Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Quiver-full. A preacher had described a warrior's supply of arrows; he needs, not only top notch ones, but

a good supply, in order to get the job done.  However, not too many, because wally-warrior must climb rocky hills - and be ready, on a dime, to veer this or that way/dive behind a rock.  In addition, our mighty man, also must carry other supplies - like food, water, tools, medical...  

But when the quiver cultists go if wives should, more like be baby factories, produce like a baker's dozen...isn't it odd, how these pulpiteers forget a certain Biblical fact.  Go through the Bible, and count the number of children the moms had.  You'll see, mom over here in this chapter had three; mom over there in that chapter had two.  One lady holds the record: Samuel's mom had six.  Yep, going through the Bible, moms had about the same number of kids, as the typical mom of the 1960s - about three, maybe four, many less, and some had more.  But NO mom, in the Scriptures, had ten or twelve.  Uhm, the Lord knows us humans are real dummies.  If 10+ kids was the fem-factory quota, wouldn't the Lord have spelled that out?  In one-syllabled words - just to make sure us clay morons got it?  Come on, the Lord is specific about plenty of other things - don't sleep with anyone other than your spouse, pay your taxes, be upfront with your customers...

Sure, in (quik) passing, the pulpiteers will throw that "prayer n fasting" crumb - the one which allows couples to abstain for a limited time.  But oh, they NEGLECT to mention that a struggling couple, who separates for ... uhm, three days, may be both praying, fervently, that the car repair won't cost ... eh, too much.  Yikes, and of course, the rent is due on Friday; the next pay week doesn't come until the week after.  Oh, and the two kids they already have, both need winter coats.

Doesn't the Bible say to pray always?  And doesn't the Bible also say, to leave an inheritance for your grandbabies?  Certainly something better than a broken down old trailer, dented from the daily, nagging struggles of a family of eight.  Well, building up savings takes alot of years, and very careful (prayerful) planning.  

Godda get back to work.

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