Saturday, July 31, 2021

If ya don't just lemming up for the vax, you're selfish. Yeah, whatever.

That bit of guilt-tripping - and this is almost funny - comes from Boomers - my generation...ya know, the same people who, last summer (and still, this summer) relentlessly chided the young people for throwing parties.  Oh, that one's easy enough to harp non-stop - yeah...while my generation could talk young ears off about their (supposed) woodstock days.  In other words, us old people have had our good times, and really don't seem to give a rip about the good times of others...the covid-cancelled proms, grad parties, or just plain going to the beach for the weekend with about ten friends.

It as if my generation has forgotten what it feels like to be young and vibrant.  Or is it actually, the chidey-heidies haven't forgotten, and they're just plain jealous of men and women who are still quite attractive to the opposite sex.  Hhmm, is that the real issue ;)

All's i know is, my generation had come to power over the last 20 to 30 years.  And such changes.   Corporations, led by Boomers - playing and winning the stock market - closed down factory after factory, and decided there's waay more money to be made, when your (Chinese) workforce is forced to work long hours, in cramped conditions, for wages that barely - if that - afford decent food, and clean clothing.  

And yer selfish for not getting a vax - which, if ya did get the vax, you might have to (take time off WORK) to go re-get, and go re-get again.  But that's not boomer-heidie's problem.  She's retired, and living quite well off those stocks dividends; she doesn't have to (hmmph) deal with (nose-in-air) employers (smug grin).  Oh yeah, saw such a comment on some (new-agey arse) boomer blog.

Funny - nott - it's usually women running  this judgy bs...buncha harridans :/

Friday, July 30, 2021

"Oh, we got ridda that..." That was an acquaintance's answer to a question. She talks about her (ahemm) church. Yep, one of those, where Jesus is basically

a cartoon - a flat jesus, to take to (of all places) disney world.   Predictably, her rather-mega church does not mention the reality of what comes after, eternally, for people who don't accept Jesus Christ as Lord.  "God is a god of lllovve."  Sounds so new-agey...well, one good thing about covid, so far, they haven't yet (to the best of my knowledge) rented out one of there spacious rooms to a yoga class.  But, wouldn't be too suprised ... the expansion project, am told, will cost a few million.

Okay, the question.  Asked the lady what Bible is used (during the typical 15-minute sermonette).   She didn't know (say whatt?).  So, asked her if it was the niv, esv,  rsv.  Nope, she didn't know.  King James?   Well, for sure, the lady knew the bible used, certainly was not the KJB.  And that's when she said, "we got ridda that." 

Not surprised.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

No vax? No medical insurance coverage. This could open up a flood-gate. Hey Bert, hope that do-it-yerself roof job

was worth it - wow, you had saved ... what was that?  A whole $1,500?  And now you're grumbling because maxi-kare isn't going to cover the broken arm you received from going over the roof.  Bert, you knew your doctor told you - because of your heart condition - you're  not supposed to lift over 30 pounds...and what were you doing?  Lugging a bucket of tar up a ladder - idiot!

If it's any consolation, your neighbor, Sally ... you know, the fat lady who lives two doors down.  Well anyway, she had also received a love letter from her insurance - looks like, she'll have to find another provider - good luck with that; starting next year, the one she has, isn't going to cover the medicine she needs (that's conveniently like $600, for 30 pills.  Yep, pre-existing condition ... the pie-baking gramma needs to lose 50 pounds - like that's going to happen anytime soon.  

So, you and the wife will probably be attending Sally's funeral before long.

No vax? No medical care. That's gonna set a precedent. Hey Ed,

hope you did business with Jesus Christ (on His terms - see KJB) because, well, your liver condition...and you know, the medical-insurance lords can easily find out that you had, a few back, a struggle with alcohol abuse.  Were those few neon years enough to damage your liver?  Oh probably not, but you're neither a doctor, nor a lawyer - you're just some guy who restores power in high winds (hhmm, couldn't have been too much of a drunkard to handle a job like that).  

Anyway, Ed, glad to hear that you're cousin Fern is saved.  Ya know, the possible medical care precedent might not be good news for former beach-bunny her either.  While that melanoma, a year or so ago, on her arm was found and removed, we both know, that sh#t, sooner or later, is known to come back.  

