Monday, October 19, 2020

Women who choose career over children are - sad to say - smart.

Yeah, goes without saying, the loudmouthed feminists - with their horrendously butched haircuts - are annoying.  But guess what!  Those same women have mothers, aunts, neighbors who had done the right thing - stayed home and minded the children, kept the house tidy, made do on a shoestring, did without necessary things...ya know, like a bra to replace one of two with one that isn't all stretched out (while you-know-who buys himself a new fishing rod).  Sort of thing happens all the time - anyone with ANY sense of reality, knows perfectly dern well it does.

So, some thirty years roll by, and guess what mom's or auntie's reward is, for doing the right thing?  Yeppers, you guessed it!  Once again, it's the spouse who keeps promises, who wants to preserve the marriage, who gets screwed.  

Meanwhile the women's magazines run stories (and a whole lot of other bs...) of this and that 50-something (divorced) woman who as successfully launched a career in ... beadwork lunch-buckets?  Whatever!  Number one: what those abominable mags rarely - if ever - tell you is:  how the lunch-buckets are selling 5 years down the road.

For the overwhelming majority of older women, finding a job that pays the insane rent (because the home, where the kids grew up, where extended family gathered for holidays and such)...  Oh lovely, there isn't much room in a dinky apartment...for much of anything - even family photo albums...which now have proven to be more a shelf-hogging mockery.

Godda roll.


  1. Are you admitting here women get screwed over? Yeah they do. Seems like handing men all the power doesn't work. So why do you support conservatives who want the women desperate and pregnant and on their own? You want the patriarchy to rule knowing that the 45plus year old woman can be thrown to the wayside after serving as the maid and babysitter, the kids are out of the house, and it's poverty time for her. You need to rethink the rejection of feminism. Christianity offers very little for women but second class citizenship. One is only worthy if they are rich [at least middle class] and had lots of children. There's nothing in it for a childless woman. You had no children right? I can't tell on this blog. If not, you are worth ZERO to the Christians, that's how it was for me.

  2. Dear Peeps, being thrown under the bus, after years of keeping house, and keeping house well ... that drama is unfolding not far from where i live. And no, peewee, from what i understand has no time for the Lord (why is that a surprise? - the jerk doesn't even profess). Anyway, such happens in a society where the Lord's Word is either mocked, or simply ignored. Anyway, the news of this going down, gives new meaning to "there goes the neighborhood." ;/
    And you're right, i am childless - made that choice while in high school, because working full-time and mom had to do that. That's too much of a burden for one woman. It wears a person down over the years. Once again, such is home(not so)sweet home, where Christ is not invited.
