Monday, August 31, 2020

Oh puleease...the intellectual chest-pounding continues - in the comment section of a certain Bible-bashing blog -

meanwhile, experienced (and for-real) preachers, uhmm, who've actually gone to Bible college, will tell ya...yeah, they know the ropes.  When someone gets behind the pulpit, and starts in with the "now, in the original greek,"...hebrew, or any other ancient language, a big red flag oughta pop up, right off the bat!  Yeah, google comes in real handy...a few minutes before the sermon.

And isn't it strange how "bible" colleges are known to promote "bibles" other than the regular King James.  i didn't know that, but i didn't go to bible college.   But two of the (KJB) preachers i listen to have gone to bible college, and the one preacher had come rather close to ditching the Faith as a result.  Oh, and by the way, this is the same preacher who also enjoys learning about atoms and galaxies.  Yep, and he believes the real Bible - from the 6-day, 24 hour get-go.

In short (since i godda git back ta work) the Christ bashers can take their linguistic profiling and ... chuck it.

Young people party, because they can. Have seen more than a few school-marmish posts accusing young people

of not caring about how their unmasked close encounters effect the old...always the old, as if the old are the center of the universe.  Well guess what!  Most of us, below the age of 65 or 70, were taught evolution - that is, we are animals.  Animals are born, they seek a mate and reproduce, next year or so they seek another mate...rinse and repeat a few times.  Where evolution rules, the (surviving) young grow up quickly, and have no need for the old.  The old no longer reproduce - either because those systems are shutting down, or more like the old simply cannot cut it, competition-wise.

The muuseech you are hearing is "Glory Days."  Think that was done by Bruce Springsteen, but anyway, who cares.  Because the real heroes are the doctors and nurses, the store cashiers, the cops, the (for-real) preachers, the firemen, the roofers...  Rock-stars athletes and actors are fluff - society would do just fine without them.  Anyway...

Sort of makes me laugh when the boomers - smugly wrapped in their properties/portfolios (and blabbing their good fortune on the net - yikes, that's not smart...but anyway) expect the young - who don't know if their job will last into October / where they're going to find the $1,100 for the postage stamp in which they currently are living - uh yeah, why not blow off some steam and go have a bit of fun!!!

The lack of empathy in boomer-land is just astounding.  But then again, i keep forgetting, that empathy and evolution - are usually, if not always - mutually exclusive.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Mediums getting you in touch with spirit guides...the sound you just heard was the cash-regester drawer closing, with more of your money.

And doggoneit, the woman who runs that certain boomer blog looks a bit witchiepooish.  Brings to mind an observation of a preacher:  people who communicate with (unclean) spirits... this tends to manifest itself physically.  Spirit guides are demons, posing as friends.  And no, not commenting there, what's the point?

Yeah, i'm sorry she was done rotten, early on in life - by the very people who were supposed to love and protect her...waaay too much of that shiola happening to both young and old, saved (by the Lord Jesus) and unsaved.

But anyway, she was going on in her post about something...and exclaimed, "I'll be [darned] ... "  Lady, don't say that about yourself.   Yikes! 

Monday, August 24, 2020

While Blogger's legacy is still available, will make this - possibly - last post count. A few days ago, on one of the boomer blogs was a (mockery of a) wedding picture.

Of course, there were several gushey comments - a ooohin' and an awwin', over, among ever weirder things, the footwear the party was wearing.  Uh, are people that afraid to state the obvious?  If (quite probably) so, people have valid reason to be (very) afraid - a person can get in trouble for, even politely, posting that certain relationships are ... twisted. 

Yeah, talk to one or more (now drummed out of business) bakers.  And not only was this Christian couple's business destroyed, their life savings (uh, through decades of diligent work) is gone - thanks to weirdos, (and the lawmakers who bow down to perv agendas) who could have had their cake baked at two or three other, and closer, places.  Won't name the preacher who discussed this during one of his sermons, but will say, the man is not afraid to call it what the Bible calls it - yeppers, an "abomination."

All's i know is, i looked at the "wedding" photo, and some mental pictures, of several hours later, came to mind.  Ew, that's just gross!   No, didn't post a comment, what's the point...when you adamantly REFUSE to gush (lie).  What i wanted to comment over there isn't polite.

