Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Older women and poverty? Another financial analyst had some stats about gender, and being unprepared

for retIrement.  Forty seven percent of men have no savings/would be hard pressed to come up with 1k to handle an unexpected expense.  For women, the stat is fifty three percent.  Needful to say, the longer you live into old age ...  Could men's shorter lifespans have anything to do with not getting med checkups?  Could old women's money issues have anything to do with medical bills?  (Dad told me, back in the 90s - when he staffed the phone for a collection agency - the number one reason for late bills, was medical expenses.  i thought it was shopping or vacas.)

The broadcast would likely bust some peewee-o'sphere bubbles.  Over there, the pron-soaked wankers, in a loud shrill tone, are getting off, at the idea of homeless post "wall" women.  Oh, by the way, on the cover of a recent veteran's magazine, is pictured a homeless female veteran.  Now, we know that manly men come back from battle, with alot of issues.  Well...duh?  She had served in battle, came back with, evidently, a whole lot of things she didn't want to recall; she then had been smacked around by this or that boyfriend - or two.  Have to wonder, how close to battle did BOYfriend/s get?  "Call of Duty" video game, anyone?

Anyway, as for post "wall" poverty, talk to the woman who is working some 60 hours per week - her full-time being physically demanding.  She is working all those hours - at the sacrifice of a for-real home-life - in order to fund her son's college education.  Uh, as for the young man's dad?  Yep, you guessed it: not. a. dime.

Oh, so want to call more bs - oh, so want to go for the juggler, babah.  So past time to get offa blog-land, and read some Scripture.  Really need to, yikes.

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