In the real world, where children's needs trump adults'(? whiney) list of wants, moms come home tired from work. 

Oh, and here we go with the judgy peepull, chiding about the twice weekly door-da$h.  There's still (and always) laundry...that is, after whatever sport practice - by that time, it will be after seven.   And those (expletive) school fund-raisers...yep, more chuck-holes for parents to stumble into.  

A bit after 8pm, she turns on the dryer.  The dinner dishes are in the dishwasher - she had to run it a 2nd time, since last night she didn't get the chance to turn it on ... long story, something came up, and she didn't get to bed until well after 11.  Six am comes real quick.  Yep, the usual minimal - at best - amount of sleep; that will mess up a person's ability to properly plan ahead/avoid at least some hassles. 

Oh, but now she is "wasting time" watching a tv program; she should, instead, be doing ...  Uhm, yeah, she's been running all day.  So, stow it with the judgyness already.  Ugh!

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Until recently, i never quite understood how fornication is much different from any other bad sin ... like snorting coke.

After all druggies and drunkards do alot of damage to their own bodies - and to the bodies of others (like the child, who doesn't know from one day to the next if there will be food, or a halfways safe place to sleep).  So, how is a casual fling any worse than substance-hogging (addiction)?  Pondered this, here and there, for awhile.

But then it began to dawn on me.  Paul the Apostle, per the Holy Spirit, says point blank: "Flee fornication."  Doesn't sound like he was just chit-chatting with his pals in the break-room.  That's the first sentence of I Corinthians 6:18.  The Scripture continues:  "Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body."  

In short, okay, the Bible says it, THAT settles it!

But yeah, still's doing the sleaze any worse to the body than drinking half a bottle of jack?   Uhm, by the way, Christians are supposed to THINK about the Scriptures they read - this isn't some algebra test to cram (then forgetabout).  Well, for starters, when people are doing the sleeze, they think nobody else is in the room - unless they're both into ... ick.  Har-de-har...there's an audience all around the ... wherever they're doing it ... ew!  Devils love the show, waay more than mere humans live, breathe and eat the latest installment of ... whatever mindless sit-com/drama.  See Proverbs 7 - where young men are warned to not even go near she-players.  "For she hath cast down many wounded:  yea, many strong men have been slain by her.  Her house is the way to hell going down to the chambers of death."  (Last two verses of Proverbs 7).  Oh, and by the way, the word "hell" is mentioned several times throughout the Old Testament - once, if not twice, in the Book of Job.  

Still pondered.  Have, however, recently learned that forni/p0rni etches mental maps, more jagged and deep than booze or drugs - which are damaging enough.  Male players will pump and dump, and not think twice; female players think they're playing along, but are far more prone to fall for the guy (who's just there for a pit-stop).  For the gal, has something to do with brain-chemistry - some physiological things we can control ... up to a point, that is.

Needless to say, i don't have a medical degree.  Yet, it's common enough knowledge that syphilis can seem to go away on it's  own.  But it doesn't.  It comes back, years later - viciously.  Okay?  What other VDs hide out, for ten twenty years...and do they manifest themselves into something vicious, but so seemingly unrelated?  Are there medical things that even doctors haven't yet connected the dots?  Don't know.  Am not a doctor.

But yikes, the cigarettes are unhealthy enough, don't want to add to the what-el-make-ya-sick list, thankyouverykindly!

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The average man has two to three times the upper body strength of the average woman. The math makes sense.

Thinking about food costs, i spend about $80 weekly at the grocery store - for food; this figure doesn't include non-food items.  While i buy a dinner portion from the hotbar, i seldom eat at restaurants - don't need the extra costs...or the heartburn.

Anyway, got to thinking...two to three times...manly muscles need something of more substance than noodles, salads, lettuce wraps (with just one slice of lunchmeat).  Men like real sandwiches in their lunch bucket - ones containing more than rabbit-fare.

So, last night, i pretended that i was a 60-something bachelor - clean living, money careful.  What would bachelor-bob put in his cart, each saturday?  Certainly more than 2/3rds a pound of turkey breast for his weekly lunches.  As for dinner, a man wants a real hamburg... no wait, probably two.  Same goes with pork chops - one little skimpy one?? Nuh-uh!  And he wants lima beans AND a nice healthy serving of apple sauce.  And a tall glass of milk, with a snack cake for dessert.  Oh, forgot...he eats breakfast too.  A real breakfast: a big bowl of cereal with toast - and lots of jelly on it - with a big glass of milk.  He then grabs his lunch bucket (not some skimpy girlie thing) and heads off to work.

Anyway, he buys good food - am not talking prime rib and caviar.  What he would need for the week to cover three daily meals and some snacks - bachelor-bob doesn't want to morph into bachelor-blimp.  His bill came to $180.  This amount includes one jar of whatever condiment he may be running low on and whatever two or three cans of soup or green beans.  The snack item may be chips or nuts.  Oh yeah, a 12-pack of soft drink (bob isn't into beer ... or it's blimp-factor).

Anyway, his annual food costs come to around 5k extra, than that of 60-something spinster-sarah.   While her extra 5k goes to the guys who cut her grass and maintain her car (bob does most of that himself) sarah is careful to put aside even more because she doesn't have the upper body strength to be toting roof rolls up ladders.  As for another 2nd storey project, that one will be contracted come spring - it's just another sort of job that most men could do - for the most part - themselves.

Is what it is, in the world of grownups.  Men and women have different abilities and needs.  Lord created us that way.  

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Timing's everything. Now that each state can choose whether or not to allow abortion, have noticed a rather sudden upsurge of

single-mom shaming.  Needful to say, red-pills and their she-toadies at it again.  It's like, okay, another terrific opportunity to scowl down women - and USE other women (the toadies) to do some of the wolf work.  By the way, have recently - on more than one vid - have seen the word, "grifter" attached to one or more of the star toadies.  In short, these red-pill, a.k.a, misogynists, are no friends of these deluded she-reds.  But i digress.