But here, on my blog, i can post things like, "whatabuncha pervs, ew, blluuuck... 'cuse me, gonna go puke my guts out."

Well that's sickening! Yesterday, the New York Post had an article about covid helping to make the over 60 crowd even richer.

Said the over 60 crowd owns like 80% of the stuff.  The photo shows a well dressed couple (but at least, the couple is a man and a woman - not some weird-arse arrangement) on their yacht, arm and arm, looking out at the sea.  Around them, they are being showered with money.  My first thought, upon seeing the article was, oh goody, another reason to seriously tick off young people. 

Yeah the oldsters have all the money, because for years these greedies have been cutting jobs with retirement benefits and health insurance.  Second thing that came to mind, while reading the article, was another article that said about 40% of retirees have less than 10k in savings.  Uh, probably older people who were shut out from their jobs - before covid - for no better reason than being over 50.  It's cheaper to hire young and overly-submissive - yeppers, more yacht money.

Third thought was, inheritance.  Will their kids benefit?  Oh wait a sec, with my generation marrying, divorcing, remarrying, divorcing, or just shacking up (alot of that skank going on) which kid, from which parent will get what?  That is, if the (wannabe) yacht-setting doesn't hog up the wealth - can and does happen.   Well one thing about all that drama, there's lawyer and para-legal jobs out there.

Gonna miss blogging, oh well...

Sunday, August 23, 2020

May be my last post for awhile, Blogger is changing their format - and it's not cell-phone friendly,

that is, if you blog more than 50 words.  Anyway, what's with all the yoga?  Bleech!  All that is - besides a hungry cash-wolf (ugly pants, classes, cds - and probably designer face-masks) - yoga is prayer positions to demons.  No thanks, not interested.  As for exercise, what's wrong with doing some old fashioned work?  Ya know, washing a wall, a floor, trimming a hedge, sweeping out the shed, polishing a hutch, waxing the car...actually accomplishing something.  And doing so without having to spend alot of money.  Okay, a gallon of decent paint runs about $40, the price of 2 or 3 yyyooooggguh classes, but the newly painted wall will still look lovely two years from now.  Still look fresh, long after the few classe$ are done.

New link added to sidebar. Destructive Folly; Heavenly Wisdom. This sermon is about not becoming a bunch of school marms.

Basically Pastor Sam Powell preaches that we don't know the struggles that other people experience.  It's easy to tell someone to get over it, when you're not the one who still has nightmares, years after the fact. 

My biggest beef about chuch continues to be, how we're just supposed to not only forgive - which the Scriptures are quite clear about (NO getting around that one)...oh no, mere forgiveness (of that rotten lowdown who...) ain't enough for the marms.  The marms act (yeah, they do alot that also) as if you're supposed to continue being buddies with the person who has on several occasions ripped you off/tattled/lied/beat the living tar out of you (for really no reason).

Uh, where in the Bible does Jesus hang out with people who, in reality, hated His guts?  And weren't the apostles instructed to walk away from places where their message was scoffed at?  And not only that, the apostles were told to shake the very dirt from their sandals at the edge of those towns.  

Most churches, unfortunately, gloss over the reality of very wicked people.  So much damage done, to both saved and to lost - who were becoming interested in the Word, but left because of some marm-clique - and 30, 40, FIFTY years down the road - no longer have any interest whatsoever. 

So, i don't know where my mother is.  When she was 9 years old, she had her fill of the holy-show at church.  Don't know where dad is either - he had enough at around 15.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Covid. What a scam, AND an insult to people's intelligence.

The diner had been closed for awhile, and it's going to take both the owner and staff awhile to recoup their losses.  Frankly, telling a business owner and his employees they can't do (legit) business is nothing but economic oppression.  For what?  A so called pandemic that most people who catch it, experience a few miserable days, then get over it.  Is covid any worse than any other flu?  Yes, the elderly are at risk of dying from covid - in years past, the elderly died from the regular flu.

In years past, when the flu was going around, i recall - in this area - nobody was ordering us to eat inside, or take out from, the diner; a place we knew darn well half the customers and staff had, or were carrying, the flu.  Never was mailed a citation for choosing to instead cook supper at home. 

