Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Going senile? Back in the summer of '68, grampa couldn't find a tool that he'd had just a moment ago.

Can only figure, the old guy had some things on his mind.  Things like, for starters, taking mindful steps.  His eyesight not being so great, anytime he was out in the yard, he was on-guard for chuck-holes - and knew where most of them were.  Filled in a few, but that and other things can be a full-time job.  Yep, a broken bone would jack him up.  Still, the grass needs cut, and the hedge out by the shed could use a trim.  He'd hire help, but he is doing all he can, on his own steam.  His finances are okay...only because he's careful with all that.

What's preying on his mind?  The inevitability of having to shell out money for a new lawn mower - the one he has, quit on him, again.  And his mind is exploring possibilities to somehow cobble it together - maybe long enough to get him through the summer.   Last year, he had figured out a way to keep road-worthy that clunker he drives.  And some other things, he was able to repair - little things, like a radio, an electric fryer... little things add up.  Anyway, it's 3pm, it's hot and his back is acting up again.  

Old minds focus on different things than young minds.

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