Seriously, it was barely a week or two, right after roeVwade got axed, i started seeing alot more of "don't date single moms," "single moms r 304s," and such (mean rubbish).  Excuse me, but if you are a single father, chances are, most women who don't have children, won't be interested in pursuing a relationship - atleast anything that could become more than (the very cringy) "friends with benefits."  Single dads, worth datable, are the same men who, every other weekend. want their space when they get to be with their kids.  Oh, and every wednesday night as well.  Wednesday is mid-week date night...well, that was 30 years ago, maybe that's changed.  Anyway, most single parents are not shy about their children being number one - their children are more important to them, than ... hmmph, some date.  Childless/childfree people don't get this fact of adulthood; parents do.

If 304s can't change...that's what the worldlings are saying. But, of course, the same people

who say the Lord is mean, because He imposes His rules on us ... ya know, don't sleep around.  By the way, He doesn't give men a free pass on that one.  The very hard and fast rule against divorce and remarriage applies to both genders.  And if that isn't rough going enough, any sex - ANY - outside of marriage is either fornication or adultery, or both.  Any wonder, most red-pills are not christians.  

YES!  keeping to the narrow road is tough...things ya can't rock music, no movies, no letting your kids don costumes and collect candy from the neighbors (while all the other kids come home with a bag of all kinds of yummies).  

Red pills have their "thou shalt nots" as well.  At the top of their list is:  don't forgive past sins.  Evidently, these red-pills never heard of the woman at the well - recorded in the 1st half of Mark 4.   She had been "run through" by five husbands, and when she met Jesus on that particular afternoon, she was currently shacking up with some guy.  She had likely "hit the wall" (another sin :/...let's see, she was probably first married at 15 or 16; each of the five marriages probably averaged 2 to 3 years in duration.  That would put her in her early to mid 30s.  Anyway, Jesus told her to go and sin no more.  Jesus FORGAVE her past sins.  In short, she was so done with 304ing, (a.k.a., repented) got saved, and is without spot or wrinkle - and has been for going some 2k years.  By the way, a preacher did point out, that she had gone for water in the afternoon - while the other women (smug marrieds/red-pill toadies?) went for theirs in the morning; ya know, before the post noon heat.

Meanwhile, in the unregenerate red-pill world, these dudes - and especially, their female toadies - their doctrine of devils (oh, are we surprised kiddies? ;/  is summed up as:  once a 304, always a 304.  Of course, the same "logic"(??)  doesn't apply to CHaD (and his wannabees).  

Thing is, ("silly") women become 304s out of ... well, just plain being stupid (oh he'll set me up nice/marry me...yeah right).  Men become wannabee/ChADS out of ... well, bold-faced selfishness (using the body of a vulnerable person).   Uhm, stupid is bad enough, but selfish goes way beyond merely having a lack of social iq.  By the way, the devil is never called stupid: he is real smart, and very, VERY selfish.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Red-pills claim to be winning? Something's not adding up - namely, stats claiming that between 20 and 33% of

men aren't getting any.  Frankly, i believe those figures are a bit exaggerated.  Seems, it's more like, men aren't getting much.  And that's alot, because men in general have a much greater sex appetite than women.  One way, though very destructive, to suppress the sex urge, is to take up drinking - booze and testosterone are not compatible; booze will eventually reveal its true self - the proverbial old nagging shrew, will relegate testosterone to, again, go sleep on the lumpy old couch.  Also inevitable is:  testosterone will wake up not fully rested, and with somewhat of a throb in his lower back.

What a great way to start that project - be it splitting logs, or building a database.

Just learned recently, of another - actually, a worse - unclean spirit of which testosterone cannot abide...well, not for very long.  And here's the deal: one could assume the two could be atleast acquaintances, if not buddies.   That unclean spirit (who hates people like all out mad) is known by various names, but "dirty vids" will suffice. Something about the vids crudding up brain pathways, and the chemicals getting snarled up.  This damage happening in the brains of full grown men - not just 12 year old boys.

So, maybe, plastic containers are receiving more than their share of the blame, for lowering testosterone stats.  But anyway, it's late.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Men get screwed in divorce? Wait a minute, the house gets split - that means, each gets half the fair-market value of the house - whatever the amount still owed on it. If the place was paid in full,

still, for most divorced couples, that means, each separately buying a house (or one choosing to remain) will both end up making house payments.  Because, a 300k/2=150k.  Good luck finding a house, atleast one that isn't a "fixer-upper"... i.e., a bleeping dump.  

Child support?  Well yeah.  Both made 'em, both, now separately, provide for them.  As for alimony, if both parents worked full-time, and both made about the same amount of money, the alimony won't be much - and it has a shelf life.  By the way, if (ex)wifey made more, she can get stuck paying out alimony; talk to bea's niece, the 30ish woman had gone to school, then gone to work, in short, had buckled down to make something of herself...well, she's looking at making payments.

In short, divorce is a two-way, pothole littered street.  But hear the red-pills tell, it's all about them...very telling.


Monday, October 24, 2022

Heidi (ex)hottie turned 34 a few days ago; her son is in kindergarten. The boy's dad is nowhere in the picture; word is, he's living somewhere a few states over. Not that it matters,

chasing chad-wannabee is more trouble than the child-support is worth.  Heidi has a decent job, a halfways decent apartment, and is able to provide a reasonably secure life for her and her child.  And yay for the child tax-credits - which we taxpayers fund ... but that's how civilized societies work ... helping to provide for abandoned mothers and children.  Granted, having a baby out of wedlock isn't exactly a smart move - but what was heidi supposed to do?  Have the tiny human growing inside her, sucked out with a sort of vacuum cleaner - basically, tearing the live person, limb from limb??

Anyway, on one, or more of the mgtow sites, one of the dweebs found a video of heidi, going on about the scarcity of guys who are interested in dating.  Yeah, she was teary-eyed.  Needless to say, the dweebs are having a very gleeful scoff-fest about single moms and all.  Calling her a 304, when they know absolutely nothing about this, and many other single mothers.  Newsflash: normal red-blooded women want to raise a child, maybe two - or even three.  

