Sunday, March 29, 2020

Too wet and nasty outside to do any yardwork. Of ccoouuurrrssseee it had to raaiiinn heavy yesterday!

So it's WET and sloppy outside, slippy mud central.  Thought about making cookies, but what's the point?  Eating them all myself?  Am fat enough, thank you.  Thanks to cono, there's no point in taking cookies to work...they won't taste very good sprayed over with sani-stuff.  Sure don't blame people; while some people (me included) aren't worried about getting it; still, who wants to be a carrier of it?  Nnoott!  One of my co-workers, who is - like nearly everyone else - is working from home.  Pray his wife doesn't get it - she just came out of the hospital like right before this all went down.  Last i heard, she is still weak.

Was able to go in this week, but i'll keep an eye on my email since the numbers are rising.  Will the bus be running tomorrow?  Don't know, but will drive into the city if need be.  Not a warm fuzzy feeling doing that - car trouble can spell parts, and alot of places are closed.  My vehicle is old, and i cannot afford a newer one.  Just have to depend on the Lord - and that ain't easy, because my name is not Paul the apostle.

So, since there's no point going outside, i painted my toenails.

Grateful that i was able to afford to buy a new plunger. Needed it as a paper-towel holder.

Previously, this house hasn't seen many rolls of paper towels.  But it sure had and has gone through dish towels, and being a person who sews - tip from my mom, years back - there's uses for fabric remnants, especially white cotton.  And besides, paper-towels had always been just another thing to pay for at the store.

But i  like those damp-wipes that come in the canister - which i can't find right now, thanks to the predators ;/   But even those i've been careful with.  Being a child of the 70s, the public school system taught us kids to be mindful about conserving mother earth's natural resources.  Of course, they didn't breathe one single word about being good stewards of the earth - nah, too Biblical.  But anyway, don't want to trash the planet, and don't want to spend money - that's better used elsewhere.  $2.75 for two rolls of good paper-towels...hey, that's almost a 1/2 pack of (off-brand) smokes.

i can be careful with paper-products because, it has always been just my husband and i living here.  Every time i see a canister of damp-wipes - in the kitchen, bathroom or at work - the pastor's wife comes to mind; she introduced me to them - her life situation calls for them, often.  She and pastor have a daughter who is seriously disabled.

Anyway, with the toilet-paper situation as it is, i saw the paper-towels and bought a package of two rolls.  Last week, saw a few packs of those cheapoid paper napkins, and bought one.  Yesterday, the store was selling toilet-paper by the roll - 3 per customer.  It wasn't the brand i like, but was grateful they had some.

And to think, in early March, i was going to buy a pack of toilet-paper (the good stuff - that's cheaper in the long run) but had decided then to hold off till the following week - not knowing about con-vir's paper-product predators were fixing to strike.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

In late October 2018, my husband left. And the hospital people couldn't bring him back.

He's gone, and there's nothing i can do about that.  i loved him and took care of him - he had been weak from heart failure.  He'd load the firewood on the truck, and i brought it into the house.  The folding chair he used is still in the wood crib - and that's not going anywhere.

What i can do is: get up when i please, make a meal - or not, go to bed when i choose, work in the yard if i want to.  In short, why be miserable over events of which you have no say?  My husband is gone, it's not like i can demand the Lord to bring him back.  That's not happening.

But even with limited funds, i am free to live alone, and am allowed to enjoy this space.  And what's most freeing of all is: the last thing i feel constrained to do is, go on e-hormany, or any other meat-market site.  Last thing i want is...ew, that. 

Yep, there's freedom when yer 60+   Just sign me, lady mgtow.

Friday, March 27, 2020

King David was abused/neglected when he was a boy. How come we don't hear sermons about that? Take. a. good. guess ;/ Yeah, there ARE Scriptures...

In Samuel 1:16, Jesse and his sons went to the sacrifice.  In the middle of the chapter, verse 11, guess who the ffaaamily had excluded from attending?  Well, Samuel, the prophet put everything on hold, until the boy (David) was brought.  Yeah, surprise, surprise, it wasn't the football jock (the eldest son) to be anointed the next king.  Bet that went over real good.  Evidently...  In the middle of the next chapter, David is back to grunge duty, and he was told by his father to deliver lunch to his brothers who were on the battlefield.  Well, he gets narked-out by his eldest brother and, in the next verse, by bro's team of flying monkeys. 

