Thursday, April 30, 2020

80% of divorces initiated by wives? mmkay, from which cereal box...? Come to think of it, if that percentage is reasonably

accurate, doesn't say much for the quality of leadership in these dissolving unions, does it?  Oh, how these churchians love to play with numbers - while glossing over, if not wresting, Scripture.  Sure, the Word starts out, on like page 2, putting the man in charge of the wife - Adam named Eve.  And then a few pages later, even the very animals boarding the ark, are described as the "male and his female."  So, it's a case closed on who leads, and who does not.

Women are humans.  And humans have the annoying habit of becoming fed up with crappy leadership.  In the business world, people up and quit (even decent paying)  jobs because of poor quality leadership - the head-games and such.  Btw, unless the situation is dire, quitting a job = no unemployment compensation.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Which Bible version? Funny isn't it...if i (carefully, prayerfully) typed out a complete chapter or two,

and emailed it to all my (nonexistant) 30,000 farcebook friends, my biggest problem would be being (perhaps rudely) unfriended by many of them, and likely trolled by a few angry agnostic/atheists.  Yeah whatever.

One problem i would not have to deal with is:  lawyers.  That is, if the text i had sent was from the regular (not the new) King James Bible.  If i lived in England (Canada or Australia, not sure of) then i would have to get permission from the crown/government, i guess.  (And the American colonies said nuts to all that...)  But typing out from any other version of the Bible, even just a fraction of a chapter, and emailing that to a mere 300 of your internet pals...that could spell "copyright violation."

On the inside cover of one of those newFANGled bibles, i read the part about reproducing the text in any form...yikes.  Sounds like a buncha sno-flakes just spoiling to wage a legal battle.  Over what?  On some preacher who copies a mere three or four verses on an overhead transparency for his Sundsy service.  Or worse ;/ printing off a few verses onto a few tracts to give out to people at the train station, where he catches the commute bus.

Speaking of which, godda get ready for work.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Would like to share my blog with a few people, but haven't found any of the few yet. The Trump thumping is getting tiresome - and another reason

not to share.  Because (for whatever it's worth) i think Donald Trump is the BEST president we've had in a long time.  i like how he calls bs for what it is.  So, for liking President Trump would get me on half the internet's sheet-list.  Another thing that alot of people wouldn't like about this blog is: Bible's right about things; per the Lord's Word, He takes a hard line concerning sex outside of marriage - hetero marriage, that is, because that's the only kind there is.  Yeah, this paragraph would go over like a loud fart during a Christopher Hitchen's memorial service.  So, i'll be blogging alone for awhile.  Bus-stop ahead.

Monday, April 27, 2020

i hate TV - which is why i don't have one. And don't want one, either. Back before '08, when the thing -

only seven years old - had died (didn't mourn it one bit) i remember previews to movies and such coming on, and the (not quite) covert taunting phrase "content may be inappropriate for sensitive viewers."  As if people who don't find brutality/sexual exploitation (same difference) entertaining are stupid/naive (basically, same difference). 

Excuse me, but feeding on the misery of others - at the hand of others, because they can (and get their cookies off) is not entertaining.   Yeah, i get it, the episode is fiction, but somewhere there's an abused someone who is stuck in that situation. 

About a week ago, i was watching one of those abandoned-house-explorers you-tubes.  And immediately afterward, came one of those previews to a violent video.  It was awful - and it was a clip from a children's cartoon.  Isn't it enough that the hollywood pervs are out to defile "mature" audiences?  Evidently's never enough with pervs, and never will be.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Please see sidebar...been crunching numbers...sort of. In NYC, the population is around 12 milion, about 200 thousand have convir,

that's one urban dweller out of 60.  That's a 2% chance of getting it.  And in getting it, the chance of dying from it is under 5%.  Most people who get it, feel crappy for a few days.  Okay granted, convir can damage your health, and set you up for health problems down the road.  So can other illnesses.

Not having a job, and not having money to buy decent food and keep up with legit bills... uh, that can really mess with your health, BIGTIME!

And by the way, President Donald Trump is our President.  He is not a dictator, nor is he a sovereign king.  He is one man.  He's not diming out joe-th-janitor for jogging without a mask.