In reality, these guys are just miffed, because they haven't been getting much, if any - and it's sure not their dna attending kindergarten, in one - or even more - several states away.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Speaking of baking, a recipe calling for two cups of good old king arthur unbleached flour, and 1/2 of cane sugar,

will yield about two dozen cookies.  Thing is, many recipes call for twice the sugar.  Anyway, did some figuring: 24 cookies with a 1/2 cup of sugar; 12 cookies would contain 1/4 cup; 6 cookies 1/8 cup; 3 cookies 1/16th of a cup of sugar.  Looking at a 1/2 cup stick of butter, there are 8 tablespoons in that stick; that means 3 cookies contain 1 tablespoon of sugar.  One cookie contains one teaspoon of sugar.  

Oh to think, with regular recipes, that ONE cookie (oh comeon, normal people want two, maybe even three) would contain two teaspoons of sugar - two!  Uhm, one is more more than enough.

Going to experiment with cutting the half to a third.  Oh, and any fako sweeteners? out of the question - stuff is poison.

But even sticking with 1/2 cup, here's the deal.  People have told me, they really like the cookies i make.  That tells me, people are just FINE without the insane amounts of sugar that go into things.  And yeah, a few think my stuff needs sugar; but most people like the cookies.

Just peevish dudes, mad because they're not among the so-called "high value" chads or tyrones.

First off, a whole lot of obsession - actually worship - towards these 10-15% of players.  Guess junior high never ended...regular kids, not comfortable in their own frame - wanting and wishing, so bad, to be one of the 6'2ish" jocks, who supposedly get the lion's share of the young honeys.  So, these mgtows vent their frustrations upon women over 30.

But these guys never seem to make the connection: since 22 year-old stacy is chasing after chad, is she really the kind of gal you want to even pursue a relationship with?  Yeah, i get it, stacy is so hot - and i'll bet the Proverbs 7 woman was a real looker too; Prov7 was also 110 pounds of bad trouble too - in this life, and so in the next.

And yeah, mr.mgtow, i get it:  most attractive young women - who aren't throwing themselves at chad (because they know he's a cad) - struggle with their weight.  Peggy, being typical...those annoying 7 pounds just won't let her alone - if she stood 5'8ish", they'd hardly be noticed.  But peggy stands at about 5'3".  And yeah, peg hasn't been hitting the gym here much lately.  Uhm, no!  Not with exams coming up; employers strongly prefer GPAs at around 3.8 - they too have standards, ya know.  

And frankly, going to the gym is a bleeping (extra laundry generating) chore - normal red-blooded people, before work, want to enjoy a cup of coffee and a bagel; after work, want to do a few things around the house, and, oh, lazy them, may want to sit and read something.

Anyway, godda go.  Shortbread is about ready to come out of the oven.

Friday, October 21, 2022

The late 20s, or early 30s, single mom, who had been sleeping with a frienemy...well, she has a boyfriend - they had recently gotten back from a tropical vaca. Anyway, she is also a homeowner, AND

has recently gotten a nice promotion.  Her former job paid well.  Well, she is being paid even better :)  A resounding har-d-har-har, to the ever-miffed red-pills - and to their female toadies - out there.  And that's only the half of it.  Granted, maybe the non-anglo single mom comes from money - or maybe, one or both of her parents taught her, from early childhood, how to make smart financial choices.   Ya know, there's more than enough people, who do come from money, but they're always broke.

Anyway, it was like three years ago, she was saying of being tired of apartment living - of not being allowed, per the landlord's rules, to grill even a few hotdogs.  She bought a house, and she said something about using some of her savings.  It was what she didn't say, about the quite sizable down payment - that she had evidently, kept some funds in savings...ya know, unexpected expenses.  Meanwhile, her child, at the time was, maybe, in first or second grade.

You can talk child support, but that only covers some - if that - of the child's basic needs.  If the father doesn't earn much, or takes off...  The child-care tax-credit and deduction reimburses about, approaching half the daycare expense.  Mom has to come up with the other half - and she better not be late, even by ten minutes, in picking up her child, because, boy-howdy, they charge extra.  Going rate for daycare runs about $800 monthly.  

In short: the same old story -  mom chose to separate from dad, because... well, when ya end up having to be both mom, dad, housekeeper AND financial provider...what's the point in continuing to keep lugging about some 150 stress pounds!  By the way, the single mom is slender - you betcha!  Obesity is a real strain upon one's pocketbook.

Granted, sex (of any kind) outside of marriage is sin - and a really bad one at that.  But that's how things are these days.  Hmmph, Lord has alot a nerve, don't He...horning in on people's sex life :/

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Was listening to a sermon (on given by a pastor, who pastors a church,

somewhere out in the midwest.  As with any for-real preacher (and they're not just any old where) these MEN are busy...studying, in depth, the real Bible, writing sermon notes - instead of just ordering the box-mix kind off the net - street preaching, visiting people who can't get out, helping some old guy fix his truck ... bla-bla-bla.  Anyway, for-real preachers don't have much time to surf around social platforms - they're out interacting with people, in real time.

Anyway, this preacher, over the years (he's in his mid 60s) has noticed that widows and (older) women, who live alone, are generally doing fine.  The men, living alone?  Meh, not so much.  And thinking about it, statistically, women have less disposal income than do men - i.e., women are generally poorer; and older women are more so.  Yet, he has noticed, the widowed/single women have more going on, than do the single men.  He was preaching from Genesis, Chap 2:18, where the Lord said, " is not good that the man should be alone;"

Oh my stars, actually heard a certain phrase - along with some other rubbish - repeated among respectable company. Frankly, still can't believe my ears.

The phrase, casually spoken - in mixed company - was: her having said, right out, of having had "friends with benefits."  For one thing, that absolutely craven!!! crudball phrase is such a damnable LIE - friends like that...ha, who the heck needs enemies!  As for benefits?  What's so beneficial about hosting a demon party - eck.  Whenever there's fornication going on, devils gather round...they like watching/participating, and inevitably starting drama.

For sure, the brief statement made me realize, i am so 20th century - back then, only 304s talked that way in mixed company.  Back then, even in that smokey old barroom, most the women there, were with their boyfriend - or looking to find a decent boyfriend.  Back then, even in that bar, the women were atleast discrete enough to...well, not blare certain things.