"And David said, What have I done?  Is there not a cause?"  1 Samuel 17:29.  Oh wait, there's another Scripture.  Psalm 129:2  "Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth: yet they have not prevailed against me."

i'm asking this question because it's quite evident that, like 95% of even KJB preachers are avoiding the reality of abuse going on in the homes of church members.  It's as if preachers think the devil's kids are over at the bar. 

Uh no...!   The bar is where regular sinners gather - folks whose day of grace is still on.  Yeah, there will be a goliath or two, and folks just won't mess with them.  But not all the devil's kids are into bar-fights.  The devil's kids are like their daddy - they ain't stupid.  So instead of running sneaky little mind-games at the bar, many of these wickeds take a safer route.  Church people.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Oh and now, someone was over there waxing all spIrtchuull (gaagg!) about "suffering." Yeah, probably from a comfy 3k square-foot house.

First off: in the real world, "suffering" inhales.  Real people, who actually use their noggins, will avoid "suffering" like they'll avoid the black freaking plague.  That's spelled (being) s-m-a-r-t.  Smart people plan - ya know, go to COLLEGE and study, and hedge those marketable skills - and so, don't end up being a pain the backside to their families, their church, their community.  Uh, kinda qualifies as an act of mercy, ya think? - after all, uh, aren't there more than enough poor people already???

Just burns me up, when people play the Jesus-card - while conveniently forgetting His Word also includes an Old Testament chock full of Scriptures concerning working, saving, investing, and avoiding debt.  Why, in the New Testament, not every widow qualified to be on the church charity list.  Widows under the age of 60 were expected to either remarry - yeah, good luck with that - or (i guess) gedda j.o.b.

People who tell other people that women don't need college, need to put a sock in it.  Uhm, look around.  A job that actually has the hours and the pay to actually afford decent food and lodging aren't just around any street-corner.  The REALITY is, it's tough enough for a young person to find sustainable work - let alone some has-been.

Oh brother ;/ on another blog, that 80% stat is again being thrown around - in hopes that

politicans and judges will trip over it ... i guess.   It's being repeated that (and evidently wished for) four out of five divorces are initiated by women.  Besides, this being nothing more than the usual  mgtow agenda, stinking up cyberland ... just for kicks ;) why are 80% of divorces being filed by wives who want out? 

Uh, the answer might be better addressed with another very simple question.  Why is wifey - who also happens to WORK full-time AND is doing most, if not all, the housework - also mowing the dern grass?  This situation was described by a lady blogger who had this to say - concerning videogame-junkies - "Take a look around!" 

Thinking about time and money - ya know, the practical side of life - just raises yet another question.  Why would anybody, man or woman, want to continue for additional decades (of which MANY of these failed marriages had lasted) after they realize peewee or peewee-ess is nothing but a rotten taker, and he or she isn't going to get off his or her lazy behind anytime soon.

Newsflash:  we're humans, we "can only stands so much, and can't stands no more."  (The words of the great philosopher, Popeye the sailor man.)

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

On that other blog, another woman was commenting about the time - when she was starting to realize ...

NO! the spilled milk, the (long-time) lopsided mailbox, even the rainstorm, were not her fault!  Anyway, one particular evening, she was cleaning, and oh, she decided to - gasp - open the windows, and the blinds.  Ya know, for some fresh air.  By the way, she was probably house-cleaning at night because she is probably at WORK during the day - yeah, the same-old married to a pee-wee who won't provide...surprised anyone?

Well, pee-wee comes in the room storming and ranting...over what!  Open windows, that's what.  Heaven forbid, that someone would get a glimpse inside and see what a pathetic jerk the wife had the great misfortune to have ever met.  Guess she had enough, because she said NO! I will NOT shut up the windows.  (Yay! You go girl ;)

Got to get offa here and get ready for work.

