Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Per a video i saw last night, a man was talking about ancient canaan.

He showed photos of archaeological sites, where skeletons of little children had been scattered here and there - because...well, when you pray to demons...  Anyway, he was saying the caananites were considered as dogs by the hebrews for ... evidently valid reasons.  Evidently, the Lord had reason to want them wiped out, because they ... did a whole lot more wicked stuff, than merely getting drunk, starting fistfights, chasing hotties...

The man said, canaanites were the sort of people who'd sooner throw slimey mud at you, than simply say "Good Morning."  Will have to visit the library; want to check on this.  And better yet - by a few light years, pay closer attention to the Scriptures.  For one thing, Bible says they had 400 years to repent.  But evidently, they had gone from just bad to way worse.  Per an OT Law, the hebrew dads were forbidden to sleep with their daughters, nephews were forbidden to sleep with their aunts.  Ew! that's gross.  But evidently, that wasn't even the half of it. Another OT law forbade the Lord's people from boinking animals.  Well, shoot!  Who'd even think of doing such a thing?  Triple  bluuck!  We know the old saying: if there is a Law against it, it's being done.

Don't think it's too much a stretch to conclude, that we western moderns - even the well educated among us - see the ancient world through rosey specks.  All of us, grew up in a christian-influenced culture.  Even people who HATE!!! the Bible, are known to help strangers in need.  It's called "common grace," the Law written in men's hearts.  Bible also says that after Jesus comes in the clouds, and takes His church out of here, things are going to wax real ugly.  

Conditions will revert back to the old time ra-lid-jun of might-makes-right - Nietzsche, check yer inbox.  Oh yeah, the anti-christ will don some pretty hat and pontificate on and on about "peace and safety," but he, and his inner circle (and fringe toadies) won't give a royal rip about poor folks and mistreated animals - and neither will overwhelmingly $tressed, most everyone else.

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