Then, the conversation - taking place in mixed company - briefly, but a certain word/practice makes it, too long - turned to what states to get a divorce, and what states not to.   There was also a reference to living large on alimony.  This offal said, in mixed company.  

Nope, won't share this with red-pills.  Jesus says to love and bless our enemies - i am having a very, VERY hard time with that one.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Think i lost, maybe, two pounds. That's not much, but it's a start. Don't know, scalewise, but i feel better. Here's what i've been doing:

While soft tortilla wraps have as much calories as bread (can't bleeping win, can ya :/, instead of (processed city) mayo, i sprinkle vinegar and olive oil, upon the mainly leafy-lettuice wrap, with just a slice of lunch meat.  So, using even less meat, than the usual moderate amount (farm critters are treated terrible), anyway, have always preferred sandwiches with LOTS of lettuce, and minimal meat/cheese (another product from mistreated animals).  

Been eating more fruit.  Love grapes, they're easy to deal with.  Take them and an apple in my lunch.  Have noticed, while yeah, bananas are fattening, the sugar in a banana is natural sugar - not the processed stuff found, in even low-sugar homemade cookies.  Have noticed, over the past two or three weeks, cookie cravings have lessened - could it be the fruit.  They say, fruit juice - the real stuff - is full of calories.   Still enjoy it, but less of it, and instead, drink more water.  I understand, skinny people tend to drink lots of water (of course, skinny people tend to be control-freaks, and won't allow themselves to sit still, even for a minute...but that's beside the point). 

Thankfully, was never big on pretzels and chips - they're insanely expensive, and specifically made to be addictive (A serving??...comeon, normal humans eat more than three pieces at a sitting).  Anyway, pass that stuff by.   Chocolate candy?  Yeah, that's my drug of choice, but am tired of the heartburn side-effects.  Haven't visited the candy aisle in weeks.  While the finer chocolates don't do that as much, thankfully, am not willing to spend the extra money.

Sure haven't missed the "acid reflux disease," which is just a fancy term, for eating/drinking the wrong stuff.  Slow and steady, because yo-yoing is a waste of time.  Will be happy if i can lose, and keep lost, ten pounds - while certainly could stand to offload even ten more, besides ... still, just ten pounds, gone for good, and will be grateful for that.  

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Several of the mgtow whiners were going on about women not producing as much as the men with whom they work.

Thing is, the gubment can legislate all kinds of quota systems, but business owners can find ways around atleast some of the restrictions.  All's i know is: the big boss, who happens to be a burly war veteran, was talking to a colleague of his.  He said that he's been disappointed, more than once, when hiring a (young) man for this or that mid-managerial position.  He has found that, these guys don't want to work - they'll do what's assigned, and that's it!  "Quiet quitting," and new to the job - which, by the way, with the job, you can't ask for better benefits.  Sure, one can make better pay elsewhere, but things like good health insurance and earning leave - that you can roll unused over - those are like a savings account...yep, so 20th century ;/  Meanwhile, clerical me, doing menial stuff - like delivering mail, filing, getting workspaces ready (cleaning), reviewing time sheets... well, doing the job, ya see things.  

Friday, October 14, 2022

Where a church actually follows Scripture, it will manifest - unsaved people will know

that atleast some of the people are for real.  And a few unsaved people will want what the for real people have: a beautiful eternity to look forward, and in the meantime, a life here on earth, where it's okay to be just another everyday working person.  In short, the Lord doesn't scowl people because they drive an old car, with a splotchy paintjob; it's okay to not have a fancy phone / fifty pairs of shoes.

Anyway, a for real group of Christians also attracts attention they don't welcome.  Yep, predators - both corporal and spiritual. And, by the way, if you want to get over on people, the church is a far safer playground, than the smokey barroom - bar people, generally come from places where head-gaming was business-as-usual; so bar people generally know the drill.  In short, peewee-predator running his game there, runs the risk of getting his face punched in.  

Meanwhile, churchpeople who find themselves - or a loved one - defrauded by peewee, will simply keep a polite distance from him (or her) - no fist-fights/broken windshields.  (Talk to sammy - he's not a predator - about the fight he got into over at the bar, a few years back.)

Thing is, like in a nation, there are people who live in a country, and are employed by a hostile nation.  For years, these posers will live and work quietly, will cut their grass, and be the sort of neighbors about anybody wouldn't mind living next door.   Well, there's plants in churches too... not talking about the fern which sits alongside the piano.  See the Book of Jude, it's one page in length; also, II Peter, Chap 3 - less than a page in length.

And here's the thing: the plants tend to be really good actors (and actresses).  There you, for real, are - everyday, it's a struggle for you to mind your temper, your language, your quarrels with Scripture...meanwhile, the plant never seems to have issues - oh, hear him (or her) sing, in a loud, joyful voice - while, the hymn's very words are convicting you, like nobody's business - which actually is a matter between you and the Lord Jesus.  

Btw, that's another earthly benefit of being a Christian.  While the unsaved world has about no issue, whatsoever, nosing into your business, for the Christian, many personal things are between him (or her) and the Lord.  Many things are simply nobody else's beeswax.  Talk to Peter, about the time when Jesus flat out told him, "what's that to you?" - as in, MYOB, bud!

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

If a person (especially a woman) coming out of a toxic...yeah, toxic relationship had of read that email...

suffice to say, the message was very dismissing - complete with "narcissism" is a word "thrown around."  (Oh, forgetabout the experts who intelligently guess, per stastics and such, that nearly one out of 20 people have, like no compassion for other people.) Also, in the email, was implied, how women, especially, buy into hollywood - ya know, like us women are nothing, but a bunch of numbskulls. Anyway, hate to think of that email being read by someone who actually had endured, for YEARS - not just two or three (but that's more than enough, thankyouverykindly) of mental/financial/various other forms of manipulation.  Well, we know the drill:  that email could really bring a recipient of (long term) abuse way, way down.  And ya wonder why Carol walked, why Peeps did also?

Here's the deal.  And dear reader, bet you won't be one bit surprised.  Eeeyep, the email came from a churchman.  What burns me up is:  abuse recipients, wanting to get free of peewee's ongoing drama, get far more compassion/validation from among the pagans, than from the church - what is wrong with that picture! The email, is just one more bit of proof.