This whole covid scam has, and still is, taken away our choice.  If the bus is a flu hotbed, then drive.  If barroom people won't practice social distancing, then don't go to bars.  If the gym equipment seems scary, then exercise at home.  If the guy in the pew behind you is singing too vigorously, then move to another pew - and if you're in a real church, where the preacher actually preaches from the real Bible, finding a seat, with plenty of breathing space, will not be difficult.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Back in the early 70s, the teacher was telling us 9th graders that some mammoths were found. In their stomachs were the remains

of flowers.  She said they had frozen quickly.  Evidently.  At the time, it didn't occur to me, that for even a young mammoth to freeze solid - and so preserve the stomach contents - would take several hours.  And that freezing could normally only happen in a lab.  Anyway, i sat there in that class thinking a ton of ice had fallen on them while they partook their flower-feast.  But they'd have to be real close to the massive ice - and flowers wouldn't do so well that close to the massive amounts of ice.  Maybe flowers were tougher back then.  i don't know.  All's i know is what our teacher told us - one minute the mammoths are contentedly munching away, and the next minute, they're encased in ice.  i sat there rather on earth!

In the second portion of Genesis 8:1, the Word says, "and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters assuaged." 

Anyway, lunch is over and we need toner.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Third world vs. developed nations. Daniel Amneus (passed away about 10 years ago) was a professor at a university in California, had published

"The Garbage Generation" back in '91.  (read it two or three times).  He explained why some countries are dirt poor, while others are productive.  It's about societies where work is encouraged, considered worth the bother, vs. societies where needless and multiple barriers are in place.

Btw, here in the US, we're startled at the high unemployment rate.  i recall, some 15-20 years ago, that in various eastern nations, the UC rate is, and has been, more like 30%.

Theme of Daniel Amneus'es book is:  There most certainly is a double standard.  It's a work double standard.  Women want men who work, and if there's none around, then after a tussle in the shack, peewee is shown the door - and down the road, same outcome for peewee ii, (or iii...)

Amneus was no friend of feminism.  He must have had about every feminist book, because there are dozens of properly cited quotes (can you even do that anymore, without some narcoid wrIter/publI$her throwing a major hissy-fit?).   He describes how western feminists, very clueless, thought 3rd world women had it together - while, in reality, the reason why the mom of three-or-more (from various dads) owned, or rented the 5 acre farmstead...and worked some 14 hours daily to try and keep things running was, because many of the men in those hard-scrabble societies grew up fatherless.

So yeah, makes sense, peewee's gonna be a peewee because his dad grew up fatherless.  Sure, there are exceptions, but generation after generation...doesn't take long for basic living skills - like keeping a job, keeping the house maintained - to be neglected, forgotten along the way - to a certain place the Scriptures say has no order.

Not about to post this on a dying woman's blog, but can post my comment here - on my blog. She received M.A.I.D. pills, (Med Aid in Dying) her state allows

that choice.  My question is:  Where's this going?  As more states approve terminally ill individuals the choice of when and where to end their lives, when will taking the death pills become a requirement?  When will health insurance companies decide that hey You Fred, and You Freda, are old f**ks, and we're sicka paying fer yer old arses (never mind, you've been paying out th' ying-yang for health care for the last several decades) we wan'cha th'eff offa th'effin' planet,, effin' go already.

Here at this blog, this blogger is, at present, in good health - can still load logs on the back of a pickup ;) my age, still young enough to live long enough to, perhaps, not have the choice, when down the road (like five or ten years from now) there's a health issue.  So glad to have gotten certain things in order...don't want to leave a mess.

Break's over, back to work.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

So many are clamoring for a woman to be in the White House...but we've always had a woman there - First Lady. Oh wait, one of the president's

was a bachelor - if i'm not mistaken, years before, his sweetheart died (from cancer or something) and, well, guess he was done with dating...can't blame him there. 

But anyway, where's this (over-the-top)  godda-have-women-at-the-top, gonna go?  Oh i don't know - am just small potatoes.  But the prophet Isaiah knew, some 2,600 years ago, where this drama is headed.

