Friday, December 23, 2022

Biological imperatives - why is the man's(?) bio lust to screw around more important than the woman's bio need for security.

cHads sweettalk side chicks, who become baby-moms - just what we all need: more fatherLESS children.  Meanwhile, women's compelling need for a man's provisioning/problem solving (i.e., fix the roof!) is very legit; women have babies, and babies are very dependent.  In fact, the very workplace has had to make changes in order to accommodate the legions of women (farmed out or thrown out, by their ... huh! "men").  Of course, the childfree gals are beefing, because they're supposedly getting stuck working overtime - well, welcome to the village; hillary clinton was right about that one.  

Women's biological imperative for security isn't the fancy stuff.  Security is just plain old adult responsibility...ya know, the trees trimmed... uhm, so high winds don't become a stress-drama.  Oh yeah, and the spouting be secure...uhm, so the basement stays dry - because, boy-howdy, they're calling for one sloppy wintry mix.  And decent windows - ones that keep the sub-freezing outside.  By the way, the mailbox is standing wonky ... for the last three years - when's that going to be put right.  We've already discussed the slow drain/s.  THIS is the kind of stuff, women "NAG" about - stuff that should have been fixed from the get-go.

Why doesn't wifey fix it?  Well, between her two full-time jobs, she neither has the time to learn the skills in doing MAN'S job, nor has she the energy to do those things.  Uh, okay, let's be real here - wifey is too much of a scardy-cat to climb ladders, with tools in tow.  And forget about her fixing that one - no wait, two - electrical outlets, that are ... well, loose or something; either way, would save alot of hassle, for everyone, if they could be trusted.


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