Anyway, listening to the post, and thumb-upping the comments...whew, some of the people were really pist - including me. Can't blame 'em, considering... But i don't want to remain pist, just don't want to stay there, any longer than two minutes - if that. i know, somewhere in the Scriptures, the Lord tells us, "be angry, but sin not." Well, my anger was sinful - crossing into hate. Yikes.
There's a Scripture that gives, even SAVED people alot of trouble abiding. We often hear preached - and, of course, glossed over...ya know, preacherman is so okay with things, never EVER is tempted to just up and tell ol'toxic-ted (or tina) to go eff himself. (Hhmm, maybe that's why ted, or tina, are so annoying - nobody stands up, for fear of being called low class, or whatever.) But anyway...
The Scripture is Matthew 5:44, where Jesus Christ is preaching, to alot of people; this was early in his three-year ministry. "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you;"
In other Scriptures, we're told, that if our enemy is hungry, we are to feed him - in short, help him if he's in a bad way. What gets glossed over (r u surprised:/ ) is: where does Jesus say to just keep on allowing our enemy access to our checkbook, our personal space? Now granted, have only read the Bible two or three times through, but i didn't see any verses telling us to remain as door mats/punching bags and such.
Oh, and by the way - this is REALLY important - a for real preacher (yeah, there are a few real ones out there ... can ya spell, voices in the wilderness?). A real preacher will tell ya, point blank, have read such n such chapter n verse dozens of times, over the years, but the other day, i noticed, for the first time, such n such word in the passage...
Wolves love to quote that wives are to obey their husbands, but they sure leave out the "as in the Lord" part - yeah, how "bout that - eh? If a husband is constantly railing on his wife, and she constantly taking it - and (cravenly) acknowledging, that he's right...that she is, and always will be, ugly, stupid, worthless, bla, bla, bla... Uhh, that's not obedience. That is supporting someone in their sin (false accusations). Since we're clearly not to high five the drunk, fornicator or gambler, see Roman's 1 (which. by the way, goes waay beyond reading the riot act to ... three-dollar-bills) why should giving quarter to liars and cheats be any different?
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