well okay, "early" is stretching things a bit - and creating a new blog is hassle city.
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Batter matter. Well that's 1/2 done, the other two sticks not quite softened. So, there's time. Found the Scriptures, yay!
i wonder if "Anonymous"/"Amanda"/"pah" are the same person, but at least he or she changes his or her posts alittle bit after
Friday, October 30, 2020
Well that was creepy enough! Not sure if i want to tune in for another episode of All-Show-No-Shoeleather.
Friday, October 23, 2020
Post and comments on another blog. i don't think i'll ever get my head around the reality of wicked people
who go to church - every sunday - with the conscious intent to quietly, methodically stirr up trouble. Where i come from - a home where christian-based morality was taught us kids - wicked people were the ones drinking in smokey bars/toking weed in the parking lot. The idea of wanting to endure a 40-minute sermon and singing three or four hymns??? But that's not the half of it...! Here comes that plate - ouch!!! Any half-effective faker knows, if you're gonna game successfully, it's gonna cost some serious change.
Yep, once again, Scripture's right, the devil's subtitle. That serpentine narc of narcs sends his flying-reptilian flunkies...not so much to roost at the local juke-joint, but to the where-the-Bible-is-preached church-house. Can't get my head around it, the most wicked are the people who don't get DUIs, aren't behind on their child-support and have good jobs. The most wicked are the "religious" wicked - the ones who are all holy-Joe at church, at the food-drive, at the soccer practise...always, "Praise the Lord," bless you Brother Sam" ... all the while, inwardly laughing at the old guy (he walks funny, and stutters).
Okay, we're all different. Saved or (still) lost, we like and dislike different things. But still, cannot get my head around the very idea of going to church to play head games. But then again, not everybody is me.
Some people have gone to church all their lives; that's what you do on Sunday - if not on Wednesday too. Some people didn't grow up hearing an edgy joke or comment coming from the porch, smelling tobacco being smoked in the living room, seeing Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In on the TV, playing a card game on the kitchen table.
Per previous posts on this blog, my parents were decent people, who worked very hard, did the best they could for us kids. They just so were not into church.
So, ten years saved, and some eight years going to worship every Sunday morning, (because THAT'S a direct order) church life is still rather foreign to me - probably always will be. But the Bible says to not neglect the assembly of the saints.
Getting near time to start the 'puter and get to work.
Thursday, October 22, 2020
So glad i listened to that sermon; part of the title is, "Government Sponsored Child-Abuse." The preacher, who has a brick and mortar church
somewhere in the mid-west, was saying that kids as young as 11 or 12 are being fed pills that retard the natural process of growing. These pills are known to have side-effects, which come out later. Well, he pointed out that children haven't experienced life long enough to at least partially understand how decisions made today, can affect the child's every tomorrow, and the day after.
He pointed out there's (time-validated) reasons why 7th graders don't sign for car loans and such - never mind, a child cannot be expected to pick out a winter coat that will keep him or her warm, and made well enough to last through February.
They're kids, they've math homework to figure out - math, which by the way, stumps many adults (me included) because, we don't work with it everyday, as 7th graders do. This expecting kids to make adult decisions is nothing but theft of a boy's or a girl's personhood.
But he said something else. If 12-year old Tim decides he wants to become Tina, there's things not right been going on in that child's brief life, for some time. Well, indirectly, he certainly addressed a question i've had on my mind for awhile. Will have to get into that later. Lunch is over.
Here we go again, per a certain witchiepoo blog, "There goes that (g**d***) cheetah again..." Yep, the old has-been just had to
toss in a pet blasphemy. Of courssse she did! That's what beast spirits do. Have to sort of laugh, because the article was so (19)80s - they were high-fiving "The Chalice and the Blade." Cannot recall who wrote it, and don't really care. It was one of many rad-fem books written during that crazy decade. Had bought a copy of it back then, and like the other stacks of fembot flim-flam, it was some 250 confusing and depressing preachey pages - eh, you'll have that, when the sermon is anti-Christ.
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
The girls aren't stupid, from childhood, they've been schooled, over and over again, we all evolved from mush, and survival
of the fittest, means yer each on yer own, honey. So yeah, while fornicating (with an occasional bad-boy-bob, who happens into the joint) is sin...oh, wait a sec, no Holy God, just make it up as you go along. The girls know, solid by now, the only person they can count on, is themselves - certainly not the father of their children. So, any wonder that the population growth is like 1.2 - and even less in some parts.