Anyway, with people yelping "no vax, no treatment," you might want to advise Fern to throw her bathing suits in the trash, along with her beach towel, and pool membership card.  

Saturday, July 24, 2021

"You must be a republican." How did he know that? We weren't even talking about politics. What we were discussing - while waiting in line,

was something else - the difference between Saturday business, and that of weekdays.  Saturday isn't the time to hold up the line with ... have no idea, but other people want to get in, get out, get to the grocery store, hardware store - or just get home and get the grass cut, before it gets too hot, or it rains.  Ms.Holding up the long line - and getting longer - was there when i got there.  She was still there, when i left.  And funny - not - how it's usually women...

Anyway, got back home, and got to thinking about this.  Perhaps conservatives have a different mindset than liberals - and that's why the latter don't like us very much.  Seems conservs will usually research the question - and save everybody else the (saturday) line drama; well guess what, there's people who absolutely hate people who do their homework.  Today wasn't the first saturday, someone was haranguing the (probably less experienced) clerk - and it won't be the last.  Don't know the woman's politics, and don't really care, but wouldn't be surprised.  

Meanwhile, conservs with questions, are likely to call ahead (ya know, planning :) and set up an appointment for sometime during the week.  Yeah, that means having the sort of job, where you have some freedom - the sort of boss who - as long as your work's caught up (and done right) he doesn't care if you take leave.  

Per a sermon i just heard a few days ago, liberals are generally more educated, than conservatives.  So yeah, there's going to be some resentment against joe sixpack, who maybe took a few community college courses - if that.  And where is joe now?  Has his own business - (which takes alot of work and risk).  The loan paid off for some time now; joe also owns his home, and cobbled together a little place by the lake.  

So okay, he inherited the two-some acre lot.  Yep, here goes another form of "Resentment Against Achievement" (Robert Sheaffer).  You see, joe's parents remained married for life - his dad provided, his mom conserved, and down the road they were able to buy things - with cash.  

Friday, July 23, 2021

Yesterday, saw what is called an "obese" woman walking into the building. She had a (not uncommon) pear-shaped body type. But i cannot belp, but to seriously wonder...

Especially, in light of these covid times...we've all heard the term, "despair deaths," where out-of-work, no money, bills up the :0...people simply give up, and od on whatever.  Okay, does it not make sense, that "despair weight" is also a reality - one that has plagued society for several decades?  

As per usual, the dear woman was wearing a pair of those stretchy recycled-plastic pants, and a top which only came to just an inch or two below her waistline ... everything's made so unGodly short...Bingo!   

Heaven forbid, that clothing would actually cover :/   Oh, but that's not even the half of it: heaven triple-forbid, that a woman (especially, a fat woman) would have the (Lord bestowed) means to accept herself, to be comfortable in her own skin.  

Anyway, first thing that popped into my head was:  that fat lady would look lovely in a long flowey dress - made of real fabric.  Bet she'd feel better too.  But, hey lady, good luck with that...after all, even slender women are hard-pressed to find feminine clothing that works.

Keeping women in the bondage of semi/despair is a real cash-cow (and calling it "empowerment," or whatever other fembot label...just fake:(    Women keep coming on back to buy the same old crap - hoping this pair of pants will look okay ... maybe even after five (count 'em :/ ) washings.  

And then, it's off to the pre$cription-pu$her for a refill.  But it all turns to the same-old, same-old, so the remedy is either what's on tv (ugh, more rubbish) or hey, let's go to the gambling house.

Sometimes, you can just tell ... something's really icckey about an individual.

While on break, just minding my own business, several yards away, two women were having a conversation - their voices loud enough to be heard all the way to the sidewalk.  Had seen them both before, here and there.  One of the two women - the one that gives me the icckies... and today, i now know why.  Needless, to say, i keep my distance, and that won't change anytime soon.

All's i can say is: double BLUUCHH!  But what i think isn't really important.  You see, as ms.icckey and her work-buddy were loudly gabbing on - like the weirdo arrangement was nothing - guess what!  There's children who are growing up, in the middle of that confusion.

