Friday, February 21, 2025

Back in the early 60s, it was common for most radio stations

to play church music until around noon.  Probably, the preaching also - but i was about 5, and didn't grow up in a Scripture-focused family.  My parents, when young, had witnessed too much pious-playacting, and wanted no parts.  Probably, the same goes with at least one, maybe two, of the three or four tv stations - which started with the 5am farm report, and ended with the late movie, that ended at around 1am; then, nothing but buzz and fuzz. 

Anyway, i was with mom, when she had run out for a Sunday paper.  Back then, a kid could safely wait in the car, while his or her parent went into the store, for the paper, a quart of milk, and a short chat with a neighbor.  Yep, different world - very.  

Somewhere, during that brief outing, the radio was playing, and for a brief moment, such beautiful music came forth from that a.m. radio.  Glorious.  

Oh, to this day, some 60+ years forward, i remember wanting to hear the lovely music, but i knew that wasn't happening.  Yep, mom, immediately changed the channel.  Oh, and i somehow knew, not to ask.  Can even remember the genre mom switched to:  rather high-voiced early motown (twaddle).  Probably, she kept the station, because it was one of two stations not playing worship music - it was probably around 8 or 9 am.

No, not a bigot.  Just sayin', some music is just plain better quality than others.  Btw, am currently listening to my favorite music - 60s music.  1260s 😀😃🙂🙃

Love it, can't get enough of it - two more cds are on the way.

Can understand why gen x, millennials, and the generation following

aren't family oriented.  Bet they've had similar thoughts, and questions.  For instance, why did a certain relative take her dad to europe, but not her mom - the parents were married to each other, and lived in the same house.  Which probably led up to a serious, if not permanent,  falling out between mother and daughter.  Just an aside, concerning the daughter - never much cared for the...snoot.

Fa-fa-faammilieees can be nasty to one another; so, it doesn't come as a surprise, if the younger generations have seen, and have heard more than enough.  Now, as adults - and free of the drama - young people want to live life on their own terms - and listen to the music they want to hear, without having to put up with other people, who can't seem to keep their yaps shut, for more than two minutes. 

Nope, one doesn't have to be a red-piller to enjoy being single.

Okay, i get it:  wanting to live life on one's own terms, is less than Biblical.  Well guess what!  These same people, most likely, had been either exposed to Scripture being routinely mocked - ("Dear Lord above, thanks for the grub" ... what th' hey...??)  Or worse...the Holy Word wrested into an awful mix of mean spirited / salvation-by-works.   Once those mental maps are etched deep (with a dull pen) it's, seriously, nothing short a miracle, for those jagged lines to be smoothed out, let alone, completely erased - so that a better route be drawn.  

By the way, it's not the pizza guy knocking at the church house door, wanting to be admitted. 

Back in the day, when $100.00 meant something, there was a family function (a.k.a. gimmee-fest) going on - where several hundreds were being tossed around, as if they were $20s.  One of the currency tossers (who poked fun at someone who gave a mere $50) was generally short when a utility or repair bill came in the box.  It's one thing to be short on cash, due to job loss, illness, and the ongoing legalized robbery (inflation), but so another when one blows their $$ upon impress parties, fancy restaurants, and vacations.  

Time to wrap this up.

It wasn't Gen X, or Millennials, who took beauty, and stamped it in the ground.  That wicked work had already been about complete by the late 1960s - when the oldest Gen X were attending Miss Marsha's Romper Room School (pre-kindergarten).

"For I have come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.  And a man's foes shall be they of his own household."  Matthew 10:35-36

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:  Not of works, lest any man should boast."  Ephesians 2:8-9

"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."  Revelation 3:20

Friday, February 7, 2025

Not pro-divorce, but a statement on YouTube did resonate.

A typical scenario.  Wifey-appliance works full-time, then comes home to work the uncompensated 2nd shift; where she is lied to, cheated upon, and cussed at - for no reason, really.  That all said, the woman doing the podcast said, that sticking it out for the children, may be an example to those kids - that it's okay to treat mothers (or other family members) like garbage.

Does not the Bible say something about casting pearls before swine?  Is it really a smart move to stick around, to get trampled - again?  Bible also says, there are people who lose sleep, when they are unable to make one, or more, person's life miserable.

Why don't preachers expound on this?  It's not like Scripture is silent.  (Just keep sending in your $$$; there's a "missions" trip coming up - somewhere nice ... where you'll never get to vi$it.)

"Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you."  Matthew 7:6

"For they sleep not, except they have done mischief; and their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fall." Proverbs 4:16

"Every day they wrest my words: all their thoughts are against me for evil."  Psalm 57:5

"Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man, thou shalt not go; Lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul."  Proverbs 22:24-25.