But that sort of noseyness is going on, and various politicians are encouraging neighborhood busybodies to dime out jogging joe / someone else simply going for a drive to see mountains and trees.

Am not a conspiracy theorist, but i think (for whatever that's worth) this "lock down" is a bit over the top.  Evidently,  i am not alone in thinking this way.

Please see sidebar. "Stay At Home Order..."  Like Pastor Cooley said in his sermon, "Where's this going to go?"

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

What! Is the social filter not working? Just happened to mention about having made arrangements for yard-work to be done.

Stuff i can't/won't do myself - chainsaws frighten the stuffing oudda me.  Anyway, m$.moneh just hhaad to exclaim, "that's expensive."  Well, aside of i'll-be-the-judge-of-that-thankyouverymuch, whaddabuncha bad manners, piling onto any-struggling-body more crap to worry about.  Still a bit upset ... uh, i didn't initiate the phone call.

And neither do i need to evil surmise how some of that pile-load of money sits in the bank.  Uh, some deceit and some cheap-skating, possibly?  Don't know, none of my business, but wouldn't freaking put it past 'er.   Hate to say that sort of thing, but doggoneit, she had made a somewhat unrelated comment - concerning lawn-work - that (unsurprisingly, and not the first time) sent up a red flag.

But hey, fornicators gonna practice deceit, that's what they do - otherwise, they'd either be married or sleeping alone.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

A day in the life of susie-t-rex...just remembered something (in Genesis 6) while upstairs tidying up.

It wasn't just a gang of spear-totting daddys she had to worry about.  Hunters, they hunt, kill, and bring back the skins, horns, meat (though, wouldn't dino meat be toxic?)  But the giants, they bad.  While the Scriptures tell of wicked people coming to repentance (drunks, thieves, terrorists, hookers...) there are no accounts of any giants who became saved. 

They were like 10 feet tall, if not taller, and all-muscle-wide.  Og, lived like 3,500 years ago, and his bed was made of iron - not fine wood, like that of regular kings.  These giants were very strong - think of the devil's samsons on (fallen)angel dust.  And because they were so vile, ya think one or more of them may have  tried something ... ew, on susie-t-rex? 

Good reason to head for the hills.

Some 4,500 years ago, the Lord got really fed up and sent the flood.  Has to be a reason, one that goes beyond garden-variety sin (drinking, lewd jokes, stealing...)

i used to wonder why there's not much evidence of dragons and humans living in the same areas at the same time.

Then one day i was reading somewhere in the Old Testament that dragons (t-rex and company) move into places where the people have moved out - something about abandoned palaces becoming a den of dragons and owls.  Lightbulb came on.   As far as "scientific" evidence is concerned, i trust the evolutionists about as far as i could pick up susie-t-rex and throw her.  There's been fake-evidence in the past...uh, would you trust your car to a mechanic who ripped off your neighbor five years ago, AND pulled a similar stunt on your boss a year or so later? 

Didn't think so.

Anyway, if i was susie-t-rex, think i'd want to live around people?  Oh yeah, bet children made fer yummy snacks.  But there was a problem.  Their daddys.  They like to hunt, and they really like to talk about it.  Men who slay big ferocious animals are a big hit with the ladies; they get the cheer-leader captains and the homecoming queens. 

If i was susie-t-rex, i'd head out to the sticks, settle for horses and deer - and maybe a bear...oh wait, that last one did a number on my tail. i swung it, real cool like, but that stench-breath'd beast landed right on it, and yikes, dug it's infected, what a mess.

White people are the preferred race? Really? Have a few questions about that. Number one: when all the world's people left off building.

that tower, (language issues) why is it that Japheth's people ended up in the northern lands?  It's cold up there - and around that time of the scattering, it was REALLY cold (ice sheets, those things move and crack).  You'd think the "superior" white people could have secured themselves warmer real estate.  But no, they ended up in places where it's around freezing, or below, like five or six months out of the year.  Some of the oriental people fared worse - like siberia or north canada. 