Have to remember something:  we're maskless now, i have to learn to quit making faces :) 

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Oh who are we...? The duchess of freaking windsor? Once again, a hyphenated name,

created extra hassles for that peasant-dude (being sarcastic) downstairs.  So, had to go in and extend the data-space ... only to find out, it wasn't enough - uhm, there's data below it.  So, will basically have to redesign that portion of the sheet.  Extra hassles, for us peasants...yep.  Funny, not really, how it's usually women who insist on the long-names for themselves.  Read somewhere, recently, these wanna-be-royal names are sometimes used to hide a certain sort of circumstance.  

So, Ms.Smithloop-Lockensteed, why not shorten - atleast your email addy - to smi-locken?  But then again, that would be too much like wanting to make things less of a hassle for the help ;/

And yes, i understand, there are cultural reasons...but that's so another post - perhaps one, best kept between the pages of my paper blog :)

Clouds without water, and the air feels stale. It's the smoke rolling in, overhead. Which brings up some questions - ones that the pharisees would

scowl ya down - preeeachin at you, "fruitful and multiply"...  Funny, not funny, how "fruitful" gets glossed over, but anyway, there's always been forest fires, brought on by drought.  But lately, seems worse...yeah, oollddd people say that...but ooolldd people remember back when the US population was around 200 million, not some 330 million.  Sorry, not sorry, only so much land, only so much water.  

But the population thing is but a third of the resource issue.  Stats say that about half the kids are born into fatherless homes.  This is not a rant against single moms - oh, takalook around ;/  And just this morning, a woman on the bus, slogs off to work, while her husband does not - okay, maybe he is disabled, but ya hear that one all the time.  So yeah, it's women's nature to want babies, and raising children is alot of work - so why put up with a six-foot tottler with facial hair.

So, anyway, what happens is: more land is cleared to make way for more tickey-tack; more land is stripped to mine resources for more products to go into those singles units. Goes like this: marrieds use less stuff than singles, because marrieds share - probably drink the same brand of soda.

Shift fixing to start.

"For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not : for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath a husband."  Galatians 4:27

"Sing O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst  not travail with child : for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the LORD."

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Such secular hypocrisy (no suprise :/ ). A trucker loses his (or her) job, because

a few tokes - the friday night before last - showed up on the test.  Don't know how much it takes to show, but am told, it's certainly not anywhere near a forth of the baggie.  Meanwhile, there's far worse drugs out there that people get hepped up on, and hi-ho, hi-ho, off to work they go.

Bad stuff, perfectly legal.

A certain co-worker, guess her perfectly legal meds came through - cause, man ... the facial shape-shifting... Oh tell me she wasn't calmly tripping.   And of course the sLide-effects...yeah, to keep queen-kong on your back.  A vicious cycle. 

Have read that something like one out of four women, like over the age of forty, see their (perfectly legal) pusher on a regular basis.  

All's i know is, she was going on about something...just freaky.

Have a gut feeling, the lady's lovely kitchen is for real - not a fakey backdrop.

Speaking of backdrops, if i ever have to use one - for whatever reason, though can't think of one - looked at the available ones, and have one already picked out; it is the most boring office background - just egg-shell walls, no pictures, no nothing.  Okay, end of backdrop rant.

The lady's kitchen is the bomb ;).  Spacious, all white, and the only thing on the plentiful  countertops is, a microwave oven.  She, evidently, lives in a spacious old house - everything just everso.  Per her you-tube broadcast, she was telling the rest of us (even minimalist) women, whose countertops have things upon them - for want of cabinet space...well, i cannot be too sure of mrs.perfectkitchen's intent.  All's i know is: for the rest of us peasants, we must go out and work for a living...that is, if we don't want to sweat buckets, whenever a bill comes in the mailbox.

The some-15 minute video had also brought to mind, another fortunate.  About two years ago, was treated to a lecture, which contained ... well, it came off bIbleze, from a 50-ish woman, who not only had the privilege of being a well-provided-for housewife, (and oh, that included a really nice, late-model, full-sized car) she's fixing to inherit...oh, about a half million (yeah, i know, that's not alot of money, these days - but doggoneit, sure alot more than i'll ever have).  But anyway, where this post is going is...

Had i been - at that $cary time - still a lost person, hearing how ... oh, "Jesus is my social security," oh. yeah!  That might have dun run me off - permanently - into new age, or whatever.  These modern-day suburban rich-rulers give me the willies.  Uh, hello, people are flipping off the Lord/making their own god/s and are heading down the broad road, in droves.  And guess where that broad way leads?  Hint:  ya don't wanna go there - it's miserable, and worse than that, it's forever and ever.