Monday, March 23, 2020

From another blog - basically, what went down was, Deb had prepared a lovely dinner - and it wasn't the first time

she had gone to such loving, careful effort.  And like at the start of previous lovely dinners, pee-freaking-wee had to make an issue about Deb's "mistake."  Oh, horror of horrors, she had left ... oh what. ever. sit in the frig a wee bit too long.  Now it's cold...whaa!   So of course, pee-wee just has to ruin another nice dinner for Deb by making rude faces at her.  Never mind, the woman (probably) works full-time, then comes home to another entire shift. 

Frankly, pee-wee oughta be grateful he isn't being served fast-food, three or four times weekly.  But of course, pee-wee is a not-exactly-covert reviler.  Had he at least been a semi-honest scoundrel, Deb would have likely split years ago.   And then ole peewee plague would have to find another host - and beef and wail about having to continue supporting his kids. 

Deb, like alot of wives, is waaayy overburdened - with things that her husband should be taking care of (like, why is she ALSO cutting the grass???).  Uh, so of course she's going to forget the fancy mustard while at the store - with a dozen other tasks nipping at her heels.  Never mind, nobody bothered to tell her it was used up - better yet, take the bother to add it to the list that is affixed right on the door.  And ya know what, that Deb - who is reminded of her incompetence - even has a nice pen attached to the magnet.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Over the past two-weeks have heard some really disturbing stuff - has nothing to do with this cono-virus hoax.

A question has been on my mind for awhile, that is: Bible says that in the latter days men's (and women's) hearts will wax worse - that we're just getting more selfish.  Until recently, that somewhere-in-the New Testament didn't quite make sense to me.  Yeah, i get it: the Bible is right, and i'm an idiot - no problemo!

The question came about from what little i know about history.  Just several hundred years ago, people were thrown into cold filthy dungeons for simply questioning the government, and suffered horribly slow deaths simply for possessing/sharing a few pages of Scripture written in the language which the locals spoke.

Going back some 1,500 years further, gets even worse.  Uhm, isn't being hung on whatever punishment enough?  Uh no, the pee-pull just had to mock and do other vicious little stunts to the prisoners.   Bunch of rats!

While today, when you go to sue joe's tire center for selling you retreads - when you paid for good tires - your lawyer will seek restitution for a brand new set of tires and the two days of your lost wages.  And any snarky comments exchanged between the parties will be soundly rebuked by the judge.  In ancient times, however, it wasn't enough to win the suit - and there after politely avoid buying anything from Joe ever again.  Oh no, back then, it was winner take all - completely RUIN Joe.  For what!  A stupid set of tires, that's what.

By the way, my mechanic sells good tires.

This morning, it hit me.  The reason we have reasonably decent merchants, policemen, judges, and jails - where the prisoners (even people convicted of molesting kids) are issued warm blankets, clean clothing and decent food - is due to NONE other than Christian influence.  i am sure anyone in non-Christian countries -who was cheated in business or had a brush with the law - could testify to that.

Getting late, godda get offa here.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Sam Powell's sermon (see sidebar) resonated. During the some 35-minute preaching from the Word,

he said that if you've ever met (and been messed over by) a son (or daughter) of belial, you likely have an understanding of the Lord's judgement against these people.  Belial's kids aren't the garden-variety jerks who wheel entire cartloads to the ten-items-or-less counter.   While run-of-the-mill liars, drunks and homosexuals still have space to repent (for now...not smart to put off), belial's kids are a whole different breed.  Belial's kids eat, drink and breathe on new and old ways to cause trouble - get two long-time friends to fall out, bigtime, for no better reason than to get a few chuckles. 

Belial's kids may act all nicey-nicey, but everything, EVERYTHING they say or do has an agenda - the same sort of people who'd steal grampa's money, chuck him in a 3rd rate nursing home, and not miss a beat.  These people have long since sinned away their day of grace - Bible describes them as brute beasts made to be taken out and slaughtered.  In other words, belial's kids may go on for decades living large, but in fifty years - probably less - they'll face ... ugh!  And that's for ever and ever. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

What do i know about abuse? Not alot. But enough to know that, years ago, had figured

the bullies were right in targeting certain class mates - for no better reason than the targets didn't have on the right clothes / know the names of the right groups and TV stars.  Newsflash to any millennial out there:  materialism was alive and well back in the early 70s.

i was one of those "uncool" kids, thinking that something was seriously wrong with me, for no better reason than not being able (though i tried) to get a grip on the latest (and ever-changing) small chit-chat.  Hey, back then, i had no clue that such is really a waste of time.  Meanwhile, at the same time, was the social-darwinist environment...will blog about that later, but really need to pray to the Lord on that before keying the details.