Laying the blame of negative population growth to va-cas and other vanities, is at best, simplistic bubble-land mantra. Never mind, when a society is taught that Jesus Christ was just some guy who lived 2,000 years ago...uh, what's the point in even considering tomorrow, and saving, long-term, so your kids can inherit your all-paid-for house, and some cds? Hey, might as well, "grab all the gusto," (beer comm slogan) while you're young, and attractive. Might as well - to borrow a phrase from the "Who" - "...hope I die before I get old."
That message, from the late 60s or early 70s (not sure - and striving to keep clear of rock music anyway...still struggle) is chock full of evolution - says quite plainly, an old life, isn't, and would be better off, for the Collective, for aged-out people to get the ef off the planet.
The girls around the bar, they paid attention in school, and they consistently did their homework - in neatly written pages...oopps, dating myself, again ;)
Oopps, shift has started, godda roll.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Girls' night out...not just an occasional wednesday. They're buying each other a shot - followed by a diet soda, and up
there on the floor dancing with each other. Why not ;/ At 23ish, they have their own apartments, their own cars, and some discretionary income. In short, the girls are well on their way of establishing themselves - in a few years, moving out from the apartment into their own houses. Enjoying a drink, and shaking it on the dance floor with one another? Uhm, yeah! Looking around the bar - there's not many, if any, guys worth the time of day. That one over there is job-shy, and so's the clown sitting not far from him. An older guy, sitting near the corner is, again, beefing about child-support payments - bending the ear of a 30-something greasy-baseball-capped dink who still lives in his aunt Edna's basement...(yep, his mean mommy had sold the house, about two years ago, and headed to a climate where she didn't have to deal with scraping her car's windshield and snovelling show, before heading off to WORK ;/ )
One of the girls is feeling a bit sad...sure, she had known, from the get-go, that hank-harley wound be riding out within a year or so. Less than above-board concerning certain things, but doggoneit, he sure was good-looking, and he had a steady j.o.b.
By the way, it's almost funny when the red-pills gloat when hank (inevitably) rides off. Just evidences their wanting, so badly, to be hank - but that's not gonna happen, either today, much less tomorrow. (Wanted to use a certain pun, but the Holy Spirit won't let me.)
Hank is but a needs-serious-repair xerox copy of masculinity. What red-pills don't care to come to grips with is: women prefer men who are big, strong and can fix things. It's a biological thing, that try-as-it-will, baphomet-mtv has not been able to fully destroy manhood - but has sure marred it.
Monday, October 19, 2020
"...they just want to drink with their girlfriends..." Wow, if that (red-pillish) comment doesn't reek with jealousy! At another blog,
Women who choose career over children are - sad to say - smart.
Yeah, goes without saying, the loudmouthed feminists - with their horrendously butched haircuts - are annoying. But guess what! Those same women have mothers, aunts, neighbors who had done the right thing - stayed home and minded the children, kept the house tidy, made do on a shoestring, did without necessary things...ya know, like a bra to replace one of two with one that isn't all stretched out (while you-know-who buys himself a new fishing rod). Sort of thing happens all the time - anyone with ANY sense of reality, knows perfectly dern well it does.
So, some thirty years roll by, and guess what mom's or auntie's reward is, for doing the right thing? Yeppers, you guessed it! Once again, it's the spouse who keeps promises, who wants to preserve the marriage, who gets screwed.
Meanwhile the women's magazines run stories (and a whole lot of other bs...) of this and that 50-something (divorced) woman who as successfully launched a career in ... beadwork lunch-buckets? Whatever! Number one: what those abominable mags rarely - if ever - tell you is: how the lunch-buckets are selling 5 years down the road.
For the overwhelming majority of older women, finding a job that pays the insane rent (because the home, where the kids grew up, where extended family gathered for holidays and such)... Oh lovely, there isn't much room in a dinky apartment...for much of anything - even family photo albums...which now have proven to be more a shelf-hogging mockery.
Godda roll.
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Maybe 90-something? Joshua ran out to wallyworld for a machine to move that "great stone," but the passage doesn't say
anything about wagons or winches. Perhaps, that detail is given elsewhere - but, for some reason, i think Joshua 24:29 gives the full account. A "great stone." Uhm, sounds heavier than 250 pounds. How did the old man, "stricken in years," (Joshua 13:1) lift big rocks and battle - not just 2-legged desert-rats, but - full blown anakims? Btw, concerning the stone, neither does the passage mention Joshua pointing to the stone, and telling four or five young warriors to "set it up there."