Shift fixing to start...bye :)

Monday, July 19, 2021

Sunday, July 18, 2021

What would posess sally to become sam? The answer is not what you'd expect from this blogger.

What possesses sally?  No, it's not the boogie-man.  Nor is it even the crap that passes for women's clothing.  It's ice-cream.  While sam would think nothing of eating half the box (1.5 pints) in one sitting - and neither would any one else - even if sam could stand to lose 40 pounds.   Meanwhile, if sally had her druthers, she'd do the same.  But, oh no, that can't do.  So sally, scoops into a small bowl, about a cup - serving size is 2/3 of a cup ... wtf sorta sadistic diet-natzi determined that portion!! But still, ladies don't pig out on ice-cream - even old ladies who live alone.

So easy to order on-line ... BINGO! The hard part is: suspecting they don't really want customers paying the old fashioned way -

ya know, by enclosing a real, live check - one that is written with a pen, on real paper.  The paper catalog, that came in the mail a few days ago, does not contain an order blank - that is evidently a means to discourage us old cash-payers.  Since the catalog address is not always the ordering address, not a peep as to where to send a letter, with enclosed check.   The thing i had ordered back in February, is probably at the main office, but with everybody working from the footie-jimmy-jam comfort of home, perhaps someone will actually find the envelope, and the check, sometime in 2025.  Oh wait, by that time, it will be expired - if not the account (hint: dead people don't write checks for stuff).

Yep, one of them ... people who are careful with money - we're about becoming a remnant.  And you bet, there are people - and plenty of 'em, who absolutely bristle at the very idea ... some barely middle-class old biche's mailbox contains junk mail - again.  And YES! it's not fun keeping ahead of things - that garage bill :( , but such is life.  mr.mechanic doesn't get the parts for free, and neither does the grocery store let him just pick up stuff, and walk out without paying for it.  

Btw, mr.mechanic is self-employed; he has to provide, not only present needs, (for he and his wife) but put away for their later years; he's in his late 50s.  Sooner or later, even with proper equipment, (that isn't free either) those concrete floors will feud with his frame.  

Anyway, back to the dress i am thinking about... it's not only long, and lined (wahoo :) it's made with real fabric, (cotton) too bad there's not a decent store around here.  The only clothing places, are - like about most everywhere - are big-box purveyors of re-run coke-bottles.  Uhm, not happening... not even in stark January, let alone sultry July.  

Thinking about ... yep, that old-school thing.  Speaking of school.  Back then, the teachers warned us kids against impulsive buying.  We were taught the difference between wants and needs - ten new outfits are a want, two are a reasonable need.  Still remember the film, shown to us - a (pre) valley girl, who received her first credit card.  Off to the mall she went; awww, she bought herself numerous cute little outfits.  Ugh, then the bill came.  And sure, back in the 70s, public school was basically a Christless environment, but still, there remained atleast some of Christianity's dividends - in short, using your noggin before saying or doing this and that.

Post getting long ... and there's stuff i want to be getting to outside - but won't toil, it's Sunday.

Hot weather. Over at Meryl's "Beach Boomer Bulletin" blog, she recalls summers before air conditioning.

Yep, i remember those past summers as well - and those nights, where it too hot to sleep, that wet-rag nonsense can (expletive) stay in the past too.  Not even a fan in the room either, to blow around the humid air - my parents simply didn't have the money.  That happens when there's x-number of kids, while household income is x-number.  As for those quiver-fulls, is it any big wonder that as soon as a significant percentage of the children grow up, they are so out. of. there!  Sad thing is: many want nothing to do with the Bible, church - and most importantly, Jesus Christ.

Anyway, rant over.  Am very very grateful for the window ac unit in the upstairs bedroom.  Living in an old house, the walls are rather thick, so for the most part, the house doesn't normally get terribly hot.   But there are those strings of 90-ish days and upper 70-ish to 80-ish nights, where the ac provides cool sleeping refuge.  