Kids can be cruel.  And although, i've long moved on, and long ago, have forgiven, i haven't forgotten.  The recent panic-buying is just another reminder that there are people who plain do not give a rip about the well-being of others.   (Even unsaved people are politely expressing outrage, by posting pictures and gut-laughing captions.)

No, and i will not forget anytime soon.  i am a widow.  Living alone, on limited funds, and fiercely independent.  In short, i don't trust no freaking body.  Don't feel comfortable spending the money for a backhoe, i'm shoveling that 10-tons of hard dirt into a wheelbarrow and spreading it with a rake. 

Will take awhile, and daylight is burning.  Signing off for now.

Here in the west, i don't have to worry about guys in trenchcoats grabbing my purse

and hauling me off to prison, for no other reason but some Scriptures scrawled on a small tablet and a few Christian websites on my phone.  From what i understand, if i lived in china or in one of several muslim nations, that would be enough to get me fired from my job, if not put in jail.

Here in the west, persecution of christians doesn't happen.  Ugh, i'm not so sure of that.  From reading various other websites, i cannot help but to strongly suspect that the devil's agenda for going after the for-real saints is not the same method in all countries.  Here in the west, the devil cannot use the government.

Oh, but the devil is sure trying, and making some headway ... millions of people are afraid of what a few weirdos think - who somehow have the time to garner media attention...while the rest of us are out WORKING to support our (for-real)  FAMILIES.  Uh, newsflash: there's a big difference between "spouse" (of the opposite gender) and somebody's "flavor-of-the-month."  The former is "family," the latter is not.

Another twisted avenue that old snake is taking is one that most people are unawares - and, evidently, prefer to remain unawares.  Spousal abuse.  Not really new.  Back in the 1600s John Bunyan wrote a story that he could have written just last Tuesday.  It's title is:  The Life and Death of Mr. Bad Man."  BadMan was a real rotter, ripped off his father, two of his bosses, and eventually murdered his wife - that is, after stealing, then blowing, her money.

Thing is, however, in the story, the wife's - even unsaved - neighbors knew what she was going through, and they covered for her when she snuck off to church, to hear a sermon and to join in singing from the psaltery.

What is new, i cannot help to suspect - and the Bible backs this up with phrases like "will wax worse" and "hearts growing cold" and "become lovers of tbemselves" - is that men (and women too) are becoming more skilled at telling lies, and getting away with it for years, if not decades.

Oh, wait a sec, there's another Bible phrase.  "Dull of hearing."  Uh, might that also be the devil's dumbing-down agenda?  Romans 1, which the pervs hate with a purple passion, covers a whole lot more territory than just sexual weirdness.  Becoming fools.

In short, my question is:  is abuse on the rise, because family, friends, church, community are too blazing (and willingly) STUPID to know what's going on?

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Threw those "Ms." labels out. Still wear my wedding ring, and won't take it off anytime soon.

The difficult thing about being a widow, boils down to nothing but pride.  i don't want to be lumped in with the "Ms." crowd.  1040 forms do just that.  NO, I'M NOT SINGLE, Ugh!  There's a connotation there.  Stats (supposedly) say that four out of five divorces are filed by women.  Laying aside all the peewee quips, if the actual stats are even half that, i do not believe that most soon-to-be ex-husbands are all  - nor even most - vicious/drunken/slackers.  In other words, i do believe there are women out there who are just plain no good - and over these past few days, they've evidently been hogging up paper-goods at various big-box stores.

