Thursday, October 22, 2020

Here we go again, per a certain witchiepoo blog, "There goes that (g**d***) cheetah again..." Yep, the old has-been just had to

toss in a pet blasphemy.  Of courssse she did!  That's what beast spirits do.  Have to sort of laugh, because the article was so (19)80s - they were high-fiving "The Chalice and the Blade."  Cannot recall who wrote it, and don't really care.  It was one of many rad-fem books written during that crazy decade.  Had bought a copy of it back then, and like the other stacks of fembot flim-flam, it was some 250 confusing and depressing preachey pages - eh, you'll have that, when the sermon is anti-Christ.


  1. the second wave is starting and in a pandemic it is usually the 2nd wave that kills the majority of people. You baby boomers are all going to die of corona-virus and finally the world will be able to make progress when you boomers are all dead

    1. I owned a book called "Control, Alt, Delete: The Thirteenth Generation" where Strauss and Howe in the 1990s, warned the Boomers would become the most religious and fascist generation, and they were right. There are some liberal boomer allies, but I wish more sociologists would study why so many boomers fell for extreme evangelical religion and trickle down politics that destroyed the lives of their children and grandchildren. I grew up with Boomers who reveled in my poverty as they owned two houses and burned tons of money up shopping it away.

  2. Dear Anonymous, there's one iddy-biddy glitch to the (tax-payer funded) "progress" you mention. As the boomers die off, and the inheritance (paid-up real estate and cds) we leave is rapidly wasted on booze, tats, fast-fashion, gambling and such, where will the (tax-funded) money come from to construct and maintain your brave new world?
    Some of us boomers are still old-school...ya know, saving for the winter coat, before buying it, and buying one. A good one...(yeah, good luck finding) that will last for the next ten winters.

    1. I am Generation X, I got a 10 year old winter coat in the closet, are you seriously telling me that boomers who have far more money saved for a coat, give me a break. It's Gen X, millennials and Gen Z[if they are out of the house] going to thrift stores, not dumping 100s of dollars for a new coat. I don't know what world you live in but it's not mine. Oh my 10 year old coat is from thrift so probably 15 years old. Boomers are going to leave an inheritance? What about all those "I am spending my inheritance" bumper stickers. Probably some are losing it because the casinos and cruises are shut down. I've never been in a casino as an adult, GEn X and below don't have the money to burn like most "conservative" boomers have.

    2. Dear Peeps, blowing money on crap (including $100 hefty-bags) is age-blind. It amazes me to have heard people, living from hand to mouth, talking about this or that va-ca they went on, and the one coming up. How do they do it? But people have different wants and needs.
      Of course, since covid hit, alot has changed...sorta hard to share a conversation, behind masks and standing six feet apart...BINGO!

  3. LOL was that my blog. Am I a witchie poo? Maybe so. :p

    Chalice and Blade was an interesting book, you should read it. The women were rightly fed up with the "pee-wees" putting so many of their kind to the stake.

    Did you vote for "grab them by the p****y" Trump? You don't have much to say against "rad-fems". You are a wannabe feminist, you complain about men here, same objections the feminist wants. Oh when Barrett forces all the young women home and barefoot and pregnant, no more jobs and no more birth control like the Duggars [you didn't have 12 kids did you] maybe you will remember some of those warnings from the feminists.....

    1. Dear Peeps, "wannabe feminist?" Well you're partially right. Just a key word missing before the phrase - "don't." And seriously doubt being the only "don't wannabe feminist" but don't wannabe naive (stupid) either.

  4. Sorry Peeps, wasn't your blog, it was on the boomer roll.

  5. Dear Peeps, decent pastors are few and far between - Jeremiah warns us about that. Well anyway, the few decent pastors preach hard against pee-wee - who refuses to cowboy up, get off his peevish little duff and get busy.
