Wednesday, October 14, 2020

So glad i bothered to check, a half cubic yard of stone weighs about a half ton. Had guessed 1/4th a ton. But either way, that's alot for two old guys

to take and put under Moses, so that he could sit down, while Aaron and Hur could steady Moses'es raised arms throughout the day of that battle against the lowlife Amalekites.  Moses was 80, maybe 81 - but this incident was not long after crossing the Red Sea ("on dry ground"), and Aaron was a few  years older.  Hur, the brothers' friend was probably 70 or 80-something.  

Rolling/lifting that rock and placing it at that spot at the "top of the hill," raises questions.  Was it magnificent quartz, or humble sandstone?  Though either weighs about the same.  Since time was tight, was the stone they had taken nearby?  Was it just a little ways down the hill, like 20 feet away?   If it had been close by, on that hilltop, there'd been no reason to move it.  Bible says, "they took a stone, and put it under him."  So evidently, this in involved (quickly) finding an adequate stone that wouldn't draw on Moses'es 80-year old back, or pinch his 80-year old...   This account is found in the last half if Exodus 17.

i am almost sure today, there are men strong enough to team up and roll/lift a rock that weighs about a 1,000 pounds.  But two men  beyond the age of 70?   Back in the late 60s, there were about three men in their early 40s who were still playing football with the  Baltimore Colts, but i think they were about done.  After 40, our strength tends to fade, by 50-something, think it was a boxer, named George, who decided he'd had enough.

Lunch is over.  More later.

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