Saw the photos.  Uhm, anyone who hogs up merchandise is a worthless piece of drek.  These people weren't merely loading their SUVs with 3 packs to stock their mc-mansions; they were filling the entire cart - and then some.  Guess this old widow needs to get out more...was shocked to learn of the gouging going on from parked vehicles.  So glad, people on the internet are taking pictures, and typing various captions.

i'm tired.  Been shoveling dirt.

On another lecturey, likes-to-snark-at-working-gals website, yeah the authors had some good-pointers...

i'll check out her homemade cleaning products section - but i'm cautious about mixing chemicals.  Sure i buy just regular ammonia and pour some into a bucket for over there, and clean this over here with plain old (not real expensive) rubbing alcohol.  But for the most part... i'm a firm believer in BLTC (better living through chemistry).  My work-wages enable me to run over to the grocery store and buy cleaning products that won't explode 3 days later, because the mid-morning sunlight happened to shine on the bottle.  Store-bought products are easy to use - yeah, i know they're over-priced...and if i wanted to, i could grump and growl.  In short, wax really covetous.

Yes, if i was keeping at home full time, i could trim on household costs, but not enough.  Of course, she was going on about 2nd-hand clothing...much of which is recycled, recycled coke-bottle, that hold tight both the last and present wearer's perspiration.  No wonder those stores smell odd! 

The REALITY for most couples (and widows) is, in order for mom to be able to provide separate bath-water for each child - and allow each child to actually take a bath every will likely have to get out there and get. a. j-o-b, job.  Seriously, on that certain lectury-as-all-getout post, the woman's kids oftentimes used the same bathwater....ew!  That's just gross.

Her post just came off as real control-freak, and, unfortunately, not any different than too many found over at churchian-central.  No wonder people, who might otherwise come to Christ, WON'T come to salvation from sin, because they equate Christian living as nothing - NOTHING but a buncha (outward) rules - and alota control-freaking going on.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

i'm not snarky-churchian's judge. Uh, she may have bu-ku rolls of paper-products,

that her hard-working, non-boozing, non-toking husband had provided, long before con-vir.  Oh yeah, the gal has a smugness about her, bigtime!  But i'm not mrs.thinks-she's-all-that's judge - and frankly, i'd rather think she is born again.  Newsflash:  saints aren't perfect, the Lord's children do bratty things.  Some are prone to act like richie-rich kids, while others continually strive against their guttersnipe days.

Okay, that said.

What torks me off are people who are busy telling other people how to navigate through situations they, themselves never had to endure.  Like the wife who hasn't had the funds to see a freaking dentist!!! Oh, while peewee buys hImself another bottle of hooch or whatever.  Sort of shiola happens all the time.  Oh, but we women are supposed to just happy-clappy stay home and be cheery-chirpy dependent.  Bull!

Time to get off this thing.  i got a man's job outside, waiting for me to gedder-done.  Such is life in the real world.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

An actress from the Philippines said something about hording, and it resonated.

She simply said that poor people can't afford to stock up, even alittle; and when there's an emergency, there's nothing on the shelves for poor people.

Had i known a week ago, there'd be a blizzard descending within the paper goods section, i'd of bought A pack of toilet paper.  Yes, still have some, it's just that i only have the funds to only keep so much of anything on hand.  And because i don't live in a mansion, there's only so much room around here.

Also wanted to get A pack of bottled water.  There was NONE of that either.  Yeah, i should have bought that last week - but balked...because bottled water is so darn heavy.  So, will just fill up the mason jars with water from the house and drink that while doing yard work.  Better anyway.

At the store, it was only the Lord's grace that i didn't buy that last carton of my favorite orange juice, but instead chose a carton among the remaining others.  The Lord's grace in other forms have been at work.  During normal times, when seeing a product, and wanting two of them, but there's only three on the shelf, that still small voice, "don't be hoggy."

i think the Lord's grace prompts people, even years prior to becoming saved - uh, Bible says somewhere "from the foundation of the world." i think that His grace also takes the form of having parents,  grandparents and other adults who admonish against being a selfish widdle snoflake.

All's i know is, if i was a lost person, i'd be so effing angry right now - this last year and a half has really ... inhaled.  And now they're fixing to close work for two weeks.  Hey!  i was saving that leave, and now will likely have to use it.