Frankly, if i didn't believe the Bible, and fear the Lord, His reality, His terms, i'd hot foot it oudda church so fast, windows would rattle - and wouldn't look back, either.

It was like that passage in Matthew 23:13, where the Lord Jesus was saying how pharisees crowd around the narrow gate, and won't let people through, and won't go in themselves.

No, i don't believe the churchman is a pharisee.  What i do believe is:  he, like most church people don't have a clue as to how subtle evil truely is.  Many church people live/d sheltered lives - many never grew up around mean drunks/horribly lazy, whiney family member/s; never lived in filthy/unsafe (disgusting excuses for) homes.  Sort of ongoing sheet, will mess up even strong minds.  Many church people associate wicked, with just regular bar folks...going to parties, telling lewd jokes, smoking some weed, listening to rock music, sleeping with their boyfriend or girlfriend.  Ya know  just regular folks - folks, with enough of the Lord's common grace in them, that they know bullying anyone is very wrong, and even unsaved them, when they fall into that nastiness, don't like themselves for it, and don't excuse themselves for it, either.  

Uhm, was unsaved for most of my mid-60s years - so, haven't forgotten, still know how it feels.

"But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!  for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men : for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in."  Matthew 23:13

Monday, October 10, 2022

Oh, some smart-alek was crowing how he (and his partner...wife, live-in? don't know...or care) had put their three kids through college. He said,

no village.  Uhm, not entirely true, but hey, who said red-pills were big on honesty.  If his kids went to public school, their education and transportation, was on the taxpayer's dime (th' VILLAGE, baby)!  And, depending on the college, the curriculum, if the kids received financial assistance, such was also granted through tax-payer funds.  

He, of course, went on, basically, to scowl down single moms...what else is new :)  Guess those single moms shoulda done the "adult" thing and got an abortion?  Typical red-pill guys, they're the only ones, who ffeeellll village-burden$.  Yep, with red-pills, it's always about money - uhm, because money buys "adult(???)" toys. So yeah, no sheet sherlock, they don't want to share - none of it!

Hhmm, last i checked - totalling up the amount the irs and the school district take, comes to like 19% of my gross income.   Btw, i am an office clerk, so, no big money here.  But that's okay.  It's called living below one's means - ya know, the "adult" thing.  Much of the tax money, in one way, or another, goes to support other people's kids.  Okay, that can be annoying, but such is life; instead of throwing another (red-pill) temper tantrum, "adults" simply go to work. 

Red-pills get off spouting how "whamen" in the workplace are more a deficit to their employer's bottom line.  Hhmm, as a clerk, the job involves checking time sheets.  And guess what?  Sure, it appears, that more women, than men, have smaller leave balances.  But not near as much as red-pills like to imagine.  There's plenty of men who earn-n-burn - which, came as a surprise, because, well, silly me had assumed... Like the big boss had said (all those years ago) "leave on the books, is like a savings account."  Well, it only makes sense, that if you're blowing through it, you're probably peeing away other resources.  Atleast the women have "adult" reasons for consistently carrying over, at best, hardly a day's worth of leave; when the child happens to sneeze...ya know the drill :/

Friday, October 7, 2022

The growing numbers of homeless are older women, and the dweebs are glad.

Ya know, pukes who spout their pet phrases like, "for recreational use only."  Yeah, seriously have to wonder, if most of 'em are even getting that sort of exercise.  Hear them talk, they own their houses - yeah, you can say whatever you want, be whomever you want, on the internet.  Meanwhile, the dweebs dream of old women cringing, whenever the phone rings, because their rent is late.  

Oh, with sneers, they protesteth so much...while the men, who are out making money, and dating hot young women, are probably laughing at the low-or-no smv dweebs, all the way to the atm...that is, before going to pick up, wait, that was last week; this week, it's nancy who will be the arm candy, at the restaurant, and later, at the theater.  Then, onto the nightclub - ya know, the one they don't just let all us regular folks in ... yeah, whatever.

Thing is, the winners are dating each other, and even getting engaged, to be married.  Men with money are busy - they've too much going on, to be bragging on ...(cough) ma-ma-haan-nos-phere comment sections.  

Meanwhile, the basement boys don't want to hear of older women owning their homes, and enjoying their clean, clutter-free "peace and quiet."   No man to pick up after, no man to have to listen to hear himself talk...yep, the single life is nice.  

By the way, some years ago, heard someone say something about old women getting an independent streak.  Didn't think too much about it, back then (was some 20 or 30 years ago).  But yeah, makes sense.  Old women have done their time, cooking and cleaning after other people - and having to step (lighly) around other people's bleeping stuff.

Yeah, time to retire, and enjoy the whitespace :) :)

Thursday, October 6, 2022

It was a child-support paying dad who told me, it's cheaper to just mail the check. He worked a few cubes over - some kind of

management analyst position.  While he was no Donald Trump, he made enough to pay his bills and save for a rainy day.  When he told me that, i didn't quite understand how that worked.   But thinking about what He said ...

A non-custpdial dad doesn't end up having to blow through his earned leave - because his kid happened to sneeze in school. 

He doesn't end up missing out on important staff meetings...twice in a row, because his other kid coughed at daycare.  Those meetings matter, and can spell the difference between who gets the promotion, and who gets passed over.

He doesn't end up blowing through his spare time - and running his gas tank on e - playing chauffeur, to and from after-school activities (which i cannot help but to suspect, these are SPECIFICALLY designed to vex the living crap out of parents).  Evening time is precious, it passes so quickly... and there the custodial parent sits in the car, for a bleeping 20-some minutes, waiting ...  It's already past 8pm.  Meanwhile, there's stuff needing to be done at home.  Frankly, the sports/ballet ... oh, bleeping pick one :/  are overrated.

He doesn't end up with the house a mess, things broken, misplaced, or both.  In short, a stress-free life.  He doesn't have to cook dinner - and hear the kid/s complain about not liking ...  He doesn't have to clean up after, either.  Speaking of cleaning, he doesn't have to deal with a mountain of laundry every two days.