The white-supremacists quickly play the technology card - meanwhile, forgetting  the Biblical rule of first mention.  Yeah, guess which family line invented metal work?  Hint: it wasn't Seth's sons.  Can't help but to wonder if Seth's people were hillbillies, while Cain's were the sophisticated city folk - but had problems growing food.  Anyway...

Did white people come up with most the world's technology because they had to?  Meanwhile, in warm sunny africa, the men didn't have to invent saws to cut logs for cabins or logs to heat them six months out of twelve.  Huts worked just fine.  African ladies were spared the toil of sewing piles and piles of thick clothing - they just threw on a light frock (if that) and went about their business - of gathering fruits and roots.  And they didn't have to worry about frost trashing their orange groves.

So, why did the white people end up in the more labor-intensive places?  Did Japheth's people head for the summerlands, (like anyone with any sense would do) only to discover shortly after, Ham's people had beat 'em to the punch?  And so, someone had to move along. 

Is that what happened?

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Oh terrific sermon by Pastor Rubino (please see sidebar) entitled "Helping Everyone Else."

He hails from New York City, and his sermon - on a conference call, for obvious reasons) - reminds us all in the faith to basically grow where we're planted.  He also reminded us of the Reason the Apostle Paul valued his single-hood.  Paul, not having a wife, was free to devote his entire existence to missionary work.  Those of us who have families, the family is our mission field.

Early in the sermon, Rubino cites an example of our corporate mentality - sending a few hundred to a fancy TV ministry, and (rather rudely) flipping off a brother in the Lord who needs some help with a legit utility bill.

Sermon brought to mind of a really famous evangelist, who lived back in either 17 or 18-something.  Problem was: his wife.  Yeah, she had needs, maybe too many...but hey...  As the years rolled by, serious hardship and continual invalidation drove the woman bonkers.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Recent ditty from a self-rIghteous biddy - working moms spend their money at the

nail studio.  For starters, mom works full-time for that pay-check.  Like what?  She isn't entitled to a little treat for her work?  And then there's the (invalidated) uncompensated second-shift.   Maybe churchian biddies have legalisms that forbid even light pink nail polish, and are commanded to keep their nails about biter short - wouldn't be surprised.

Anyway, polishing one's nails takes time, and good polish - that doesn't chip because you opened a cupboard - takes longer to dry than the cheap stuff - that chips if so much you happen to breathe on it.  Okay being sarcastic here.

In short, working mom doesn't have the time to gently buff and polish her nails, so she goes to the studio - where they have the technology that enables mom - after a relaxing hour or two - to leave the shop with pretty nails that are dry enough for her to be able to do some things.

Yes, polishing your own nails at home saves money, but you better have several HOURS on hand (if you're a 3-coat person) to sit and do about nothing in order for them to dry sufficiently.

Friday, April 10, 2020

This stupid virus! For years, the school kids looked forward to things like proms and graduation parties...and now this!

A thought occured just a few moments ago, will the (popular) young man or woman - missing out on this passage to adulthood - 30 years down the road, still chase after those (virus stolen) glory days?  Heart goes out to these kids, because the late teens (and early 20s) are the time to have some fun...before jobs and bills - and young children - and adult responsibilities, in general get in the way, and STAY in the way.

Yeah i know...have also heard more than enough pharisees sling their pseudo-pious statements concerning "kids these days"  and the other classic "preoccupied with the world."   Why is it, i can't help but to suspect covert gainsaying going on?  From social flops, masking their long-time inabilities to get in with the fun, the "cool" people.  Don't ya just hate that when people use ra-lid-jun!

One difference between the sheep and the goats is: the former harbor compassion toward people - young and old, saved and unsaved - who are missing out on social activities (graduations, weddings, baby showers, picnics, and even funerals).  Concerning mainly the latter, just heard a sermon last night about people who die to worldly pursuits.

But some of these people - and some ARE actually sheep - don't take the next step; that is to live this new life in Christ.  What happens by not taking that next step is:  missing the old life, (chasing after) the old crowd, and resenting the people who get the invites, the stats.

Godda go - lunch is...uh way over.

"Women's ministry?" Oh brother, can't help but to smell trouble, in ribboned packages.

