Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Listening to Dave Ramsey's podcasts, alot of callers evidently have hundreds of thousands

in stocks and in other investments.  These people are what us regular folks call "rich."  Meanwhile, some of the regular-folk commentors are just green, with envy; regular people who stress each month, hoping no unexpected expense, adds even more stress.  Yeah, can relate.  Some years ago, due to changes in the market, a close relative - who was already doing well - was doing even better.  i guesstimate the couple, probably have a net worth of at the very least, a million; same goes with another close relative.   

Well, at the time, having no interest in Scripture, and believing that humans - and every other creature - evolved from pondscum, talk about envy.   No sheet, still remember, thought my freaking head was going to explode.  Was so raging inside.  So yeah, understand where the bitterness comes from.

Preachers, the for-real ones, tell their congregations to witness to unsaved people, as to what Jesus Christ did for them.  i sort of balk at this because, people have their own issues, and because of such, could really give a flying freak about what Jesus - or anybody else did for you, or me.  Human condition.  But, ya know what?  This is a blog post, and anyone is free to not even come here - let alone, even read one sentence.

So, before heading off to work, am going to brief my personal witness, of what Jesus Christ did for me.  Whenever that green monster of envy, toward the rich - especially  - comes to call, greenie doesn't get invited in; greenie only gets an immediate calm, "please begone."  Devils hate that; they want you to get mad, and cause a scene; it's hard to gaslight calm refusals.

Godda roll.  Bye.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Why do young attractive women (supposedly) chase after chad and tyrone? After all, those guys don't commit.

These guys are rakes - that's an old term for player.   But evidently these male garden tools have something the hotties want - and he can be near his last dime, but still getting dates.  What is it?  Chad and Tyrone's physical fitness?  Well, that alone is telling.  We all know, that if a guy, who is getting near 30 - wants to keep the belly fat off, he can't be out guzzling beer - or alchohol in general; if Ty drinks, he'll have one, and will pull himself out of that bar - especially if he's over 30.  

Yep, there's a wall waiting for unwary/careless men too.  While women are unable to climb over their 30-something wall, a man CAN get over his.  But it takes work.  It takes "hitting the gym," and not stopping off at pizza-planet afterwards.  And not just the three times weekly - that is, after coming home at 6 pm, tired from working all day.  Both Chad's and Tyrone's muscle mass also NEEDS quality sleep - and drinking messes that up; talk to any doctor.  If you're not sleeping well, you're not thinking clearly, and if your head's a bit bubble-gum, what else is?  

A big tirade against hoes (female garden tools) is their high body count.  Was thinking about...why are some women sleeping around?  Could it simply be, they like good sex?  Are these promiscuous women going around - and more often than not - the current roster they're riding, is more like an old hen, in the hay.   Makes sense because, men like to drink and drug; and guess what!  Yep, turns it more toward bubble-gum - very, very annoying.

Meanwhile, the red-pills cope on, with their young/virgin "preference."  Sure they do...because a 20 year-old, with about no sexual experience, doesn't know the difference between a bazooka minute and ... well, a timex-Tyrone.  Most guys aren't Tyrone, but they wannabe, but aren't, do they cap, and blamegame.

And i blog, because this is ColdWar 2.0  Right or wrong, i stand with WOMEN.  Hurah!

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Oh, those red-pill guys sound so mean-girl...what else is new :/

One ongoing pout - among others - is: they don't it's fair that men, even today, are still held to traditional standards.  For instance (and i lived out this one) when a woman is unemployed for more than a few months, people basically shrug, but if a man is out of work...VERY different; comes the question: what the eff is wrong with the guy?  Lazy?  Okay, the assumptions/accusations aren't helpful, and railers should mind their own business.  

While red-pills love the body-count double standard that, even today still catches up with women, but boy howdy, these pills peeve and rage against the work double standard.  They're mad as heck, because women get the office promotions, but very seldom, women start out as roofers, brick-layers, trash collectors...  Oh, but that's not all; he few women who can actually do these muscle jobs, are likely the same women wo will not take any guff from people; in short, written off as being too bossy.  

Oh well, can't win with narc-ish people :/

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Let's suppose that Paul the Apostle didn't like women all that much. Not saying he was misogynistic, because

that would be adding to Scripture - and don't wanna go there.  This post is just a thought experiment - nothing more, nothing less.  While it would be easy enough to accuse Paul of looking down his nose at women...after all, any Bible basher could look at 1 Timothy 2:11-12, and have a melt down.  The passage reads, "Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.  But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence."  Pretty harsh.  But wait, there's a second witness.  1 Corinthians 14:34, "Let your women keep silence in the churches ; for it is not permitted unto them to speak ; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law."

