First off, she has kids, and works full-time at a job - thankfully, decent paying, but there are physical aspects to the job; in short, she doesn't merely park her butt in front of a 'puter from 8 to 4, m thru f, only to get up for coffee - and to get rid of the coffee.
As for hitting the gym? Uh, when? And with what? In the REAL world, where growing children need things ... like a roof that doesn't leak, funds will also be needed for college. In the real world, where children's needs trump adults'(? whiney) list of wants, moms come home tired from work.
Oh, and here we go with the judgy peepull, chiding about the twice weekly door-da$h. There's still (and always) laundry...that is, after whatever sport practice - by that time, it will be after seven. And those (expletive) school fund-raisers...yep, more chuck-holes for parents to stumble into.
A bit after 8pm, she turns on the dryer. The dinner dishes are in the dishwasher - she had to run it a 2nd time, since last night she didn't get the chance to turn it on ... long story, something came up, and she didn't get to bed until well after 11. Six am comes real quick. Yep, the usual minimal - at best - amount of sleep; that will mess up a person's ability to properly plan ahead/avoid at least some hassles.
Oh, but now she is "wasting time" watching a tv program; she should, instead, be doing ... Uhm, yeah, she's been running all day. So, stow it with the judgyness already. Ugh!
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