No!  'Am not going to wax all happy-clappy, slinging Scriptures AT you, when someone moves your cheese.  Churchians may get all spiritchhuull.  Yeah, well have at it!  Meanwhile, real christians are real people, with real issues.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Everybody's shook up. Why? Because...what, two people are down with cono-vir in Montco County. Oh pul-leze!

Frankly, sounds like the makings of a set-up.  Cono affects a certain peer group.  Wouldn't surprise me if cono is a basic recipe, that's been simmering a bit - and down the road, an eye-of-newt, and a few drops of bat-poop will be added to the mix.  It 'el be set to simmer a few years more, and then set out to do its job - reduce the numbers of a certain group of people. 

Ya know, the group of people whose parents, now gone, are buried (not crispy-crittered) in the same plot.  Ya know, people whose parents actually stayed married to each other until death (not dIvorce) split 'em up. 

Could be all about evolution, babah!  Oh, we're told time and time again, we evolved from monkeys.  Our motives are from the jungle, and we're told that animal instincts are acceptable (that it's okay to swing from vines, and generally be skanks).  Well guess what, the evolutioni$tz aren't preaching about!  Monkeys have a life-span of not more than 30 or 40 years.  That's  what!

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

What's with all the "crinkle?" Super tissuey thin fabric - that's what. And much of it

is rayon or whatever other fake fabric in the mix.  Have four cotton crinkles up in the closet - sewed cotton linings in the skirts.  Goodnight alive, just wanting to wear clothing that people can't see through...uh, i was very partial to multiple layers when i was young.  It's like basic modesty and feminity are countercultural.  Saw another "crinkle" dress, and i'll send for it come payday - and make a run over to the (only) fabric store in the area for a few yards of cotton fabric.  Yeah, won't wear it 'till it's got a generous lining.

Oh, but here's the deal.  The "crinkles" have thicker fabric in the bodice than in the skirt.  It's like the pervs who design this stuff want women's private area to be less covered.  Just sick.  Well newsflash to satan's suck-ups (another pun):  i have a sewing machine and know how to use it.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

In some countries, Christians are not able to get decent jobs or allowed to own property.

They are at the non-mercy of PIG landlords - pun very intended; these landlords (who won't fix nothin') lay awake at night contriving to get more rent.  In short, these preying (yeah, another pun) at precise times daily, satanic brownnosers are - not suprising - a bunch a nosey b*tards; far more invasive than any proverbial fat, middle-aged, divorced, embittered and out of her meds cat-lady could ever hope to be.

Preacher said we're to pray for oppressors.  That's hard doing, to say the least.  Needful to say, the preacher wasn't talking about praying imprecatory ones.  Won't go there anyway.  Yeah i know King David prayed God to completely stomp to powder his enemies...uh, i ain't King David.

Meanwhile, too many satanic brownnosing politicians, over here in the west, have opened the borders to let the (dole-trough) crowding pigs in.  Oh, but won't let the Christian tenants - who would jump for joy at the educational and vocational opportunities - come over here and become productive citizens.

Politicans!  Bluuck.  Uh, i haven't forgotten, that same swine-herd left our boys to ROT in Hanoi, back in 74/75.  And i seldom vote because???

Happens to husbands also. Brett's wife died recently, and he's not only heartbroke,

he's broke.  What's with people, refinancing this and that, and the other?  Don't people get the fact that we're not getting any younger?   It's one thing to undergo financial hassles when you're 30-ish, oh but waay another when you're 50-ish.  Wow, he looks rough.  Yeah, so did i last year - and still do. 

And no, i don't know the couple's business - and don't want to know - but i know enough that there's alot of 50-ish people who submit to worldling peer pressure, as much as - really more than teenagers.  Atleast teens haven't been around long enough to know better. 

