Friday, February 21, 2025

Back in the early 60s, it was common for most radio stations

to play church music until around noon.  Probably, the preaching also - but i was about 5, and didn't grow up in a Scripture-focused family.  My parents, when young, had witnessed too much pious-playacting, and wanted no parts.  Probably, the same goes with at least one, maybe two, of the three or four tv stations - which started with the 5am farm report, and ended with the late movie, that ended at around 1am; then, nothing but buzz and fuzz. 

Anyway, i was with mom, when she had run out for a Sunday paper.  Back then, a kid could safely wait in the car, while his or her parent went into the store, for the paper, a quart of milk, and a short chat with a neighbor.  Yep, different world - very.  

Somewhere, during that brief outing, the radio was playing, and for a brief moment, such beautiful music came forth from that a.m. radio.  Glorious.  

Oh, to this day, some 60+ years forward, i remember wanting to hear the lovely music, but i knew that wasn't happening.  Yep, mom, immediately changed the channel.  Oh, and i somehow knew, not to ask.  Can even remember the genre mom switched to:  rather high-voiced early motown (twaddle).  Probably, she kept the station, because it was one of two stations not playing worship music - it was probably around 8 or 9 am.

No, not a bigot.  Just sayin', some music is just plain better quality than others.  Btw, am currently listening to my favorite music - 60s music.  1260s 😀😃🙂🙃

Love it, can't get enough of it - two more cds are on the way.

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