is on-line, just fine. And you'd think that peewee could take a few minutes to atleast look at the leaky faucet, and maybe, fix it...ya know, the one, which wifey had politely asked - actually about frakking begged - him to fix it ... last AUGUST!! It's almost January. By the way, wifey works full time at her job, and then full time at home. Sometimes, but not often, she is able to get a wholloping six hours of sleep - wow we ;/
Anyway, with the electric and water working fine, why do things like leaky faucets, low air in the left rear tire, the laundry-room shelf that needs put right (it leans)...why do these simple projects go ignored, for months - if not years? Do you think these same peewees would suddenly wax mad max (whadda hunk, whadda hero :):) when the power goes permanently out? If "road warrior" becomes reality, oh yeah, women will be in for a world of hurt - and so will about 90% of men.
Oh, and by the way, back in canaanite times, when war-lords ruled, guess what defeated soldiers were known to endure, before being killed - or just left to the buzzards? Defeated soldiers were flipped over and gRaped by the victors. King Saul, defeated in battle, took his life, because he KNEW the philistines would "abuse" him.
Be careful what ya wish for, red-pills/pencil-necked basement boys.
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