By the way, i don't know what the kids these days are being taught in school about finances.  Back when t-rex chased school buses, us kids received a packet in math class; in it were instructions concerning take-home salary, rental and utility notices, household and grocery needs.  We even had a category for church contributions.  Oh brother, am i dating myself.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Age-discrimination. Men sense it too, but it seems that women sense it earlier.

i'll just have to figure out the case of...  Namely, will just have to trust in the Lord.  And unlike the ever-chasing-coat-tails worldlings, the Lord isn't chIding me to butch my (ever thinning) hair - or color over and perm up the gray.  By the way, having those chemical$ put in is like $200 - that is, for the (supposedly) less harsh ones.  It's no great mystery, that three months later, it'$ time to hit the chem-trail - again.

The world...ugh.  All's they want is yer wallet.  Yikes, worldlings are worse than (their fellow-worlding) tithe-preaching pulpiteers.  Digressing again, a co-worker was telling me about how her church leaders send out a how-much-r-u-gonna-fork-over form.  She told me she pitches it in the can, because she doesn't like to make commitments that she might not be able to keep.  Ya know, she might need tires this spring to pass inspection - uh, so she can get back and forth to work.  Anyway, one of the preachers - who, like the others, gives a we(a)kly 15- minute sermonette - is headed for a two-week tropical va-ca.  Woah!  Wasn't that th' same dude who, just last September, went to that pagan playground, called Di$neyWorld?

Anyway, growing old isn't fun.  And, of course, it's no great exercise in conspiracy theorizing to suspect, there are hellish forces who are very busy to make the aging-experience even more depressing.  In short, those stupid looking yoga-pants are ugly enough on a slender 20-year old woman.  Think about that same woman 30 or 40 years later...yeah, not a pretty sight.  She may not be attractive, but she isn't totally clueless either.

But she is likely in despair.  How do i dare  know this?  Uh, check the stats concerning the use of mind-bending drugs.  It's not just Scotty's parents who have been (in various Christless forms) bullied into giving their normal red-blooded boy drugs - which 'el turn him into a metro-droid.  Older women are popping anti-depressants - and then, on the way back from DoctorPusha's office - stop over at th' bigbox for another ugly arse'd pair of .... despair.

Yeah, just connect the dots.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What's with all the UGLY ars'd yoga pants? Yesterday, while on the bus, had noticed

those garish things - everywhere.  And the question popped into this pea-sized brain, "what happened to beauty?"  An answer came, a few minutes ago, as i pulled into the parking lot.  Cotton jeans will crease/wrinle; to prevent that, they must either be neatly folded and put in a drawer that actually has room in it,  or carefully hung up in the closet.  Not so with yoga pants.

Yoga pants are about no maintenance.  Ya peel 'em off, throw 'em in the washer, then into the dryer.  And the added bonus is: unlike cotton jeans, (that will crease quick) you don't have to be there when the 30-minutes are up.  Yoga pants are every bit as easypeasy as they are mudfence ugly.  You can quickly chuck 'em in a getting-too-full drawer.  And there's no stupid zippers to deal with.  Cotton jeans also take about 10 minutes longer to dry - and it's best to pull 'em out, hang 'em up while they're slightly damp.  Uh, that requires an airy space - another basic comfort which too many working women end up doing without.

And if i may digress, the last freaking thing waay-overburdened women need, is to be smugly, sing-songee preached at about how they should deny self.  UGH!  Isn't a life of about NO time for much of anything - let alone, basic feminine beauty - denying self enough?  No, it's never enough with freaking pharisees.

Woe, busstop ahead.

On another blog, an interesting comment that so resonated. A recent post

from Lori Anderson's "Transformed Wife" blog, Debby - who hails from Kansas - has noticed - at the very least, a few times - the disorder of homes, where the wives are unable to be keepers.  These wives and mothers are away for much of the day.  In short, they're out earning a paycheck.  And guess what:  there's 24 hours in a day.  So, things aren't going to get done, loosed buttons will end up getting lost in the clutter, another shirt will join a pile of other clothes with unmended seams, missing buttons, stains that have long set in.  So, it's another trip to the big-box to buy another shirt - which after a few washings will look as tired as mom.

Homes have only so much space, and it doesn't take long for the visual noise to blare loud enough to - 30 miles down the highway - disrupt her concentration during staff meetings.  Debby had also observed how these harried women don't invite company to their homes because of the clutter.  i heard the same testimony from a woman i worked with - she was in a managerial position.

Godda get to work.