Friday, October 16, 2020
If women ran the world? You godda be kidding me! If women ran things, i'd have half a mind...wouldn't we all...
to find the nearest bridge...oh, wait a sec...there wouldn't be a bridge - atleast not one safe enough to walk upon...never mind, jumping off of ;/. Yep, discontented women are still so...30-something years later. Not a pretty sight ;)
Reality is: even today, for the most part, it's MEN who do the serious brain work needed to design the bridges, and MEN who put up with the cold and the rain to maintain/repair those very same bridges. Same goes with restoring the power, during a viciously cold and windy January night.
The unthankfOOl fembot spIrit is truly astounding.
Women running things? Has anyone noticed the legions of unmarried women trying, seriously trying to raise their children? Single moms, working day and night to provide a warm home, in a safe neighborhood, so their children have the opportunity to do well in school, and grow up and obtain gainful employment.
But statistical reality indicates otherwise. Neighborhoods are becoming less safe, and children are growing into less-productive adults. The Patriarchal mindset of saving money, instead of blowing it, is about out the window.
More later, lunch is about over...ya know, that ol' Patriarchal principal - lunchbreak is x-amount of time, and then it's time to get back to work.
"Mansplaining?" That's a harpy-hissyfit, thrown against reality.
Just wanna laugh out loud at the puffed up saggy chested rage against the ultimate masculine Person who created the universe. It's no big secret that harpies hate Him, because He decided to make men the leaders. The fembot article, of course, took potshots of the author's Sunday-school days.
Uhm, i went to Sunday-school too. Still recall the statement that "all men - who are in Christ - are brothers." Well, that caused me some worry...ya know, being a girl. So, i asked the (male) teacher. He said that includes girls too. End of worry.
Some decades later, the question was raised - from something i had read (not in Scripture) that when a saved woman passes into eternity, she ceases to be a woman and becomes ... i guess, a man. Oh, i don't know, all's i know is, when Christ came back and ate lunch with some of the twelve, the ruts in his hands were still there. So, that tells me, who the Lord was - when He went back to His Father - is who the Lord is, to this day. So, still sorta out to lunch on this question, have concluded this: if being a woman only lasts while here, then i'm going to enjoy being a woman (saggy-boobed and all :) while i'm here. All's i know, from Scripture, is this: heaven is wonderful, joyful and forever (and hell is eternally the opposite).
Woah, break's over.
Just sign me, an old right-winger, who "takes no sh*t."
There's more to this rock thing. About 40 years later, when the Israelites
were soon to go down to the (flooded) Jordan and cross it, the men of each tribe were to choose a man - they were not given specifics, but they did know they'd have to fight for the land that lay across the river. So, it only makes sense that the leading men of the tribes would choose an experienced warrior - a man likely in his 40s or 50s. Btw, only Joshua and one other man was over 60 - because of that golden-calf rock-concert held some 40 years ago.
Anyway, the Lord dried up the riverbed and the people crossed. Then the specifics were given to the 12 men. Each grab a rock, carry it on your shoulder up to the campsite near the shore and lay it down. But that's not the half of it.
Next morning, the same 12 men each took up their stone and headed for Gilgal. Looking at the map, Gilgal is about two miles from the Jordan valley. In other words, not only did these men carry a 250-pound rock for about two miles, atleast some of that trip was uphill. This account is in Joshua 3 and 4.
Where this is all going is: were people stronger in ancient days? Joshua was 80ish, and still stomping canaanites. In Joshua 14:10-12, specifically states the old warrior's age of 85 years, AND he prayed to the Lord for the strength to drive out the anakims - a big and mean group, who lived on a mountain. And then Joshua gave that mountain to a brother-in-arms as an inheritance.
Ya'd think, after all that uphill trouble, battling some really vicious dudes, that Joshua would keep it for himself. Evidently not.
By the way, in Joshua 24:29, old age did finally catch up with Joshua. He was 110 when he passed into eternity. Oh wait a sec, not long before he passed, (Joshua 24:26) he "...took a great stone and set it up there..."
Per last post, my calcs were WAY off. An 18 inch block of rock weighs about 1/8th of a ton - a mere 250 pounds. But still,
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
So glad i bothered to check, a half cubic yard of stone weighs about a half ton. Had guessed 1/4th a ton. But either way, that's alot for two old guys
All show, and no shoe-leather. Oh comeon, if he really cared, marriage would have lasted, and
she wouldn't be facing a dire health condition all alone. Easier to do a video, and get hits...heels gonna be heels, i guess;/ Anyway, so sick of boomer buddistic b.s. Btw, don't know much about eastern (salvation-by-meditation) ra-lid-juns, and frankly don't care to either. Have read however, that westerns really don't have a clue what buddhism is really about. Well, it's demon worship - as with anything outside of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hey, i didn't write the Bible. ;)
As for "karma," in the east, that's just a rotten excuse to leave kids and old people to starve in the mirey gutter. Meanwhile, in Christian-based nations, we have homeless shelters, hospitals, and (compared to pagan nations) we also have clean streets. Go figure.
