Sunday, May 23, 2021

Gripe with gimmee-fests - the other side of it. Other people have their own troubles.

Their cars barely get them home, their kitchen drains stop up - on the same day ... or whatever other "first world" problem arises.  So, this widow will simply call the plumber, and the garage mechanic - and pay the rates that reputable people charge.  Have absolutely NO desire to fly the poor-widow card - Lord knows there's more than enough widows out there who couldn't scramble together a few hundred dollars, let alone  more.  Not that i'm even remotely close to wealthy, am tight with funds, and THAT'S why am able to handle unexpected expenses that are bound to crop up from time to time.

Which is why i adamantly buck-up whenever any one of those "invites" or announcements come in the mail.  Don't give a rip who sent it, 9.5 chances out of 10, the mailing goes right into the waste-can with barely a second thought.  A 0.5 recently happened, and - none too happily - sent a piddling $25.  And if the recipient thinks me a cheapskate, well alrighty then.

Maybe i missed that Sunday, but don't recall seeing anything in the Scriptures about the Lord commanding his people to hemorrhage their wallets at this and the next, and the one after that, money-show.  There are, however, plenty of verses about giving money to help people in need.  Big difference between the two.

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