"As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.  O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths."
Isaiah 3:12

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Persecution of Christians in America? Hard to believe this happens, because here in America (well, for now)

you can walk down the street with a large-print King James Bible in full sight, and about the worst that will happen is, somebody may roll their eyes and call you a holy joe.  Do that in China, and alot of other places, and you're looking at job-loss and jail-time.  And here in America, those Bible-based principles still stand - our prisoners have access to clean clothing, warm blankets, decent food and medical care.  Not really so, in many other nations - especially those nations where they worship weird-looking images (can ya spell "devils?").

But in the New Testament, we are warned that if you for-real believe on Jesus, you will be persecuted.  So, how are the saints in America being persecuted?  The Bible doesn't give the month and year this will happen, nor does the Bible specify from whom the drama will come.  Or how much, how long the saint will be hassled.

But i know this.  The New Testament describes life in general during these last days, when men will become lovers of self.  And women can be every bit as tyrannical to their families.  Even lost people are looking around and wondering what's with all the narcs?  It's like they're everywhere!

Well guess what!  Narcs are in the churches...safer for narcoid to run his or her game there, than in some smokey barroom.  Godda hand it to church-house narcs - they play expertly...the pharisees are still among us.  The sort of people who preach marriage permanence, family values...then go home and treat their spouse and kids like garbage.

No wonder people walk away from the church-house, never to return.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

On another blog, wives being blasted for not wanting intimacy with their husbands. The accusation of wanting to get with bad-boys,

of course, was launched.  But this comment/post isn't about skanks, this post asks why regular wives would give their husbands the old headache excuse.  Could it be, that after putting in her 8 hours (if not more) at the corporation, then the day's housework, cooking, 10 pm she is just plain dog-tired - and stressed, because she, again, didn't get done what was needed. 

Rushing from one too-many tasks, to another, she failed to get to the dryer in time, and now shirts and pants will need pressed.  And there's stuff sitting on the ironing board.

In the real world...of two-parent income families, where mom has to take on too many patriarchal responsibilities (while enjoying none of patriarchy's privileges) things - like stuff on the ironing board - don't get taken care of.  There's a scientific reason for this: there's twenty-four hours in a day, and that can't be stretched...because the bag of rice has a hole in it, and now the (rather crowded) counter top and the floor are speckled with the stuff.  Oh well, the floor needed swept anyway...yeah that's another task that she's stressed about, for want of time.

It's 10 o'clock.  And she's a mean manipulative old biche, for no better reason than, simply being too tired and (rather peeved through it all) and less than enthusiastic about giving peewee his bj.

Well duh?

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Dear Congressman Yoho, wow! did you mess up. Well guess what: you're not the first person

to react to drama badly, and ya won't be the last.  For whatever it's worth, why does my gut scream at me, that you were, perhaps, very expertly set up?  To clarify - in the event of some sno-flake reading this post, and quickly melting into a large 2,000 degree farenheit lava bomb...e-youch - gut feelings, no matter how strong, are not facts.   The muttered f.b. phrase, however, may be a fact...though news reporters are known to twist things that were (supposedly) said, a bit here, and tweaked a trifle there.

Which is why, at employee orientation, we were told that if ever any of us are approached by reporters, we are to simply, politely tell them to contact the press office - and say nothing further.  If pressed for additional information, we were instructed to politely repeat: contact the press office.  Yeah, that part of the orientation, the instructor was talking to us like we were five year-olds, but it was very necessary to make double sure, we understood...the way of foxes.

Anyway, photos are pictures, and you know the old saying ... a thousand words.  Well, here goes that gut feeling again:  and not just the picture of the very deep scowl on ms.dramaqueen's face.  Some other pictures of her...something just gave me the willies.  Gut feeling, not fact.

Yet, there have been more than a few times in my life, where i ignored my (mere) gut feeling...and regretted it.  Like the time, my gut screamed at me to check that spread-sheet one more time before sending it to my boss.  Well i didn't check the stupid thing  - and he was not a happy camper...not at all.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Cell-phone friendly, the "upgraded" format is not. There's no editing room.

Btw, my phone is less than three years old.  And yeah, there are other blog formats out there, but atleast two of the leading ones tend to follow you around.  Don't care for that.  If it was just advertisers wanting to sell aluminum siding or pants, could handle that - after all, it's the advertisers who make possible, blogging sites that bloggers don't have to shell out money to use.