Yeah i know, sounds like a right-wing rant. You betcha! Btw, i actually voted - straight republican. Godda roll, shift is fixing to start.
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Before my shift starts, have time for a post. On another blog, some manospherian peewee (that's redundant) made the comment
concerning wives packing on pounds, before the marraige-cert ink has a chance to dry. First off: women tend to gain weight, some while young, others when older. Staying in shape, being the inevitable losing battle it is...but caring women still try to remain attractive to their husbands. Anyway, women - more so than men - are prone to stress-pounds. In other words, wives who must shilly-shally themselves back and forth to the office, and their children to daycare, finally get home...only to end up dealing with the second-shift of cleaning, laundry, cooking and grocery shopping. And then peewee's peeved because wifey's less than excited at 10 pm to give her wonderful lord and master his bj.
Yeah, wifey's dun copped an attitude over the past few years...you'll have that certain 70-80% (statistical PSY OPS!!!) when she's saddled with patriarchal responsibilities but none of patriarchal privilege and leisure. Being only human, should it be a major surprise, when she files the papers? because she's done!
Prior to the covid psy-ops having successfully killed workplace fellowship, last year we had a retirement party,
That entitled old broad - she actually expected her husband to continue funding
her stay-at-home lifestyle, even though the children are grown and on their own. She has alot of nerve, while her husband is at the office (be it home or on-site) she spends her days on her own terms. She, not a boss, chooses what fruits and vegetables to grow and home-can - to supplement the real meals she cooks. She decides what flowers and bushes to grow and tend in the beds around the front and back of the generous home she keeps swept and dusted. Oh, and then she, not a boss, chooses when to wash clothing, bedding, curtains and such. Having long-time considered heating costs to be insane, she cuts and stacks several cords of firewood.
Oh i don't know, maybe her husband resents her free-time, she spends like two hours a day in the Word. He wants her to work full-time. Surely, he's not expecting too much - after all, she could devote those two hours...and she's just being selfish in thinking she needs 8 hours of sleep each day, shave 3 hours off of that, and there you go, part of a full-time shift, which she could get out there, and bring home some moolah - biche!
Hey, bass boats and fishing rods ain't cheap, and it's time for an(other) upgrade.
Sunday, October 4, 2020
When Christ isn't in the picture, all options stink. Not the preacher's exact words, but almost.
Anyway, don't know what's worse, dIvorcing before the kids reach adulthood, or (hypocritically?) sticking it out until Junior graduates. Okay, so the young man's not exactly a 3.8, still he's not a total moron; looking back, he realizes that his parents had felt miserably stuck for the last 10 or so years. So, now, both pushing late 40s or early 50s, they're gray-dIvorcing - like their having waited is supposed to make Junior feel better about the entire drama? Uh, probably NNNOT!!
Okay, granted! Junior was never much in math - flunked it back in 4th grade and had to do summer-school, and nearly flunked it again in 7th grade. Still, doesn't discount the fact that Junior knows how cds work, and that they work best in a low-risk, long-term place. Come old age - when your back won't let you change out your own engine, and your feet won't let you stand in front of a cash register for 2 - 3 hours - those cds come in handy when your car quits, and your washer also around the same time property taxes are coming due.
Junior, our numbers-numbskull millennial hero hasn't quite mastered balancing his checkbook, so he pads it with money he earns doing roofing jobs here and there. In short, the checks he writes are good.
All Junior knows is, the home he grew up in is being sold. His boyhood memories were, for the most part, happy and secure. Was it all a lie? He can't help pondering that question.
Heard a christian broadcast, the preacher's message - i'm afraid - is about to plunge me back into political atheism.
Having recently been in the beginning stages of political faith, this well-informed man - who, by the way, gave up a good-paying job, because preaching the Word is so more important to him than scoring travel-toys... Anyway, as with any message - be it coming to Christ for mercy, or simply going to ginoz for a burger - some respond and some reject.
Was going to vote in next month's election, but now i have serious doubts. In a way, i sort of understand the mental and emotional heartache that (so called) ex-christians go thru. Sort of. But politics and the Lord Jesus? Gives new meaning to apples and oranges. Can ya spell, they went out from us because they never were of us?