He doesn't end up spending more money than he intended while grocery shopping.  Kids, they want everything, and sometimes, it's just less nerve-racking to buy the stupid toy...but non-parents...meh, so quick to broadcast their opinions (like armpits...:) on matters which they know nothing.  

He DOES end up with plenty of free time.  Time to think about, and plan a business.  Oh, not right away - child support would come calling; but c$ isn't the point.  A successful business is seldom an overnight thing; they're better built slow and careful.  He has plenty of free time to stay in shape: that's bound to save on health care costs (unlike the custodial parent, who is so time/ wonder, she's popping meds and about half gone goodyear! )

He, if he wants, CAN have a social life - get together with friends.  If he so desires, he can find himself a girlfriend - and stay over at her place...use her bath towels, while his remain neatly folded at his place.

But red-pills don't think through things, they don't see beyond writing the monthly check.  Nope, red-pills are like that highly annoying kid over at the dollar store - screaming and whining about wanting yet another toy, candy bar, or whatever.

A blogger's post, about her determination to lose the five extra pounds, that crept upon her,

got me to thinking about various things.  She had described what she was eating, in order to lose the weight.  Well, as with alot of diets, sounded like a hassle.  But this 60-ish wife, has been a housewife, for alot of years; she has kitchen-space, so preparing real food for her Husband, and the rabbit fare for big deal, evidently.  

Kitchen-space and the time to prepare, basically two different meals...big difference.  Two different meals, means twice the bowls and utensils used, twice the cleanup.  And, by the way, dishwashers work best, when the dishes are prewashed (just my opinion, but, well heck, might as well just wash 'n rinse 'em in the sink, and stack 'em on the dish rack).  But in the real world, where most wives have to work for a paycheck, it's more than enough to prepare just one meal, let alone two.

The first rule about getting the weight off, and KEEPING it off, is still the same old, same old - stay away from places where the food is.  That's a big problem for women who have husbands and children to cook for; family members want real food - not some little bowl of tasteless, mostly water lettuice; lettuce with barely one tablespoon of dressing.  

The next hurtle - besides the general hassle of making the bird-sized recipe - is coming up with several other birdie meals.  The same old non-filling two or three recipes are bound to get real old, real quick - meanwhile, oh, the other family members are eating real food, and it smells just heavenly.  Yummy, they're enjoying meatloaf with those little red taters that are covered in a lovely sour cream sauce, and buttered green beans.  Oh, and those lovely little rolls - ya know, they're still warm.  Yesterday, the family enjoyed heaping plates of pork, kraut and mashed taters, which were made with a rich cheese sauce.  We won't discuss what the desserts were - except, of course - like most everything else - homemade.  And ya wonder why wives and moms have a hard time sticking to diets?  

Hey, you self-righteous mgtows (and she-toadies) you bleeping make a go at preparing lovely dishes that you can't eat - and then eat from your stupid little bird-bowl, while both seeing and smelling REAL food, being savored, right in front of you.  Yeah, give it a week, maybe two; good luck with that.

No "wall" for men? Theoretically, a man's sexual market about "making merchandise..." can extend into his 50s. Of course, the mgtows are victory dancing. But, have they considered

their kids reaching their mid 20s.  Mr. Mgtow will be around 70ish, by the time junior gets his stem degree.  But that's only the beginning.  When a young person begins his (or her) adult life, he (or she) may need some help in getting established.  The starter home, for instance, will probably need work; junior will probably need his father's guidance - after all, the young man (or woman) knows computers and accounting.  But how to fix the ... whatever?  Dad had a similar problem a few years back, and while he was able to do some of the work himself, he also had another option:  money in the bank.  Dad called the contractor, he knew which contractor does the better job.

Not so, with junior.  Junior, with alot on his plate - and only having lived for 20-some years - doesn't yet know alot of things.  And junior doesn't have spare money waiting in the bank.  But how-to-fix-whatevers, is hardly even half of it.

Junior is in his mid-20s.  Dad is 70ish.  While the two men get together, to just spend time, while they can.  It's not like Dad is getting any younger.  But it is highly likely, that Dad will not likely be spending much, if any, time actually doing things with his future grandsons.  By the time, the first grandson is born, Pop will be leaning towards his 80s.  Grandfathers are important in a grandchild's life.  

In short, men do have a "wall."  Though it comes 1/2 century later than that of a woman's, it's still a wall.  And that wall, affects the grandkids, who are likely to not get to be around, and do things with their grandfather.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Also in Deuteronomy 23, talks about escaped slaves. Okay, imagine you've somehow crossed the wilderness and come to the hebrew nation.

You're weakened from the trek - and not only that, your back is a total mess, from prior abuse.  Per the Lord God's law, the hebrews are to give you sanctuary - while, among the pagan nations, escaped slaves were quickly dimed out.  And, by the way, you have no idea who your daddy is - and you don't even know if your mom knows who sired you.  That makes you a b-tard, and so, you can't attend the hebrew's church.

But there you are.  For the first time, in too long a time, you have a job where your boss doesn't beat/headgame the tar out of you for ...puah...sheets and giggles.  Also, you are paid well enough to atleast eat regular, and actually have two changes of clean clothing.  And a pair of shoes, that don't have holes.  

So, there you are, doing some kind of farm job - basically, like most everyone else.   Where you came from, work was basically the stuff that only the vast majority of common folks did.  Work was looked down upon, by the slim minority of the wealthy class - who, by the way, got their money by any means; if that meant ripping off old people ... oh flipping well!  

Where you come from, whatever gods that were worshipped, were also social darwinistic, as all get out.  Where you come from, gods are all a bunch of headgamers that you have to kiss up to - like the elephant in the room, who just took yet another dump, where you're from, folks said little about the obvious; that is, if they even thought their gods were, at best, a waste of headspace.

But here, where you are working now...even though, you are excluded from church, here and there, little by little, you've heard things about the hebrew's Lord God.  Things you never, ever have heard before, about any other god.  Mind boggling, actually.  

The hebrew's Lord God has commands against ripping off customers, beating servants, mistreating poor people, favoring one wife's provisions over another's.