Comes off smug.  And i can't help but to wonder, did this same (perhaps covert NOSEY) attitude drive off a certain nine year-old girl (back in the mid 1940s) from wanting to ever again attend church?  From what she told me, her childhood was basically happy.  She and her cousins, did their chores, went to school, ran and played.  But Mom wasn't a cast-member of the "Waltons," she was a member of a real family - and real families have issues. 

One of the last things Mom said to me was, she very much did not like to hear preaching - namely, sermons from the pulpit.  And i cannot help but to seriously wonder:  was that because, while that little girl was hearing about grace and mercy, around her, she heard whispers, murmurs and SAW the sidelong glances toward people who lived under unfortunate circumstances.  That is, the same people going around quoting Scripture and praising the Lord one minute, and the very next making covert unkind statements about some shabbily dressed single mom, sitting in the back - whose child happened to cry during the 40-ish minute sermon.  Uh, kids do that. 

Back then, nine year-olds didn't hear their parents talk about unmarried girls getting pregnant, and married people committing adultery.  Those conversations didn't go on while tender ears were in the room.  Mom said, any off-color jokes were told in the language of the old country.  (German.)

Getting time to get ready for work.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Dropping old habits, like a stone. Here's what happened about 10 years ago.

Maybe it was a few weeks after that certain spring day at work - 10 years ago (when i had done business with Christ, on His terms).  Anyway, was headed home from the dentist - something like that.  Was getting onto the highway and saw this really nice car - just another thing beyond my budget - and it was like scales dropping off my face.  First thing that popped into my mind was, "hope we're headed in the same direction. "  In short, it no longer mattered that everybody else on the road drives nicer stuff than i. 

Oh yeah, sometimes that old green scaley head fixes to get in my face - like a few months ago over at the bank, when that physically-fit old guy was bragging about the thousands he had in savings.  For sure, i stood there in line, getting more resentful by the second. Then that still small voice, "don't covet."   Ol' lizard head high-tailed out of there.

Church people talk about "freedom in Christ," and unsaved people are clueless.  Here's an example of what freedom in the Lord is about: is the Lord disgusted with me because i drive a clunker and hillbillied together my downspouts (because i don't have the money for new stuff)?  Correct me if i'm wrong, (missed a sunday in january - was out with the regular flu) but there's nowhere in the Bible, where the Lord looks down His nose at someone because he or she doesn't have the bucks to impress the neighbors and other drivers.

But the unsaved world will sure stick their big nose in people's financial business - every chance, and then some.  Funny how that works, eh!  Busstop ahead.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Hanoi-hilton jailers. These mega-psycopaths grew up in a country where

devils run rampant.  While here in the west, christian churches still hold influence on what's acceptable, and what is not.  Even in the corrupt 1950s, our convicted felons - even in the south - were treated better than what our pow veterans went through. 

Some cultures (namely, western) are clearly superior to others, and funny how this works out ;)  The better nations have Christian (if in name only) churches gracing the landscape, while over in armpit land, their cities and villages are infested with creepy temples, scrawled with creepier devils.

Well, no wonder one of the pows managed to get a letter home.  Guess how he did it!  The cold, ragged, tired, sore, starving prisoner of war bribed the guard with his own measley ration.  That's how.  In other words, devil-infested nations treat their OWN people like garbage.  Surprised?

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Dude was a drunkard and a bully. Think he came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, shortly before

the cancer took that old hillbilly.  Don't know, but he sure seemed interested in the preaching.  Yeah i get it: bullies rarely come to a saving knowledge - meanwhile, the  broad road is also crowded with non-bullies. Sure he was scared of dying.  Duh?!?!  Ten years ago, i was plain skeered of dying (outside of Christ), and i was healthy as a horse - and, per the Lord's grace, still am healthy.  Anyway, call it a feeling, but for whatever it's worth, had the impression he believed the Word, on the Word's terms.  So, there he was, possibly born again of the Holy Spirit - i can't say (above my PD) - but, i kept my distance.

