A non-custpdial dad doesn't end up having to blow through his earned leave - because his kid happened to sneeze in school.
He doesn't end up missing out on important staff meetings...twice in a row, because his other kid coughed at daycare. Those meetings matter, and can spell the difference between who gets the promotion, and who gets passed over.
He doesn't end up blowing through his spare time - and running his gas tank on e - playing chauffeur, to and from after-school activities (which i cannot help but to suspect, these are SPECIFICALLY designed to vex the living crap out of parents). Evening time is precious, it passes so quickly... and there the custodial parent sits in the car, for a bleeping 20-some minutes, waiting ... It's already past 8pm. Meanwhile, there's stuff needing to be done at home. Frankly, the sports/ballet ... oh, bleeping pick one :/ are overrated.
He doesn't end up with the house a mess, things broken, misplaced, or both. In short, a stress-free life. He doesn't have to cook dinner - and hear the kid/s complain about not liking ... He doesn't have to clean up after, either. Speaking of cleaning, he doesn't have to deal with a mountain of laundry every two days.
He doesn't end up spending more money than he intended while grocery shopping. Kids, they want everything, and sometimes, it's just less nerve-racking to buy the stupid toy...but non-parents...meh, so quick to broadcast their opinions (like armpits...:) on matters which they know nothing.
He DOES end up with plenty of free time. Time to think about, and plan a business. Oh, not right away - child support would come calling; but c$ isn't the point. A successful business is seldom an overnight thing; they're better built slow and careful. He has plenty of free time to stay in shape: that's bound to save on health care costs (unlike the custodial parent, who is so time/stressed...no wonder, she's popping meds and about half gone goodyear! )
He, if he wants, CAN have a social life - get together with friends. If he so desires, he can find himself a girlfriend - and stay over at her place...use her bath towels, while his remain neatly folded at his place.
But red-pills don't think through things, they don't see beyond writing the monthly check. Nope, red-pills are like that highly annoying kid over at the dollar store - screaming and whining about wanting yet another toy, candy bar, or whatever.
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