This hot weather raises two questions.  Have an answer for the first one.  How did old/er people survive the heat, prior to ac?  Answer:  Many didn't.  Guess that's why, in the "good ole days" people conked out in their late 50s or early 50s.  Second question basically has me wondering.  

What's up with all the black (polyester) clothing?   Yesterday, while in the grocery store parking lot, yet another woman was wearing all black.  Oh yeah, so glad her vehicle is new-ish, and that her ac works.  Mine doesn't - and have no desire to shell out half a grand to have it fixed.  The manually-operated windows work ;)  Another smart way to combat the heat is to simply wear light colored cotton...uhm, that's if you can find light-colored cotton.

Perhaps, there's a correlation between black recycled-coke-bottle sales and central ac sales.  All's i know is, another blogger, Murr Brewster, over at murrbrewster.blogspot, made a resounding point about ac sucking up resources.  No, i do not ride the global-warming hobby-horse.  However, there's plenty of Scriptures that tell us to be mindful of the things we consume.  In short, there's way more to gluttony than simply reaching for a second slice of pizza.

Yep, the pizza-sermon was on another blog. Don't think it's active any longer - one of those female red-pill hangers-on.  Can still recall, from the very secular - and VERY judgy (surprised? :) post, "more than one slice of pizza is too many."   Gimmee a break!  Never mind, while i like pizza, pizza sure doesn't like me :/ ... probably has to do with sub-standard ingredients - which is about everywhere in the convenience food industry.  But that's for another post.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Finding mistakes in the Bible - talk about the file-clerk spouting off that the CEO is a loser.

Something came to mind awhile ago.  Could there be jittery-pokery going on with multiple versions?  (Silly question.)   Even this file-clerk (who's just grateful to have a job that pays decent :) knows most bibles are ... uhm, questionable, at best.  Comparing such and such verse with this and bible, NO! they don't say the same thing.  But they can't,  because if you want a copywrite, your version has to be significantly different than the others.  Have noticed, yep, there ARE differences, even between the regular King James Bible, and the New King James bible.

Also, isn't it odd, that - while a few new versions came out between the late 1800s and the early 1900s - back in the early 60s, here in America, if you picked up a Bible, it was most likely a regular King James.   If you went to a fundie church ... oh wait a sec, alot - if not most of - the protestant churches were fundie; back then, expect the sermon to last an hour with lots of Scripture.

Then, in the 1980s, the new editions of the new editions started rolling out.  So, that new edition, you bought back in 92, it's been revised - cough up $21.95, jack.

But anyway, back to topic.  Do i have proof that evangelical Bible-bashers have at hand multiple versions for which they use to confuse - in hopes of getting the fundies to ditch Jesus Christ?  Nope!  And frankly, have alot better things to do than sift through long-winded web-posts, and pour over significantly different versions (which give me the willies, anyway.  But one thing i know, any bible will atleast describe to the reader of the different behaviors of redeemed in Christ and that of people who reject Him.  

In short, there are people, who are so self-important, they'll spend lots of time (lay awake at night) and do some really amazing brain work to deceive (lie) in promoting their agenda.   

"For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line;  here a little, and there alittle:"  Isaiah 28:10

And yeah, this file-clerk had to google.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

This post will score me some blogosphere popularity points ;) What's up with the longwinded

job titles?  And has anyone noticed, that - in the few cases where the much coveted position is actually filled by - a man, his title is usually short.  For instance: Frank Jones, President & CEO; Robert Smith, General Manager; Cliff Larkins, Senior Loan Officer.  Meanwhile,  concerning women's titles, have to wonder if there's a wordsmith department, working round the clock to come up with titles, long enough to rival a typical sentence you'd see on a college-level term-paper.  

For example:  Phinesha Smith-Jones, Director of HeadStart Physics and Math Initiatives (uhm, how bout just "Director, HeadStart Science).  And what's with the hyphenated names?  But that's a previous post.  Here's another: Dr. Sarah Jayne Tyler, B.s., A.b.c.  

Okay, being a bit silly here, but not too silly to notice the women's titles tend to, not only be lengthy, but ... eh, tend to stretch things a bit.  But atleast the gal with the bs degree has a real first name ;/  Yep, see alot of that too, and sorry - NOT sorry - have to wonder if there's not a ton of baggage brought along to the workplace.  

Meanwhile, men have regular names:  Bob, Tyrone, George...