Anyway, from the get-go upon hearing who the new appointee is, sorta knew something wasn't quite right. Btw, how comes every time ya turn around, a woman's getting the high position? Could it be, men are being discriminated against, for being men, for talking like men, dressing like men - and yikes, watching and shouting during the boxing match? Probably is rank discrimination going on, but per the message, that outrage is but a fraction of what's really going on.
Yeah, "really!" Yeah, i believe what the christian newscast/sermon (i.e., REAL NEWS, for a blessed change) because the Bible explains how wicked people operate, and how wickedness compounds.
Am fixing to get to the point, but having difficulty, because i didn't know there's a statue of John Huss, and another FOR REAL!!!!! christian getting kicked out of heaven by (jezebel posing as) Jesus's earthly mother, Mary. So, am striving to not get too upset because salvation-by-works ra-lid-juns do what they do.
Well anyway, isn't it funny that the entire Supreme Court come from / adhere to mainly two salvation-by-works ra-lid-juns. Ra-lid-juns where you BETTER tow the line, because if you even think about defending one little baby from satan's shop-vac...we got you photoshopped honey.
Yep, salvation-by-works king-pins do what they do...buncha witches.
One more btw: the preacher received a nasty comment for which he could have very well contacted an attorney. It's one thing to call somebody an idiot, but accusing someone - and having NO proof - of being a domestic abuser...yikes, can ya spell "defamation of character?"
Nah, the preacher only responded with a, "hope you get saved." There ya go, saved people take things in stride, that's what the Lord's children do.
Saturday, October 3, 2020
Ppaaartner...uh, whatever happened to husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend? Yeah, i get it...too much like gender identity.
i'm back on deer facebook again. Oh, if i could draw, i'd have a 12-point buck reading a laptop
screen (sitting on a stump) and standing nearby, his doe and their teary-eyed little one. Off in the background, granny in a long dress and combat boots is nipping away.
Anyway, while nipping away at the gnarled half-dead brush, i found another "hut." While that one wasn't as hidden as the other, in the corner - which i still, and always will, regret having even messed with in the first place - will give hut #2 some berth. Fortunately, a brother from church, who's a country boy, told me there's very likely plenty of huts in the other parcel (it's really thick over there - attempted to go for a walk some years ago, but gave up within a few yards). And there's still woods around here - tickey-tackville hasn't invaded yet.
Oh, not so, some two miles from here, some 20 acres of field, and what used to be an outdoor theater...looks like that 'el be yet another transient central - and the homeowners across the street won't know from one day to the next, what will move in. Don't mean to be snooty or harsh, but the REALITY is, people are nuts, and getting more insane...ya know, barry moving in his billy-goat. So yeah, ya spent 300k on a house, in a likewise neighborhood of reasonably stable neighbors...that's a long-term investment.
Anyway, had started the project because so many dead branches and yucky vines...depressing, too much like halloween - lost my husband 2 years ago, late October. But still, coulda left that corner alone, and just focused toward the front.
Speaking of critters, "Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female." Genesis 7:2. "There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah." Genesis 7:9.
I won't be friends with you, because you're voting for Trump? You godda be kidding me!
Oh well, teeth are going to knash, that's what they do. Yes, our current president says stuff that maybe he shouldn't - but frankly, when he pops off with comments, (concerning various jezebels, especially) he makes me chuckle ;). Really, the only issue i have with President Donald Trump is his having held that weirdo-friendly political rally - wasn't so long ago, flying that freak-flag was against the law. As a matter of fact,
my grandmother had a busy-body co-worker who ran her mouth about/at some guy in the office - said he was ... whatever the sorta-derogatory word people used back in the mid-60s. For all we know, the man may have been as a $3 bill, he threatened to sue blabbermouth - that shut her up. Yeah, he threatened to sue, because if the gossip was believed up the chain, his moving up could have been permanently halted - at worst, he could have been fired.
In those old days, even unsaved people knew that fornicators were trouble. Back then, wives would hire private detectives, if they suspected their husbands were stepping out on them. In those days, if you were caught cheating on your spouse, your divorce settlement wouldn't be much. A wife caught in an affair could even lose custody of the children.
Yeah i know, people were a buncha prudes back then. But back then, even in poor neighborhoods, kids could park their bikes on the porch and expect to ride them the next day. Old people could walk down to the corner store and not end up in the ER.
My daddy grew up during the depression. Poor? Sometimes he went to bed hungry. That's poor. He went to school, where the boys would rough-house with one another, but they didn't stab/kill each other.