Wow, very different.  More later, got to get ready for work.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Once again, lesson learned. Why it's important to actually read Scripture, outside of church. Just heard a sermon

from a different preacher on (and so far, he is evidently KJB - so, i'll stick around and listen to more).  Anyway, he was preaching from the beginning of Deuteronomy 23 - that's the part where, if you or your great, great, great ... grandparent was born out of wedlock, you can't sit in the assembly.  Thing is, this particular preacher came off harsh, at the very idea as to why someone would question.  Uhm, it's a human thing.  But what he didn't address, and should have, were other parts of the Old Testament, where the people who were excluded from the assembly, did hear preaching.

Excluded from the assembly?  Happens today.  In about two weeks, an assembly, who meets monthly, will be getting together.  If i was to show up, i would, point blank, be asked to leave.  Oh wait, there's another assembly that  Not sure.  All's i know is, i am EXCLUDED from even just entering the room, and sitting quietly.  You see, the one assembly is the men's prayer breakfast; the other, is the deacons' meeting.  And no, at the church i go to, they follow the Scripture.  Women cannot be deacons.

So, in another sermon, the preacher said, that in the hebrew, there are different words for different assemblies.  Evidently, in Deuteronomy 23, the Lord is referring to the assembly of the church leaders - deacons and such men in leadership positions.  There's also this one function, thrice yearly, that only men attend - i think they had to travel.

Glad i read, glad i listened, because got to thinking about some half breed whatever who came to live amongst the hebrews.  Was thinking...wah, wait a minute, how does that guy or gal get the opportunity to hear preaching, and come to salvation?  

Was a bit upset.  And to hear the first preacher, basically invalidate ANY questions, and THEN basically accuse anyone who dares to question, is smartmouthing the Lord.

And ya wonder why people want no parts of church?

No, not mad at the first preacher.  Though would most likely cop an attitude - at the perhaps, "stumble passage" - if i hadn't read other parts of Scripture.  Am by means NO Bible scholar; most times, do not have chap-n-verse, but have seen it written - where EVERYBODY, including the stable boy and the scullery maid, assemble to hear the preaching.  

Have to get it together, and get a notebook.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Listened to a podcast, given by a bachelor, who had mentioned height - the chicks want tall men. Anyway, just had a thought,

while looking for shoes, and wanting to buy a pair that were pretty...through three stores, and had two choices: flat and frumpy or 3.5 inch pron-star.  Well, i'm a bit old for the later :)   Anyway, seriously doubt, if i was the only customer who was looking for a 1 to 1.5 pair.  By the way, the pron height draws upon even young backs - let alone old ones.  But the reason i am posting this, isn't really about women.

It's about men.  

Just a few minutes ago, got to thinking about that bachelor.  Really, he's an attractive fella - so what if he's half bald and some 10-15 pounds overweight - you'll have this with post-40 year olds.  And no, am not looking - not into robbing cradles, thankyoukindly.  Anyway, he mentioned being under 5'6" - is that a crime?  

Well, was thinking...wait a minute, there's plenty of young 5.2 and 5.3 women around.  Some shorter.  And yeah, i get it:  if a 5.8 woman gains three pounds, nobody notices, but if a short girl ... yada yada.  

But here's the deal.  A young short honey has a date tonight, and right now, she's fixing to go over to the mall to buy a pair of nice shoes to wear because, well, she likes the guy.  Of course, she wants something pretty.

But the pretty pairs are 3.5 inches.

Could it be, women's shoe designers do NOT consider men under 5'8"?  Not surprised :/

Friday, September 30, 2022

How i keep nail polish from chipping. Had read in an article - and wasn't surprised -

that said frequent changing of shades weakens the nails.  Yeah, nail polish/remover dry them out.  And being that older nails are probably more prone, makes sense to go easy on them.

Anyway, when i use polish remover - the strong stuff, because that works to remove dark colors.  When it's all off, i rub my fingers with olive oil, then buff dry with a soft cotton towel.  From there, put on whatever color i choose.

And can go two weeks until it's time to remove and repeat.

Favorite colors are red, red and red.  That's one thing i like about being old.  i can wear red.  Granted, came up from a time when red on a young woman's finger tips was, rather racey.  

But old women can get away with redredred.

Friday, September 23, 2022

Hebrews owned slaves? Yeah! However, even the lowliest scullery maid got a day off, every week. That was the Law.

Egyptian and caananite rulers could, and probably did, work their slaves seven days a week - and beat them to death, for what? ... a few sheets n giggles?   Meanwhile, the Hebrews - from their princes, to the poor schlep who shoveled horse manure - stopped work at 6pm friday evening, because that was the start of their Sabbath.  Whatever farm tool joe slave was using, by 6pm, that rake or hoe was wiped off and hanging on its hook.

By 6pm saturday, the Sabbath was over.  But ya know what?  In that region of the world, it's about getting on dark by 8pm.  So, saturday at 6pm, what's joe slave going to do?  Maybe he'll head out to the shed and sharpen the sickle, or check the wagon wheel - he recalled it sounding rather funny late thursday.  Meanwhile, during that two-time hour work-window, sally the scullery slave would perhaps, sharpen some kitchen knives (metal was expensive - so things had to be taken care of) or maybe she'd snap some green beans.  Or maybe she'd give the window wells a wipe/give the walkway a sweep. 

Unlike the egyptian and caananite slave owners, in Hebrew sociey, if your slave accidently knocked over your favorite vase, and you beat the living tar out of that slave, you could end up in big trouble for that.  Yep!  Again and again, Hebrews were reminded that their ancestors suffered under BRUTAL working conditions.  

For the most part, however, "slaves" in Hebrew society, were Hebrews themselves, who'd ran into financial trouble.  So, dennis the debtee would work seven years to pay what he owed; at the end of the term, he'd be given sufficient resources to start over as a free man.

But the most important thing was:  a slave, like anybody else in Hebrew society, was taught about the Lord God's ways - what He expects from His people, be they princes or poop shovellers.  Meanwhile Pagan rulers didn't give one iota about the eternal souls of their laborers.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Women envy men? Well, the little green monster made an appearance on Monday.