First off, Paul's letters to the churches, which are in the Bible, are inspired by the Holy Spirit.  But guess what, before launching into a hissy fit - there's plenty of his other writings which he basically tells the men to work with their hands and mind their own business.   Paul had been a pharisee, and not only was he so well read in the Old Testament, you could hand him a scroll - of one of the more obscure portions, and asked him to find, one of the more obscure verses ; well, like any top-notch pharisee, he'd unwind the scroll, and like in a few seconds, point to and read out that passage.  Heard it said, in a sermon, that by about 20, Paul had the equivalency of TWO doctorates.  He also was well read in greek and roman writings; when he was speaking to the greeks, he said something about "your own poets..."  Yeah, such a scholarly storehouse, could make anyone's head too big for his cap.

Anyway, not saying he had a misog-streak, but Paul sure did have an education far above most men, and certainly above almost all women.  He loved being single, not having a wife and children to keep this man from going his (Lord's) own way - i.e., the only mgtow that's worth a hoot; overwhelmingly, most the others are headed out to the Lake...uhm, yikes, not one where folks go fishing and canoeing.

If he did have that streak, am i better?  Because, well, i don't trust men very much, and also have issues with what the Lord expects from women.  But, ya know what?  The Lord's absolutely right, and i'm an idiot. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

On Christian bashing posts, have read phrases deriding church people for having the nice house, with the picket fence - comes off like...

well, envy.  But here's the deal:  ever wonder how these church-going families are able to have both the house (all nice) and the reasonably late model car/s either paid in full, or near so?  And not just that: there are you are, sitting in the pew, and again, before the service or after, another very married couple is chit-chatting with another very married couple about a recent investment  vaca/visit.  Oh wait, and on top of that, atleast some of these couples tithe - atleast on most sundays; that's some serious change - and the missions fund isn't a tithe; that's an offering - that's extra.

So, it's only human to wonder, how the horacio do they do it?  After all, the stats say that about half of american adults would be hard pressed to cough up $1,000 to cover an unforeseen expense.  Well, kind of goes like this: when you're not blowing money on smokes/beer/lottery/idiot teevee subs...boy howdy, doesn't take long for money to add up between paydays.  And these 60-something couples are still married, still sitting close together, and enjoying their retirement.

Yeah, that 'el get the yellow teeth of the ungodly to knashing.

Oh, some overrated fiction wrIter had spewed something about women being pets or animals. Wouldn't be a bit surprised if he

was the type to sneak in to the farm show, after hours to wander around the cow / chicken pens.  Some years back, a guy was caught doing that; of course, there were jokes about the county he was from - but such weirdness is boundary-inclusive.  Think it's Deuteronomy where the Lord spells it out; that His people are not to do those - and other weirdo things.  Things which the caananites did; any wonder the Lord wanted them gone.  People - including myself, some years back - don't understand why the Lord equipped the newly freed slaves (who had no battle training) to go in there and wipe them all out - including kids and old people.  Yeah, hard to wrap around, but the caananites were so warped, and had been for centuries.

Bible describes, in verse after verse, how the Lord has no tolerance for sexual sin.  In the New Testament, Paul - per the Holy Spirit  - says that, unlike other sins (drugs, gambling, horoscopes...) sex sin is done against one's own body.  You'd think smoking a joint / doing shots is against one's own body.  But the Bible says it, that settles it. 

As for that fiction writer, of a very (in)famous series...meh, give it a few decades, and whoremonger-007 will be forgotten.  But the KJB won't :) :)

"Flee fornication.  Every sin that a man doeth is without the body ; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body."  1 Corinthians 6:18

Thursday, January 19, 2023

"Beta" - that's a man who gets along well with his boss and co-workers; because, for starters...

well, mr. "beta" starts on time; in short, he is dependable.  He does the job right, and does so, drama-free.  And here's the real deal: beta-bob might not even like his job very much, but until he can find one that he does like - or like better, about the only complaint you'll hear out of him is, the pop machine in the break room is out of Pepsi again.  Dependable, because he prefers having a pay-check and a leave balance over not having resources.  Money and time earned, which enable him to save for future things, pay bills on time (and sleep peacefully at night) and have the hours to cover that big car show in Minnesota in April - which is why, if he calls off work, there's a legit reason.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Will have to get Biblical documentation on this one, because it seems to make sense, that people who successfully

do things which the Lord approves, basically can't help but to do those things - like, for instance/s, have no desire to listen to rock music, drink beer, fornicate...   There's alot of people who don't cuss, who give to charity, who are in bed - alone - by 10pm, and who fast; but that doesn't mean they're saved (from sin, and it's eternal penalty in the Lake of Fire).  

A person can tithe, every sunday, and still be as "lost as a golfball in high grass."  The difference between the lost tither, and the saved one is: the lost one has an agenda, and the saved one?  Well, he can't help himself (or herself).  Tithing, like fasting and prayer, are gifts from the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit gives saved people different gifts.  For instance, Holly is one of God's children, but she can barely make her rent each month - and yeah, she doesn't always manage her money as well as she could - but her gift is actually getting out there and talking to people about Jesus.  Oh wait, there is a Scripture in the New Testament...goes along the lines about some being evangelists, others being teachers...

