she wouldn't be facing a dire health condition all alone. Easier to do a video, and get hits...heels gonna be heels, i guess;/ Anyway, so sick of boomer buddistic b.s. Btw, don't know much about eastern (salvation-by-meditation) ra-lid-juns, and frankly don't care to either. Have read however, that westerns really don't have a clue what buddhism is really about. Well, it's demon worship - as with anything outside of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hey, i didn't write the Bible. ;)
As for "karma," in the east, that's just a rotten excuse to leave kids and old people to starve in the mirey gutter. Meanwhile, in Christian-based nations, we have homeless shelters, hospitals, and (compared to pagan nations) we also have clean streets. Go figure.
Yeah i know, sounds like a right-wing rant. You betcha! Btw, i actually voted - straight republican. Godda roll, shift is fixing to start.
Karma equals prosperity gospel nonsense in Christianity, it's all about control. George Carlin got religion right. Keep voting Republican, weird, for an older woman to do that. Don't you need those Social Security checks after you get too old for your office jobs? You don't need Medicare either, so independently wealthy, you can pay thousands for surgery and medical treatments? Can you explain that one to me. I suppose some people do have a self-destructive streak.
ReplyDeleteDear Peeps, if the socialists/communists get control, the social-security check will be like any other source of income - no purchasing power. And forget about Medicare! Under socialized medicine, i'll be long in the graveyard, before there's an available doctor to treat the normally-curable medical-issue.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, i am so glad and so grateful to believe that Jesus Christ is real. It's a relief to be able to go through life, at this stage, making plans for when i won't be here anymore.