Friday, December 30, 2022

Red-pills bring up the "wall," standard because they can't stand the fact,

that men also have to deal with unfaIr standards - what's fair??  That was in mid-October, weather was perfect, turnout was great :)  Anyway, we all know that men prefer younger, and slimmer, women, who haven't been around the block ... uh, well, too many times.  Red-pills take that option, and run fast.  Too fast, because they're quick to forget, exercising that option (getting the pretty girl) comes with a price - Work.  Oh, and also hitting the gym.  Those hot young doubleDs aren't so into spare tires - well, wait a sec, if mr.mitchellin is a big enough wheel...

Red-pills can't stand being ordinary, can't stand having to get up and go work an ordinary job - and having to put up with taking orders...ya know, the boss is a complete jerk... has this 8-not-a-minute-late obsession - who the eff does he (or she) think he is!  And, if all that's not enough, red-pills can't stand that their dating options are...well, usually the plainer-janers.  Date last night, didn't pan out so well, eh?   Took her to burger-planet, even paid for her meal - WITH fries - and then princess-B-cup said something about 6am coming early.  In short, she didn't put out - that was $15 wasted, bruh!

Well, dude, weren't you just up most the night, on the pill-forums, going on about wanting to date nice girls?  Uhm, that's what nice girls do - they're in bed ... alone, by 10 on weeknights.  

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