Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Girls' night out...not just an occasional wednesday. They're buying each other a shot - followed by a diet soda, and up

there on the floor dancing with each other.  Why not  ;/   At 23ish, they have their own apartments, their own cars, and some discretionary income.  In short, the girls are well on their way of establishing themselves - in a few years, moving out from the apartment into their own houses.  Enjoying a drink, and shaking it on the dance floor with one another?  Uhm, yeah!   Looking around the bar - there's not many, if any, guys worth the time of day.  That one over there is job-shy, and so's the clown sitting not far from him.  An older guy, sitting near the corner is, again, beefing about child-support payments - bending the ear of a 30-something greasy-baseball-capped dink who still lives in his aunt Edna's basement...(yep, his mean mommy had sold the house, about two years ago, and headed to a climate where she didn't have to deal with scraping her car's windshield and snovelling show, before heading off to WORK ;/ )

One of the girls is feeling a bit sad...sure, she had known, from the get-go, that hank-harley wound be riding out within a year or so.  Less than above-board concerning certain things, but doggoneit, he sure was good-looking, and he had a steady j.o.b.  

By the way, it's almost funny when the red-pills gloat when hank (inevitably) rides off.  Just evidences their wanting, so badly, to be hank - but that's not gonna happen, either today, much less tomorrow.  (Wanted to use a certain pun, but the Holy Spirit won't let me.)

Hank is but a needs-serious-repair xerox copy of masculinity.  What red-pills don't care to come to grips with is:  women prefer men who are big, strong and can fix things.  It's a biological thing, that try-as-it-will, baphomet-mtv has not been able to fully destroy manhood - but has sure marred it.


  1. the second wave is starting and in a pandemic it is usually the 2nd wave that kills the majority of people. You baby boomers are all going to die of corona-virus and finally the world will be able to make progress when you boomers are all dead

  2. Dear Anonymous, we're all going to die, sooner or later. Reality is, going into eternity in Christ is a person's best day...without Christ, eternity is unspeakably horrible.

    1. Hell is a creation of a sociopath. ever wonder about a God so brutal he requires his own son be tortured and killed to "save" people. And what do people need "saved" from but his own setup, he created hell after all.

      Christians do think about that in a little part of their mind. The blood fest of it all bothered me even during my most fundie days but I would suppress those thoughts.

  3. All the men don't have jobs. Or the jobs are so low paying they can't support families. Oddly you support politicians and a religion that want them desperate and in poverty and with no chance of employment. I don't get that. Oh Republicans will make the world poorer too, Trump last night on debate doesn't care about jobs or little people having health care. It's tough, go rot....... The Duggar lifestyle doesn't work unless Daddy's a millionaire. Jana Duggar sitting around with no job, and now 30 and soon she will be 40, sitting there like a 12 year old.

    I still wonder you know if you are putting us all on and if this is a parody website.
