In addition, there was speculation that the two genders basically lived apart. That could explain the lack of women's graves. The gender and approximate age of the children wasn't given - i'd of honed in on that. Anyway, the women and children - as in some primitive tribes, the boys go to learn manhood stuff, at around eight or nine - left to fend for themselves...uhm, probably many of them and their daughters and small boys, probably became some lion's or wolf-pack's lunch - so, nothing left to bury. And even if a head or foot was found in the brush, the other women were probably too starved, and just plain too dog-tired, to bother. Uhm, when yer longtime despised, and told over and over and ... rinse and frakking repeat, that you are good for nothing, ugly, stupid, worthless ... can ya spell brainwashing?
A few years later, in a science mag (i shoulda swiped it off the dentist office waiting room table) was an article about a population of pre-indians who lived in central america. The men were noticeably bigger, healthier, and lived about twice as long as the women. The women's remains showed signs of malnutrition and abuse. These indians lived anout five thousand years ago.
The Flood, per Genesis, happened about 4.5 thousand years ago.
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