from a different preacher on (and so far, he is evidently KJB - so, i'll stick around and listen to more). Anyway, he was preaching from the beginning of Deuteronomy 23 - that's the part where, if you or your great, great, great ... grandparent was born out of wedlock, you can't sit in the assembly. Thing is, this particular preacher came off harsh, at the very idea as to why someone would question. Uhm, it's a human thing. But what he didn't address, and should have, were other parts of the Old Testament, where the people who were excluded from the assembly, did hear preaching.
Excluded from the assembly? Happens today. In about two weeks, an assembly, who meets monthly, will be getting together. If i was to show up, i would, point blank, be asked to leave. Oh wait, there's another assembly that Not sure. All's i know is, i am EXCLUDED from even just entering the room, and sitting quietly. You see, the one assembly is the men's prayer breakfast; the other, is the deacons' meeting. And no, at the church i go to, they follow the Scripture. Women cannot be deacons.
So, in another sermon, the preacher said, that in the hebrew, there are different words for different assemblies. Evidently, in Deuteronomy 23, the Lord is referring to the assembly of the church leaders - deacons and such men in leadership positions. There's also this one function, thrice yearly, that only men attend - i think they had to travel.
Glad i read, glad i listened, because got to thinking about some half breed whatever who came to live amongst the hebrews. Was thinking...wah, wait a minute, how does that guy or gal get the opportunity to hear preaching, and come to salvation?
Was a bit upset. And to hear the first preacher, basically invalidate ANY questions, and THEN basically accuse anyone who dares to question, is smartmouthing the Lord.
And ya wonder why people want no parts of church?
No, not mad at the first preacher. Though would most likely cop an attitude - at the perhaps, "stumble passage" - if i hadn't read other parts of Scripture. Am by means NO Bible scholar; most times, do not have chap-n-verse, but have seen it written - where EVERYBODY, including the stable boy and the scullery maid, assemble to hear the preaching.
Have to get it together, and get a notebook.
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