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Back in the 90s, was very accepting of a certain (very vocal) special interest group - doesn't matter, which group, because

there's a bunch of them out there.  Anyway, back then, didn't really care what other people did, as long as they didn't do it on my dime.  Needless to say, back then, was even more clueless (times a few) than today; didn't consider the reality that if the water is polluted, then swimming in it is not smart - of course, back then, had no interest in even perusing the Lord's Word ... let alone, even surface studying it ... but that's way another post.

Then, one day, that live-and-let-live attitude changed real quick.   Thing is, don't even recall what the news-story was about - basically, the special interest group voiced yet another complaint, but have no memory of the particulars.  Can only recall, thinking along the lines of, "no matter how accepting we are, it's not enough, and it's never going to be enough."

The spell had broken like a cheap umbrella.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Enjoy comments on other people's blogs, because the comments are usually from everyday people.

Some of whom have their own blogs - and that can be a treat.  Am continually on the look for interesting blogs - the type which actually say something.  A few minutes ago, as times before, typing into the search-engine, what predictably comes up, is always a top-40.  No thanks, trust news-sites about as far as i can throw a monster-truck tire.

Another comment zapped - second one this week - this is almost funny. But hey, can post

the comment over here - while being well within my right to not bother referencing either the name or addy of her blog.  Btw, anyone ever notice how it's usually women who play the silencing game?  While men will disagree, quite vehemently - go round and round at it - ya know the old story, of the race-car drivers, who got into a fist-fight ... a few hours later, are both eating dinner at the same table.  Anyway, digressing again...not really, because, evidently, our ancestors had solid reason (check the Bible :) why men, not women, ran societies/governments.  Okay, back to topic.

The woman gleefully, expressed gladness concerning the removal of two statues.  Of course, it doesn't take anyone with a sociological degree to hypothesize the race or sex of the statues.  Yep, the statues were not only of two men, but - oh horrors - both men were ... dare i say, white men.  

So, looking forward to the comments of other readers... Nope, no cigar.  Guess folks would rather gab about their (yawn) pet issues, than comment on events which actually matter.  So, went ahead and posted a brief comment - along the lines of: Had wondered what would replace both statues.  Would it be some sort of talent-very-optional junk-art, or would statues of people, who really didn't accomplish anything - except whine a buncha rubbish - be put in place?  Atleast the two white guys actually had to actually do something noteworthy.  

So yeah, evidently, the comment went over like a concrete zeppelin.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Been noticing a trend here of late over at boomer-land - and it, well, is a bit unnerving. Posts which actually say something ....

that is, something besides the typical pet (yawn) topics, are becoming fewer.  But that's only the half of it: the other half is, comments on those posts (the ones that actually say something) have become even fewer yet.  Can't help but to suspect that people - even fellow liberals (who love Biden, Harris, ROC...and the rest of the coven) are afraid to express even an agreeable opinion; afraid that somehow their opinions will be misinterpreted.  Ya know, a one-issue thing...for example: you can be in total lockstep, but one misstep, in the form of, let's say, the very notion that an eight year old should have "his" or "her" parents consent before going for counseling or surgery.   That's about enough to get kicked out of the cliche - but i think it goes beyond that.

You see, many of the (bragging) boomers went to college.  Back in the 60s, history was still taught.  And yeah, we all know who wrote history - the winners, the patriarchy.  Oh never mind, per (social) evolution - which about everybody worships - there's a reason why some groups win, and others don't.  Anyway, back in those bad old patriarchy days, there were balding professors who still taught the young adults on the various activities which brought about Rome's downfall.  Seriously, the germanic hordes were a bunch of unorganized painted yahoos - while mighty  Rome's legions fought as one man.  

Yes, various causes.  A society that uses slaves to get the work done, is obviously too dern lazy and cheapskate to either farm the field, or the salt mine themselves, or HIRE ( at decent wages - uhm, Bible!) some young strong bucks to bring in the harvest.   By the way, in Jeremiah's time, the people had devolved like the pagans around them - ya know, ripping off the poor and stuff like that.  Well guess what!  The Lord judges, and He sent in the Babylonians (a mean bunch).

