Wednesday, May 12, 2021

i will NOT apologize for living in a first-rate country AND living in a safe neighborhood.

Neither will i apologize for having been born to parents who provided us kids warm clothing and a safe clean home.  Parents didn't cravenly tremble before bizarro statues (of demons).  Parents who didn't sell their kids off to the nearest sex-slaver, in exchange for a cheesy pair of kicks and 1/2 a bottle of hooch.  Nope, my folks chose to get up and go to work for a living :)  

The difference between first-rate nations and the third-rate ones isn't economics.  The reason why the latter nations have but a few living in luxury, while most the rest slowly rot in slums, is all about satanic worship.  Yeppers, kiddos!  If ya don't believe that Jesus Christ is Lord of lords, the only other option is broad-road satanism.  

Anyway, isn't it odd, how first-rate nations were the same nations which had beautiful Christian churches.  And isn't it really odd :) how technology began to take off not long after the protestant reformation - ya know, the same guys and gals who wanted the Word preached and written in the language that common people understood.  And not only that, but also wanted people to actually read the Scriptures for themselves.  

Meanwhile the nations who worshipped ugly statues, and mindlessly did the ohm thing, and they lagged behind.  But fortunately, it was the first-raters who helped them build and run decent hospitals and schools, install and maintain drainage systems (so people didn't have to wade through turd-creek when it rained).


  1. I would say Japan and Israel debunk your theory. Religions, Christianity included,are about controlling the masses, so making people stay in their place content with their lot in life. "Great is your reward in heaven." "The meek shall inherit the earth." It then evolved to what we have today where it's mainly about keeping women in their place - obsessed with treating them as breeders and then using them as caregiving drudges until they are too old to be useful to society.

    1. I agree religion is about control. I still examine some teachings of Jesus, but I think the Christian empire that arose is definitely of man, it is to keep people in their place and controlled. Women are second class citizens in most conservative churches.

    2. Japan looks like it's 100 years ahead of this place. Not saying its perfect but I watch tons of videos on youtube filmed there, they are definitely more advanced then America now.

    3. Peeps, from what i understand Japan has developed robotics because, well they have a problem. They're not having enough kids to run things. Japan is becoming a nation of old people. That robot stuff is scary. If a hacker can mess with a stock-market website, where does that leave the robot who prepares and delivers the heart medicine?

  2. Dear Anonymous, if i am not mistaken, after WW2, American tax dollars rebuilt Japan, and we've sent over money to Israel - and still do, if i am not mistaken. But nice try anyway :)

  3. It's kind of weird Sue you still consider the USA first rate? This is where some mostly white boomers can be out of touch. All I have to do, and I pay to live in a better area, is go 4 miles down the road, and see burnt out shacks, people begging for money with cardboard signs, empty storefronts and houses that look on the edge of crumbling into dust. The USA is not what it used to be. It takes MONEY to live in those safe neighborhoods. I have lived in the ghetto before, multiple times as you have seen me write about on my blog. I find it odd that you think being Christian brings the money. I wouldn't praise the technology too much as they are building a technocratic prison with it, you know the stuff I am posting about on my blog and twitter. I think spiritually having the human immune system replaced seems evil in multiple religions.

  4. Dear Peeps, yes poor neighborhoods have gotten worse over the last 60 years or so. My father grew up very poor. So poor, that he sometimes went to bed hungry. And oftentimes, had virtually meatless meals - not enough for a growing boy. Thing is, the neighbors were also poor, but they didn't steal or wreck one another's stuff. Back then, thanks to Christian principles, people had more of a sense of right and wrong. As we've gotten away from the Word, is it any wonder too many neighborhoods, you don't even want to drive through. We as a nation are spending more money on anti-theft technology. That sunscreen you just bought, costs a few pennies more, because the drug store just stepped up their cameras and alarm system. Two pennies may not seem like a big deal, but weren't you there just a few days ago, when you bought some ... ?