Why?  Because when a person becomes saved, he or she doesn't automatically overnight become nicey-nice helping-old-ladies-cross-the-street.  It's not too uncommon for a for-real Christian to drop this or that - and maybe the other - old (sinful) habit like a stone.  But other habits/reactions often stick around for awhile.  Example:  had read somewhere that it's about two years after conversation that the (spiritually young) believer begins to realize that he or she prefers being around his or her siblings in Christ.  Sure, he or she may still get together with people of the old crowd, but it's not the same - there's noticeable distance.  Makes sense.

Back to work.

Ps.  Who the Lord chooses to save, or not save ... uh, i am atleast smart enough to avoid horning in on the King of kings' business.

Wished i hadn't of listened to that sermon the other day.

Reg Kelly, over at had given a sermon, entitled "Keep on the Sunnyside."  By the way, that song everybody was singing some 90 years ago, has in, like the 3rd verse, something about trusting our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Didn't know that, but do know that back then, hearing the Gospel in song, and seeing the Gospel in printed articles and tracts was commonplace.  Anyway, about a 3rd or so into the sermon, Reg Kelly was talking about a book written by a man who was a prisoner of war in, if i am not mistaken, Hanoi.

What those creepy-eyed jailers did to our boys is unspeakable.  Satanic.  Bible talks about sons of belial, that's people who've given themselves over to evil.  By the way, Pharoah's heart was plenty hard while Moses was contentedingly shepherding on the backside of the desert.  Those creepy-eyed (communist) SNAKES were even worse than the (socialist) natzis.

i'm very hesitant to pray imprecatory psalms - i'm no David.  But i know a little about ancient history.  David was a warrior. He knew that unspeakable torture was commonplace among the creeps that made war with israel - and with one another.

Oh, and by the way, when israel's warriors went into various canaanite cities and slew every man, woman and child - they didn't torture them, they killed them quick.  The Lord commanded Israel's men to be brave soldiers, not creepy pervs.

Busstop ahead.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Worked with a woman who grew up in Washington State. She went to college,

and studied for a real profession.  So, the school she went to, i believe, is the go-to place - but it's here in Pennsylvania, and i gather, here in Pennsylvania is where the job opportunity had materialized for the young graduate.  So, here she has been.  Bet she still misses her folks, who live some 2,000 (count 'em) miles away.  Bet she misses her siblings, cousins, friends and the community in general. 

Well here in Pennsylvania, she has WORKED and has made something of herself.  She is married (to a man) and this young woman had mentioned that she has a good life-insurance policy, that of she was to die, her husband would not end up saddled with the balance of her student loan.  From what i gather, it's a whopper - the school, i believe, she went to is top-$helf.

Aside all that, she said something that really resonated.  When she came to this portion of the US, she noticed - and still finds herself rather irritated with - the bible-belt mentality that is evidently entrenched in this area.  Where she's from, there's more of a live-and-let-live mindset.  So, she's not used to churchian culture - and frankly, she don't like it.

Good news is, from what i heard from a little birdie, one of her recent clients is a for-real Christian.  Given the situation, there was no preaching, no Scripture quoting - just the calm thoughtful demeanor of the client.  By the way, that little birdie did mention, that the client did say a few things here and there concerning the Gospel.

Hey, i remember, not feeling mere annoyance toward Christians and their Bible, but hostility!  The only temporal thing that kept that hatred in check was, my folks raised their kids to be polite, and NEVER make a scene.  About a year prior to realizing, that i was lost and headed to hell, i was crossing a bridge, on my way to work, and down at the river, was a mennonite family - in their mennonite gear - getting into a boat.  (Yeah I've heard, they've a salvation-by-works gospel, but anyway - another reason to pray to the Lord, they're redeemed.)  Anyway, they weren't bothering me, i didn't even register on their radar.  But doggoneit, they sure registered on mine...i wanted to grab that woman and bite her head off.  (Saint Stephen can fill you in.) 

Friday, April 3, 2020

Churchian central revisited. Per today's entry, as in the couple's previous entry (and NO! it's not

mr. and mrs. pearl - talk about droids) the man and wife who run the blog exercise their freedom of expression, by choosing to publish readers' comments - or delete them.  By the way, this couple does like the pearl's books - uh, they can have that couple's pro-child-beating scrawl (paraded as Ggoooddly discipline).  Okay, i never read any of pearl's books - and don't want to.  Yes virgil, there are books even more worthless than the witchiepoo garbage that joyce myers cranks out.