There's this, evidently, successful male co-worker, and he was going on about his successful high risk stocks n bonds, or whatever.  This one investment avenue was worth like, next to zilch - a programming issue.  He FIXED the problem.  And now, the stock is worth ... alot of money.  From nothing to several thousands.  That's just one source.  And NO!  He wasn't bragging, just glad to be well set, and have the computer skills, and the motivation, to stay well set.  And, by the way, his wife has a good job too.

So, yeah, the green monster showed up.  And stayed, eh, for about a half minute.  Greenie had to go, quick - and, surely, wasn't real happy.  Yep, within a few seconds, guess Who else shows up?  The Holy Spirit.  And we know whenever He shows up, greenie 'n company are out the door.  i know this, because, were it not for the Lord, i'd still be fuming envy.  

Bible says Father, Son and Holy Ghost are three persons, one God.  There's a Scripture about demons on the look for places to sofa surf.  It's the Scripture about some guy who evidently cleans up his act - but he didn't acknowledge Christ as Lord.  Anyway, the demon who was squatting had, i guess, got bored and frustrated because there was no booze or dirty magazines, or whatever.  So, the demon takes off, but he can't find a place to freeloader.  Have to wonder, because, somewhere in the Book of Job (i think, it's in Job) it says something about hell being a place of no order.  That tells me, demons aren't all buddy buddy with each other.  

Had been thinking about this, awhile ago.  Why couldn't the departing demon just had joined some others who were occupying narc-neighbor...ya know, the dude who beats up his girlfriend, for ... well, kicks?  Maybe the departing demon wasn't into violence.  Maybe he was looking for some pseudo-intellectual who was into Kant, Nietzsche...what ever!  Evil doesn't always get drunk and molest kids; sometimes, evil gets off playing holy-joe.

Anyway, the Scripture goes on about the  condition of the demon-free house.  It's all swept and nice - no booze bottles, roaches, cigarette butts in the trays.  But the Holy Spirit doesn't live there either.  So, guess what happens.  Yep, couch-surfer comes back - and he brings along seven others, grungier and moochier than him.  Something about, the last state being worse than the first  ya know, a dog returning to his  vomit, sow to her mud hole.

Godda roll.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Just hate spinster-shaming. Back in the day, an unmarried 30-something woman was likely single because,

for having committed the bigtime sin of having been less than physically attractive.  Not all women are miss america.  Back then, few women were obese; if you've ever pushed a 1960s vacuum cleaner, those things are heavy - and women used to lug those things up and down stairs.  Irons were heavy too, and there was alot of ironing to do.  Cooking was done with cast iron skillets.  Houses were tiny, families were large, and housework was constant.  So, no time or space to gain scores of pounds.

Being a plain jane is not a willful crime, it just happened to be the situation for some women, in a day when cosmetic surgery was not available,  or way too expensive.  But the gender brownnosers of the time would victory dance around the homely girls, and flash their engagement/wedding rings.  The saying is true, women can (and usually ARE) their own worst enemies.  Of course, there were, and are, women who had been in a relationship that didn't end well; so, these gals decided, they were done.  Ya know, trust issues - can ya blame 'em?  Oh, but the gender brownnosers do...any reason to blame-game, evidently.

And ya know what?  High time for that sheet-show to STOP!  Hey girls, men really don't like us women; so, what's the point of kissing up to people, that no matter what you do, how much you try, it will never be enough - and how little you ask, in return...well, too much.  You'll never be acknowledged as ... well, a human?

Monday, September 19, 2022

Oh, by the way, at the healthy church - where MEN even attend sunday night and

the mid-week prayer/Bible study, some of them come by themselves.  And yeah, among the "single"(?) ones, there's a few that are good looking.

But here's the deal: thank You, Jesus, i am so not interested - in even so much as a coffee date.  You see, dear reader, that's just ONE of the blessings of following the Lord Jesus.  

Jesus is not looking down his nose at me, for being very post-wall and "single."  Jesus is not mocking me when stopping at the diner (once in a blue moon, because am such a tightwad) to eat supper alone - He would take issue, by the way, if i left a skimpy tip (there's a Scripture about stiffing working people).

In short, oh yeah, there is definitely a Scripture that clearly says that woman was made for man, and not vice-versa - and that widows under the age of 60 should marry.  (i am over 60, but that's not the point of this post.)  Point is: while the Lord created women to be wives (helpmeets) of men, i have yet to find ANYWHERE in Scripture where the Lord calls single women "left overs" / while laughing at them - and their inability to fix something, that a man could do in five seconds.

In conclusion, there are a few red-pills out there, who ARE Christians, and you betcha, they're no friends of feminism.  But the difference is:  these Christian men are not mockers.  While they don't like what the 304s are doing, these red-pill Christians want to see these "hoes" get saved ... ya know, just like any other list person.

Godda roll.  Bye :)

Sunday, September 18, 2022

"Stong Successful Male"? Yeah, there's some over at the church house! And that's so not to be confused

with the pro-forni (nook for free) dweebo who runs his(?) game on a you-tube channel.  As a matter of fact, people who feeeellll the na-na nneeeedd to bray their "success"... well, ya just have to wonder.  Ya know..."things that make ya go hhmmm, hhmm, yeah..."  

Anyway, the REAL successful men, over at the church, they're doing things.  Things that actually matter.   And yeah, they've faithful wives, nice houses, cars that are reliable, time and money to do things which benefit other people.  As an aside, but not really, if ya ever wondered why for-real Christians (here in the states) generally do okay financially, ya think it might have something to do with not blowing money on garbage (booze, weed, pron/games, toys, repairs that should have been done FIVE years ago...) ya think?!

Men are a definite sign of a for-real church.  And here's the deal:  these days, especially, churches, where the Bible is actually preached from the pulpit, are usually the ones with a bunch of old folks sitting in the pews.  

Old, i.e., 60 and over.  Now, we all know, women generally live a few years longer than men (we gals didn't spend 40 years getting our guts scrambled behind the wheel of a tractor-trailer).  Anyway, the gender ratio over at church is about 50-50.  And yeah, there's young people, and children too, but there's alot of old men, and old women.