Saturday, October 3, 2020

i'm back on deer facebook again. Oh, if i could draw, i'd have a 12-point buck reading a laptop

screen (sitting on a stump) and standing nearby, his doe and their teary-eyed little one.  Off in the background, granny in a long dress and combat boots is nipping away.

Anyway, while nipping away at the gnarled half-dead brush, i found another "hut."  While that one wasn't as hidden as the other, in the corner - which i still, and always will, regret having even messed with in the first place - will give hut #2 some berth.  Fortunately, a brother from church, who's a country boy, told me there's very likely plenty of huts in the other parcel (it's really thick over there - attempted to go for a walk some years ago, but gave up within a few yards).  And there's still woods around here - tickey-tackville hasn't invaded yet.  

Oh, not so, some two miles from here, some 20 acres of field, and what used to be an outdoor theater...looks like that 'el be yet another transient central - and the homeowners across the street won't know from one day to the next, what will move in.  Don't mean to be snooty or harsh, but the REALITY is, people are nuts, and getting more insane...ya know, barry moving in his billy-goat.  So yeah, ya spent 300k on a house, in a likewise neighborhood of reasonably stable neighbors...that's a long-term investment.

Anyway, had started the project because so many dead branches and yucky vines...depressing, too much like halloween - lost my husband 2 years ago, late October.  But still, coulda left that corner alone, and just focused toward the front.

Speaking of critters, "Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female."  Genesis 7:2.  "There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark,  the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah."  Genesis 7:9.  

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