This post isn't about excusing church-cheapskates, but this post is certainly about people having different abilities and situations.  Anyway, have to cut this short.  Godda get ready for work.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Black women have the highest eviction rate? Oh really? That wouldn't have anything to do with hemotional peewee, throwing

yet another hissy-fit...uhm, this time putting a hole in the wall?  Would it??  Yeah, red-pills, you stinking railers, a tenant can pay his or her rent consistently EARLY, and still end up outdoors.  Landlords, with any experience, require more than just prompt rent payments, per their lease-contract.  

More than one female tenant has made the mistake of allowing her boyfriend to stay with her for a few days, only to discover his idea, and her idea, of a few days was quite different.   And we all know, color or no color, some people won't take a hint - who hasn't had company...and they're still freaking gabbing away, at 9pm on a tuesday night ;/

While most landlords don't have a problem with their tenants having overnight company, problems start when other tenants begin complaining about noisy/drunken guests. And no, nothing cute about peewee, peeing in neighbor Rosa's flower pot.

But red-pills don't want to acknowledge this side of things - they're such liars, and half of them are just mad.  Very mad, because they'd be lucky to score with an borderline obese 35 year old - let alone a young hottie.  Gives new meaning to, "hell hath no fury..."

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

"Help meet." Wow, until last week, never made the connection. Genesis 2:18b reads, "I will make him a help meet for him." Well, if that doesn't sound

designer..."meet for him."   Just last week, a lady on you-tube talked about the wife's God-ordained role to "help" her Husband.   To give good help.  She explained that a helper who enables foolishness, isn't good help - to her Husband (who IS supposed to be Head of the Household), to their kids, and certainly her.   Foolishness.  That can take various forms - like a cooked 1040.  We hear the red pills go on - their definition of a submissive, obedient wife, is one who will just go ahead and sign the form, even though she knows her husband's such and such business expense is bogus.  Uhm, somehow that sort of enabling doesn't exactly sound like 
"...as in the Lord."  Cheating the gubment may seem like no big deal, but it adds up to yet another little "fox in the vineyard" - as if there's not already enough of those critters.  And guess what: it's a fact, that joe-fox will likely sniff around and meet up with joelene-fox - and we know what comes from that ;)

How comes we don't hear this preached?  It's been over ten years, and hundreds - if not a few thousand, by now - of sermons, i've heard preached from pulpits - both realtime and on-line.  And not a one, did i hear explained, what "help meet" actually is/does.  "Help meet" is two words; in olden times, meet was what we call suitable/appropriate.  And what we think is good help, and what the Lord defines as good help...yeah, oftentimes BIG difference.

Sly try, red-pillspulpiteers.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

"What's the leading cause of divorce?" Mr.C. raised that question in family relations class - back in the days when tablets

were made of stone.  One of the students raised her hand said, "sex."  Back then, probably less than an appropriate answer, coming from a high school girl.  But hey, go back another century, and she probably would have been a new bride.  Anyway, the teacher gave the "correct" answer.  Financial difficulties.  He had also mentioned that home buyers had a lower divorce rate - but that's for another post.  Thinking back, just short of a half-century...perhaps that girl was right.  As for money-issues, more often than not, such are like a cut in the hand, which the injured person doesn't bother to clean (which just plain HOITS!!!) and bandage.  And ya have to ask, how did the cut get there; did bozo/bozoette not bother to don a pair of work-gloves?

While the mgtows blame the women, blame eco-system plastic - while gobbling up fast-food, and preeech personal accountability, they run past - and run fast - away from the neurological reality, of what booze, drugs, gaming, gambling, and pr0n does to the brain.  Besides putting a damper on, actually getting out there and accomplishing something, the foolishness slouches a naturally hard ;) into ... pua, more like "bubble gum."  (Shout out to the divorced lady who used that description :)

Meanwhile, any marriage counselor - whose cert came from other than the back of a cereal box - will tell you, if the sex isn't good, for both husband and his wife, there's big trouble in that marriage, or will be down the line.  And yeah two eighty year olds aren't likely to be chasing each other around the bed...or wherever else ;)  

The greatest mgtow, the Apostle Paul (though he wasn't going his own way, but the LORD's way) said - per nothing but inspiration from the Holy Spirit himself - was, that the marriage bed is undefiled.  In other words, if the husband and wife are all grungy and dirty from pulling up carpet - in their home - and well, look at each other and take a fancy ... uhm, right there...  Am saying, it's not just the wife who is constrained by victorian prudery - that's spelled hypocrisy.    There's, i'm sure, more than a few constricted husbands.  

i am not, and never was, into anything weird, (that sort of shiola is rank satanic..case closed) per another room, my having so much as alluded to ... my late husband actually said to me, in not too many words, more along the line of: "nice women don't."  Well that comment shure shut me back in victorian land.  Major bummer, because my late husband was good looking as all get out.  Even when he took sick (and, ... that wasn't on the table...or anywhere else) he was still one manly man.

But anyway, married s3x is important.  If the intimacy is honest, then there's a very high probability the couple will figure something out, concerning that freaking insane school/property-tax hike.