Sunday, May 9, 2021

Phrase of the day: milestone announcent. In other words: send a gift card, or better yet,

send atleast $50 - because sending only $25 is just an updated poor-gramma sending a measly $10 (which she could barely afford back in '80-something.  These hallmark-holidays/occasions are nothing but financial manipulation.  And most of us have taken the bait atleast one time or another.  Every year, millions of people go ever further into debt because they're convinced, they must continue playing the facade.  

Could start this next sentence with, "as a senior citizen..."  Bunk.  Even when young, very much resented throwing money at people - especially people who, any other time of the year, didn't know i existed.  Resoundingly YES, am tight with money.  Frankly, over the years, had i participated in the $tupid facade - being that a $20 here, a $50 there can, after awhile, add up to one or more unpaid credit card balances/home equity loans.  

So, who'se gonna help me if i end up in financial dutch?  Silly question.  Frankly, (having come from a social darwinistic background - which is very hard to shake) the best anyone - who doesn't have even remotely near  half a million in the bank - is to remain independent for as long as possible.


  1. Do you have kids and grandkids to send the money to? If you do? Do you think they'd help you if you hit the streets? Hope you help any of them who become poor.

  2. Dear Peeps, i think the best gift to anyone is to remain independent. The last thing i want is to be a burden, and so if keeping a tight leash on my limited funds, keeps the wolves away, then so be it. And yeah, i do give money to help people, but i don't want that to be a i-scratch-yer-back-you-scratch-mine deal. Most these hallmark-holiday set-ups are nothing but a money-show.