So, my blogging days may be drawing to a close.  i use my phone to blog - not the computer: that's for business only.  Oh well, will post while i can.  Life goes onward and upward...for the regenerate in Christ, that is.

"And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?"  1 Peter 4:18

"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death."  Proverbs 14:12

"Thou believest that there is one God; thou dost well: the devils also believe, and tremble."  James 2:19

Just watched a video, of an attractive young woman setting up her home business. My question is:

why isn't that can-do lady married?  You'd think some enterprising stock-broker would have snatched her up by now.  The answer to that question, of course, is: the 1960s and 70s are long gone.  Nowadays, peewee rules.  He wants a wife to not only get out there and compete for money (a time-consuming and mentally taxing endeavor) peewee also expects his wife to attend to his every need - buy the groceries, wash the clothes, run the sweeper, host the dinner-parties, schedule the appointments, do the running.  And, at the end of another too-many-tasks day, expect her to be all eager to give him his bj.  Pardon the crudeness, but describing the typical peewee - they're every frakking where - how can ya elaborate in an otherwise manner!

The lady maintains her own business, and is successful, because she works at it - day and night.  She makes and markets things - in a troubled economy.  Careful with her funds, she has neither the resources nor time to bother herself chasing after peewee.

Yes, she has a live-in companion - a fuzzy little animal. Aawww!

So, as for the judgy crowd touting that 80% stat, please takalooka'round!  Enterprising and attractive young women are single, because they are certainly smart enough to know what's out there.  Peewee.  Not worth the bother.

Sad to say, but is what it is.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Like the legacy Blogger format - it's smartphone friendly. Uh, maybe that's why it's being cchhhaaaaannngedd.

Ya know, people aren't always around their computers or tablets.  At the risk of coming off like a conspiracy theorist...but still, taka looka 'round...  We the people, are being stifled.  The newFANGled format helps in the shutting up process.  On a smart-phone, the writing space is so tiny, it's hard to check over your writing - for spelling errors and missing punctuation and such - as you post, and before hitting the publish button.

So, am using the legacy system - that allows you room to write - but i understand that in about 3 weeks, the legacy option will be taken away.

In addition, the new version is fine - for very brief posts.


Heaven forbid, ya might want to actually post several paragraphs - and one or two be a bit lengthy.

A few years ago, accompanied my husband to his 8th grade reunion - talk about culture shock! He and his classmates had graduated in 1960, what a different world

than the one i had - a decade later - experienced as an 8th grader.  My husband had gone to Catholic school...and people can go on about the very different Biblical doctrines between Catholics and fundies.  This post isn't going there.  All's i know is, those kids had the precious fortune to be taught by adults who believed that the Lord's ethics are every bit as important - and more so - as getting a grasp on algebra, and learning when and why the punic wars were fought (all's i know about that northermost portion of africa the archeologists found a whole bunch of charred infant remains - hope the Roman's stomped those people's butts for burning their babies).

Anyway, of course there were photos of the class.  In one of the pictures, the dozen of 8th graders were standing together.  They didn't look like 13-14 year olds.  They looked more like 18-19.  Was the looking-down-the-road look on their faces - of getting geated up for adult responsibility.

But that's only the half of it.  Of course the girls wore white dresses.  Well guess what!  In the group, was a girl wearing an off-white dress - because her parents obviously didn't have the money to provide her a white dress.

The group picture told me all i needed to know about those kids, and that school. 

That girl was NOT shunted toward the back, where only her face and neck would be shown.  She stood in the front row, second from the end.   Yes, it was obvious, her dress was almost white, but not white like the other girls' dresses.

The picture was quite clear.  White dress or no white dress, that girl was their classmate.  She was a part of them.  She fit in.

Yep, big difference when the Lord is allowed to enter the building, the community.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Godda boomer post...though not really. Reached a decision concerning day-trips and rest-room facilities, decades ago.

Back in the 80s, i recall hearing - and if not mistaken - the National Organization for Women (are they still around?  will have to google that one) were pushing for government legislation that businesses and such provide extra stalls in women's restrooms.  Some women were fed up with always meeting long lines wherever and whenever they weren't home.