Anyway, the students learned, not only ancient history, but recent history as well.  While certain practices, perhaps were not much discussed, (by that time, classes were co-ed, and to discuss certain sexual practices was ... awkward) but still, in college, students, back then, were expected to actually do research, at the library, on their papers, and actually cite references.  So, that means, any half-studious student was bound to come across some bizarro things that didn't get much discussed. Well, anyone with any brains can add 2 and 2; and - that is, if not given over to a reprobate mind - is likely to conclude, well no wonder those civilizations fell.

A scary sermon from 2013 - won't list it because ...

because ... well, apparently, back then (in the yore days of 2013) a preacher could get in trouble by simply preaching from the Bible.  Uhm, whatever happened to, if-ya-don't-like-the-sermon, just-(politely)-get-up-and-walk-out?  Did just that, during a secular-sermon (a movie) a time or two - at one, (a spy flick) they were water-torturing some guy, during  another ... movie got too creepy.  But anyway...

Preachers sermons are being monitored.  While most preachers ... aren't really - ask Jeremiah about the fancy-pantsey preachers of his day - uh, he's in the Bible, and that book is timeless.   One fakeoid preacher actually had said that the reason he doesn't mention sin is, because he doesn't want to hurt anybody's feelwings.  Yeah right ;/  We all know, he doesn't want to so much as pin-prick his bottom line.  

It's the real preachers, who (can barely keep the lights burning) preach from the unchanging Bible (can ya spell regular King James :) who could end up in some serious dutch.  Uhm, last i checked, preachers do not force people to listen to their sermons.  Last i checked, there is no law (on man's books) telling us that we must attend any church.  As for street-preachers, (boy, are they getting scarce :(  you can always walk away.

Oh that's right, street preachers are noisy.  Well guess what!  The absolute CRAP!!! they play in about every store, may not be overly loud, but is offensive enough - thankyoukindly.  Even walking to the busstop, during rush-hour, is a real treat ... turn that vile grunting up bit louder - they can't hear you in cambria county.

But nobody is forcing me, or anyone else, to buy their band-aids at that drugstore, or drive in traffic with the windows down.  So, it only stands to reason, that if the preacher is, per the Scriptures, calling sexual weirdness for what it is - an abomination - the people doing the weirdness (and their lackeys) don't have to stick around and listen.

A recent article from a boomer blog-roll: a lady is assembling both a photo and journal family history, for the grandkids.

Good luck with that :/  After all, wasn't it our generation who staged college-campus sit-ins, called cops pigs, played in Woodstock's mud - and generally dissed the (non-changeable) beliefs of our parents and grandparents?  And yet we expect our children's children to treasure our journals and pics?   Uhm, might not happen.

Familys are different these days - changeable as a homecoming queen's wardrobe.  And it's not just with whom young people are currently playing house.  The ooolld memories may sit in a box, among other boxes, because there's hardly any display space - and who has time, or desire, for the extra dusting around.  And anyway, uncle Bob's father-in-law ... well, all that has nothing to do with grandgirl's current live in; so, the stuff remains where it is - in a box behind a duffle-bag, that's heavy, (of course) and full of ... ugh, do you even want to bother finding out :/

Like what passes for family these days, jobs are also known to evapoate quick as well - while the rent does not.  So, there you are: bunkie has about had it with carrying your half;  it's been several months - and UC isn't as much as people claim it is.  You have to find other - smaller - living arrangements.   

The social-media site that everbody (well, not everybody) is signed onto, was a recent topic over at senior forums. Several of the forum's participants,

had found themselves banned from the certain immensely popular social-media platform - for really no reason.  Well okay, atleast one had expressed some doubts concerning the accuracy of covid reporting.  As for supposed bannable posts, having rather frequently visited senior forums, the members' posts center around things like gardening, traveling, dining out and various other highlights of the post-retIrement high-life.   Oh, and alot of liEberal politics - no surprise there (yawn).  

Several of the senior-forum members had offered plausible causes.  One being:  the exceedingly popular social-media site is so paranoid about law-suits - someone may express an opinion ... or worse, proclaim Bible truth, and someone else may get their panties in a snit and cry discwimination of whatever combination of letters - they seem to change by the day ... can't keep up, and don't really want to.  (Hint: there's male and there's female - period!) 

Anyway, of course there was someone - always atleast one in every crowd - who crowed, been a member for years, and I've never been banned.  Oh the smugness...what is it with boomers and smugness, anyway!