Anyway, apparently the wife who writes most the articles - the blog's purpose is a ministry by an older woman to teach younger women - raises the ire of (probably older) women who have been taken advantage our Chris-less culture, where "let the buyer beware" and cold, smug attitudes is the worldlings' gospel.  Uh, they can have it, on that fake silver platter. Yep, show me a feminist, and i'll show you a woman who was once a little girl - whose natural femininity was systematically crushed out of her.

Basically, it boils down to this.  The woman who runs the (Biblically legit) ministry has a strong personality (yeah, you go girl :), and so do i.  So i have my own blog where i can comment all the way until tuesday, if I want.  Godda roll.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Oops, churchian central didn't like my comment. All's i said was, two or three weeks

isn't sufficient time to determine if the wife can quit her job and stay home.  Many couples have enough in savings to get by for a few months on one income.   But things happen, as the savings dwindle...then POW!  Major repair time...and just before or after property taxes are due.  By the way, homeschooling parents have to pay school tax - just like other adults who have no children. 

Okay, the second short paragraph was a bit off-topic.  i have run into enough retIrees who - thought they could leave their jobs at 55 - had discovered, some 2 to 3 years down the road, they're short on funds.  Uh, funds for things like vehicle inspections - and the electric provider just raised their rates.  Which is probably why we see old people bagging groceries at 6 am on February mornings - claiming they're bored, and need something to do...yeah right ;/

Well, needless to say, the short comment won't see the light of day, anytime soon.  Neither, i gather, will the short comment i had just posted over there a few moments ago.  That is: wives have always worked.  Go back 200 years, and the workplace for BOTH husband and wife was the house/shop/farm. 

One of the women over there had been born with a brain, (guess that qualifies as a birth defect in churchian circles) and admitted that staying home, and homeschooling - and being around children 24/7/365 would drive her bats.  She has a science degree, and would surely miss adult conversation.

No wonder people want N-O-T-H-I-N-G to do with church people or the Bible.  People are dying and going straight to hell - because, though they heard the Gospel, (atleast a few times) they equated becoming born again with becoming some sort of dumb-ars'd stepford droid.

Well, that was a note of encouragement. A woman who used to belong to the same church i go to,

she and her husband had moved to Florida (uh, why? there's gators there).  Anyway, they OWN a big house, and had recently gone abroad for an entire month.  In short, they are living quite comfortably, thankyouverykindly.  Here's the encouragement, they both WORKED into their later 60s.  i think her husband retired at around 65 - health issues, and she kept on working until she was 67 or 68.  They're in their early 80s, and are doing fine.  She said she didn't want to run out of money.

Yay them :) 

i read at various churchian sites on the net, that basically, reasonable financial planning is worldly.  For what it's worth, i disagree bigtime!  For one thing, it was well-to-do people who had the space where the early church could meet, and distribute food/clothing to the needy.   Ya know, people who studied, worked, managed and planned their lives.  One of these SUCCESSFUL people was a woman named Lydia - she was a merchant of fine fabric.

What really ticks me off, are churchian couples, who come off quite proud of barely getting by on one income - and YOU should be like (so spritcchhuual) us.  Uh, no thanks - and cramming six kids in a trailer-sized house (in need of repair$) with one bathroom...gross.   Needless to ask, but will anyway, what if an unexpected expense comes up?  Oh yeah, i get it, hit up dad (who's got his own issues) or aunt sally.

It's like we're supposed to apologize for being AMERICANS, it's like we're supposed to be sorry that our grandfathers worked, saved, invented, invested and PROVIDED the high living standards we enjoy.  Uh. a resounding NO!  i will not apologize for staying in the workforce.  Frankly, i NEVER, EVER want to have to hit anyone up for money (and then wax all spIrtccchuul, how the Lord...bla, bla, bla). 

Yeah, i know, it's a pride issue.  Anyway, it's getting near 8 am, soon time for WORK.