Reason for this post is: another blogger mentioned day-trips, and the hassles for both he and his wife finding restrooms - with this covid...  Yeah, i think this covid is a big scam, but i'd nevertheless be alot more cautious if my husband was still living - he had a heart condition that left him so weak, it was enough for him to go to the mailbox.  Oh yeah, if he were here, i'd be spraying and sani-wiping, and masking - and getting very irritated with people for not wearing their masks.

Anyway, about the restroom issue some 35 years ago.  Reading what the other blogger (Tom) had posted, jogged my memory concerning restrooms, back when boomers were far, far from retirement and unhurried travel.

i was in my 20s, when i had gotten to that amusement park (about an hour from here).  Must have drank a soda on the way, because when i got there, was met by a long winding line.  Outside the men's room, there was less than a dozen men and boys.  Basically concluded, right there and then, going places isn't really worth the hassle.  A few years later, at a rock concert...yep, more lines, less concert.

Btw, some of the women there gave me disapproving looks.  You see, i committed a most abominable sin.  No, i didn't cut in line, or take too long - actually, in the contrary...  The horrendous sin was (oh horrors, if i admit to this one, will i get tossed oudda blogville?)


i wore a skirt and blouse - to a rock concert.  All the other women were wearing jeans - there might have been one or two wearing dress pants...maybe.  So, just for wanting to wear women's clothing...but i thought the rock-and-roll scene was live-and-let-live.  Evidently not.

Gonna end this post, because i'm curious about what NOW has been up to.  There used to be two chapters in a 20 mile radius from here.

Of course a certain, almost celeb, preacher doesn't use a King James - if he did, he'd lose followers real quick. Anyway, he gave a recent sermon,

that really was disturbing.  That was last week, and am still a bit out of sorts over it.  Yeah, i'll still listen to his preaching, here and there, because he is smart, and he is conservative. But won't forget, for one second, he's using one of those new-FANGled bibles.  Being not up on current events, godda get the news somewhere.

Anyway, about the sermon, he goes on to explain a bit of Roman military history.  When the Roman army scored a significant victory - that is, they killed over 5,000 of the enemy - they'd have a big-time procession when they marched into town.  At the front, the leading military men, and politicians (some things don't change - but at least they were men).  Then came the officers.  Behind them, (i think) came the regular soldiers who were recognized for acts of bravery (like pulling out four injured guys in the line of sniper fire).  After that came the stuff they took from the conquered.

After the stuff came the poor hapless prisoners.  Ragged (if not buck naked - because Roman's took social darwinism to the hilt...and they were mean-arse), and thirsty, hungry, tired, bloody, and plain cowering skeered (who wouldn't be!).  Oh, and if that wretched condition of the conquered wasn't enough for the Roman's never flinging enough with social darwinists.  As those poor prisoners trudged along, they were beaten with rods - and, of course, laughed and mocked at, by the social darwinists gathered along the street.

Btw, just give Christless societies another few generations, and the same scene will be on the news.  Oh, wait a sec... remember that footage of one of our veterans - who was part of a food-distribution team (to help feed starving locals) - dragged through the streets?  Some war-lord thing.  And btw, my daddy was telling me, after the war, we had German prisoners - who were set free, a few years after the war ended.  They didn't want to go home.

Just one, out of numerous BIG differences, between nations that are Bible based, and nations that are not.  Hitler may have made some christian noises, but he was into paganism - thor, and the other what it is!

Anyway, anyone who listens to for-real Bible preaching, knows where this Roman procession scenario is going.  What got me going, about the celeb-preacher was:  not. A. single. word of compassion, concerning those poor beat-up-bigtime prisoners.  Not a single word.  And no, don't think he's a calvinist - think he's more the other camp...arminian...something like that.  The belief that if ya don't toe the line, you can lose your salvation.

So, what?  Jesus endured the cross, but his suffering and death (and resurrection, three days later) isn't enough?  We have to save ourselves???  Well, nuts to that.  If i godda depend on me to save myself (from the eternal penalty of sin against the Lord - uh yeah, He's the King of  Forget it, me saving myself???  Hah, not happening, might as well go drinking.