Friday, July 9, 2021

A disturbing article in today's local paper: a motorist didn't see the two bicyclists.

One of the cyclists died from the accident - which happened last Friday, just before noon. Sorry, (not really) but my sympathy goes out to the motorist.  Fact of life:  people driving cars and trucks (during the weekday) are either going to or from WORK, getting groceries, or on their way to pick up their kids from daycare, or going to the short, drivers are generally BUSY people.  People who have to get things done - so yeah, the roads and highways are generally stressful and dangerous places.

It isn't 1965 anymore, where everywhere you looked, kids were riding their bikes along the road.  Back in '65, there wasn't as much traffic, because alot of women were (able to be) housewives - they weren't shilly-shallying from work, to daycare, to mc-fried-slop, and of course school-sports (heaven forbid, parents would actually have family-time).  So yeah, the motorist didn't see the cyclists.  

Oh, speaking of housewives, that evidently wouldn't fly with pee-wee two cubes over; once again, he was crowing to yet another buddy about his wife's terrific salary - hhmmm, wifey might wake up one day and realize, hey, i don't need dip-stick's drama.  But anyway, i digress.

My question is:  were the bicyclists riding against the traffic, or not?  You see, they  - going the same direction as the motorist - had been rear-ended.  If no, can't say that would be any surprise.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

The six people who died during that so-called "riot." Per a sermon was listening to,

the other night.  Two of the individuals evidently, should have stayed away from all that - two men, in their early 50s, either had fatal heart-attacks the same day, or on the following.   i seem to recall, a third person who died shortly after... something about a health condition.  Whether or not, the preacher heard the details right, even if the accounts of these three individual's is true...story won't see the news-room foot-lights anytime soon.  To repeat, i do not know the details.  But one thing i do know - the news media is about as trustworthy as a shifty-eyed neighbor/co-worker/family member wanting to sell you something.

Another thing i know is, it was very cold on January 6th; we all know, that people with heart conditions are warned about exerting themselves in cold weather.  Granted, nobody was shoveling snow...just climbing walls and such.

Friday, July 2, 2021

If truth is relative - in other words, joe's truth isn't necessarily sarah's - then why not the theory of devolution?

Go back just some 4,000 years, and guess what?  Animals were bigger, alot bigger.  Scientists found the remains of boars, the size of sub-compact sports-cars; lately, in Google-news, a rhino skeleton was found (somewhere) that stood as tall as a t-rex, something like 15 feet.  Aurochs, wild bulls were like twice the size as bulls today.

Scientists don't seem to have a problem with this, but if one of these guys (or some farmer) unearths an 8 foot human, that won't see any museum foot-lights anytime soon. And yeah, the Bible says there were "giants."  Bible says it, that settles it.  And i absolutely believe those giants - back in the days of Job, and before - were taller than 8 feet.  

By the way, when Joshua and his armies were fixing to take the land, one of the enemy kings, Og, stood like 12 feet - he was so big, his bed was made of iron.  Back then, iron wasn't cheap, or easy to come by.  But Og, i guess, weighed too much for regular rich-dude furniture.  He must have been like 900 pounds - all muscle, (and all mean).

Anyway, my question about the 8 footers:  were they like the great grandsons of giants?  Or, were people, living in some areas - where food and water was good and plentiful - simply tall?  Btw, how tall were Adam and Eve - and their kids?  

"...yea, let God be true, but every man a liar..."  Roman's 3:4

Thursday, July 1, 2021 wrote a terrific article, about older womanhood. And it's okay to be

unattached - and better to want to keep it that way.  Having read several of Rebecca's posts, she is brave (YES, BRAVE) enough to be transparent - faking it is for manipulative cowards; in the past, self-centered people (i.e., manipulative freaking cowards - no two ways about it) had intruded in upon her life.  What she said about that experience was priceless - seriously.  When nosey people (more freaking manipulators) tell women that, oh they should just leave, Rebecca tells it, realistically, and with compassion, "it's complicated."   

And it's really too bad that, among way too many church(Ian) women, you're likely to, instead, get nosey "advice," (yep, manipulators, they're everywhere) and not one teaspoon of what you really need: an empathetic, a discreet "it's complicated."