Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Why are women getting the good jobs? Surely their success at marketplace

competition wouldn't have anything to do with life choices! Ya know, going to bed at 9pm, instead of going to the bar - and laying out $5s and $10s till half-past 11pm.  Bosses ain't stupid.  Bosses can tell who is awake and alert at 8am, and who is...well, somewhat groggy.  There are plenty of stats which reveal which sex gets pulled over for DUI, and which sex generally does not.  Not rocket science, bosses need employees who are reliable - who safeguard their driver's licenses. 

Meanwhile, both the churchians and the red-pillers go on blaming the government for forcing businesses to hire women.  Uh, businesses have all sorts of ways of skirting quotas.  Okay, some may be a bit underhanded, but bosses don't need someone with one or more skanky screen -names/skanky site accounts.  Those sites get ALOT of hits Monday through Friday, from 9am to 5pm - fancy that!  Fortunately, with smart-phones, bosses no longer have to worry over much about their computers catching a skank bug, but those same smart-phones can sure put a drain on productivity.  Meanwhile, some states, like Pennsylvania, have laws which allow employers to hire and fire, for really no reason - provided there is no proof of harrassment or racism.

Bosses ain't stupid.  Bosses hire women, because bosses know the women probably have children to provide for - and so, are going to work, and work hard.  Not much of a guarantee with men - who are known to up and leave town, a month or so before DRO gets the claim to pay peewee a call.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Do women become raging feminists because - aside of various other reasons -

they know one or more widows, and heard about several others?  While many men PROVIDE for their wives, many don't.  For whatever reasons - more like excuses, it's no wonder (smart) women make sure to keep a card or two up their sleeve.  i hate to say this, but it's true, way too many men are (next to) worthless.

Meanwhile the  "manosphere" is growing in popularity (and so are 30 year old "men" sponging off in aunt selma's basement).  And, while peewee's collective bellyaching (instead of WORKING) isn't likely to draw much attention from our nation's leaders, (except for maybe a few laughs) i have no desire to remain silent, as those good-fer-nuthin effers run down women - uh, 'cause no half-decent woman wants much, if anything, to do with them slackers. 

Dutch treat - my foot!  Oh, but they want the fornication.  Dear "thots," stay away from the grimy lot of 'em.  You can do way better - and get a half-decent dinner.  We women are not moochers; we are women.  Men are supposed to take care of us.  Cause if men won't get off their rusty-dustys, and step up their "game" (another term the misogs like to bandy about) then the tax-payers will have to.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Six gigs of data. That's the plan i am on. In order to not go over,

i steer clear of u-tube, and videos in general - but they're hard to avoid, since many sites run videos.  Uh, because, i guess, text in involves...oh horrors, having to READ.  Audio uses data, more so than text, but nowhere near the brain-numbing movin-picture-pages. There seems to be more and more vIdeo.  When we were pre-schoolers, we looked at picture books, then we learned to read.  Oh, but reading takes some brain-muscle.  Sites with text, and no stupid vIdeos, use up alot less data.

Was just on a site where people were saying that 100 gigs a month is common.  People must be watching alot of vIdeos - like one after the other.  Morons.

Anyway, because i like to visit and post to blogs, and download sermons, am now being swindled for another gig.  Being alone, i don't want to go out and about - too many old fornicators out there, and i simply do not care to be around that.  No, am not some holier-than-thou, just do not want that appearance of evil.

Guess i'll sign up for more data...maybe.  All i know is, funds are limited, being eaten alive by wolves.  Ya know, be responsible all your life, pay yer bills on time, honor your marital commitment, and get kicked in the teeth.   In short, a widow who stuck it out, but the law could care freaking less.  This is not to down divorcees - with so many anti-husbands around, a gal can only take so much.

Hmm, sorta makes the gal who stuck it out to the end, uh sorta a hero.  Yeah, well we know about the REAL heros - ya know, the guys and (in our eff'd up society that sends) gals who served in the military, so the rest of us can sit around at social gatherings and play with our phones.

People RESENT soldiers - just got wind of a conversation the other day.  Won't say where, but the place has alot of co-exist people, and one of the guys wears dresses.  Go figure.  And yeah, veterans can be a pain - uh, sooner or later, most people get screwy in the head after killing one or more people.  Happens in war.  Never mind, there's people who never so much as gotten into a shoving match, who suck the oxygen right out of the room - and the neighboring rooms as well.

Anyway, spend alot of time on this thing.  i am alone, and afraid that the wolves won't leave so much as part of a hand or foot.  Oh well, worldlings are grasping greedies - and they're all so confoundedly boring.  What else is news!

Sadly, so many husbands have money for golf clubs and beer, but no money

to (do the adult thing and) provide basic stuff for their wives - i'm not talking $300 shoes, just basic lots-a-mileage leathers for half that.   Forget dudz-fer-us, they sell cheesy crap, that might hold up for a season, maybe two - that kind of UGLY shiola is more expensive in the long-run.  But of course, pee-wee is too frakkin stupid and lazy to do the math.  And wifey walks, because...

This blog is very low-traffic, so i can post freely.  Just read a comment on another blog about something the Government is doing to help displaced wives.  (Read: kicked-th' eff out, because pee-wee has refused to man- up.)  Won't elaborate, because the red-pill pukes will have a melt-down, and i am in no mood right now for their nasty solipsism.

Ya know, when the government steps in to do a Husband's job, our taxes will go up.  Methinks this new law will enable more wives to get out of their anti-marriage.  Yay!  No, i do not advocate divorce, but too many marriages are just plain toxic.  This isn't about Herbie leaving his stinky socks in the livingroom, this is about years into decades of various cruelties. 

A resounding YYAAAYYY to Uncle Sam, providing for the weaker sex.  Hey, somebody's godda do it - cause, per the stats, it ain't the "husbands."  And those freaking cads are every freaking where.

Ew, there's just something eecky about collecting one's late Husband's social-security

(or any other survivor's) benefits, while having moved in a "companion" - which is a white-washed term for sex-buddy/carbon-based ATM.  Why not call it for what it is!  It's fornication, and it's a lie.  Yep, sometimes men get taken advantage of.  Can't help but to hope he soon packs his stuff and heads down the road.  Of course, that would leave ms.thinks-shez-all-that with a bit of a cash-flow problem - and would have to tap into the big life-insurance policy that her late husband (having been nagged into?) left her.  Yeah, he got used as well.  Prenup, on her terms, of course.  Yep, not always the wife who's taken for granted.

i cannot help but to suspect her reason for coming around is basically the need to enjoy a bit of slumming.  She has money, and likes to talk about her vacas, her retirement life...(i may be working for quite some time).  All's i know, is that throaty chuckle of hers gets under my skin.  And i do not claim to be any great shakes as a Christian, but i don't want to be around fornicators.  Just something eecky about people like that.