Friday, October 23, 2020

Post and comments on another blog. i don't think i'll ever get my head around the reality of wicked people

who go to church - every sunday - with the conscious intent to quietly, methodically stirr up trouble.  Where i come from - a home where christian-based morality was taught us kids - wicked people were the ones drinking in smokey bars/toking weed in the parking lot.  The idea of wanting to endure a 40-minute sermon and singing three or four hymns???  But that's not the half of it...!  Here comes that plate - ouch!!!  Any half-effective faker knows, if you're gonna game successfully, it's gonna cost some serious change.

Yep, once again, Scripture's right, the devil's subtitle.  That serpentine narc of narcs sends his flying-reptilian flunkies...not so much to roost at the local juke-joint, but to the where-the-Bible-is-preached church-house.  Can't get my head around it, the most wicked are the people who don't get DUIs, aren't behind on their child-support and have good jobs.  The most wicked are the "religious" wicked - the ones who are all holy-Joe at church, at the food-drive, at the soccer practise...always, "Praise the Lord," bless you Brother Sam" ... all the while, inwardly laughing at the old guy (he walks funny, and stutters).

Okay, we're all different.  Saved or (still) lost, we like and dislike different things.  But still, cannot get my head around the very idea of going to church to play head games.  But then again, not everybody is me.  

Some people have gone to church all their lives; that's what you do on Sunday - if not on Wednesday too.  Some people didn't grow up hearing an edgy joke or comment coming from the porch, smelling tobacco being smoked in the living room, seeing Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In on the TV, playing a card game on the kitchen table.  

Per previous posts on this blog, my parents were decent people, who worked very hard, did the best they could for us kids.  They just so were not into church.

So, ten years saved, and some eight years going to worship every Sunday morning, (because THAT'S a direct order) church life is still rather foreign to me - probably always will be.  But the Bible says to not neglect the assembly of the saints.  

Getting near time to start the 'puter and get to work.


  1. Maybe you will deconvert realizing how rotten "conservative" church people are. I watch them parade around here with no masks, they don't care that Covid is spreading. That to me tells me how narcissistic and sociopathic they truly are. There's a few nice exceptions but usually they are clinging to the rotten judgmental ones and feeling a lot of pain. So your God wants you to hang out with mean people?

    Here's an article for you, it sums up why those church people are so narcissistic.

    Hey remember that fundie blog where that writer wrote about how horrible Christians were? She deconverted. You are on the road. I deconverted realizing there was nothing holier or better. People are people, good and bad ones in all categories.

    The evangelical Christian reaction to Covid with no care for other people tells me, I was RIGHT to get out and I got out just in time. They will vote for a cruel madman and try to shove their religion down everyone's throats. You know the church people are terrible. Just like you know women are oppressed by your religion, but you haven't put the puzzle pieces together yet, you remind me of myself. LOL

  2. Dear Peeps, if i do deconvert, (even Paul the Apostle feared he'd not make it, so much for this wing-nut ;/, anyway) if i ditch the Lord, can tell you, i'll be sitting in some smokey bar-room (or speak-easy - since the health-natzis have about shut down all the juke-joints). If i decon, then all's there's left redundant old age, and so, per darwinist-doctrine, it will - in the not so distant future - behoove me to get off the planet. Because, per the (social-evolutionary gospel, the only lives that matter, are the wealthy and the young and healthy.
    You've heard the old saying about fake dollar bills, they evidence the reality of real ones.
    As for women, i'd rather be a 19th century woman born in a Christian country, than in a even-modernday muslim one.

    1. Remember all the warnings about the antichrist on that fundie blog, how do you know that time is not now? I don't go to bars, not my thing, it's not the default you know....I wish evangelicals cared about everyone's lives, looks like now they only care about wealthy and white people. I'm disabled as they do their social-darwinist gospel of spreading Covid 19 around. As for the Lord, Jesus had some decent teachings, but the empire of Christianity is man-made. The tree with the "birds in the air" is now plague ridden. LOL you probably think I forgot everything. I figure if there is a God it will pick those who wanted love, compassion and empathy not those who worshipped power brokers like Trump. I knew Trump was evil in 2016 and still believe that way.

  3. the second wave is starting and in a pandemic it is usually the 2nd wave that kills the majority of people. You baby boomers are all going to die of corona-virus and finally the world will be able to make progress when you boomers are all dead

  4. Dear Anonymous, how many other (boomer) blogs have you cut and pasted this message? As for corona, young or old, if you have other respiratory issues, yeah, you can end up really sick. But healthy old folks...meh, a few miserable days, and a few so-so ones. And then it's back to the usual yard/house work. i might be around for another thirty years, or my number might be up next week. The Lord makes that call, not the jogging-at-5am (are they nuts???)/vegan/doing-yoga yah-hoos.

  5. My parents were much like yours although they came fromr religious families. I am not a church person. I am a searcher.

  6. Dear Tabor, if there wasn't a local for-real church in my area, i'd be staying home Sunday mornings.
